Making a bonsai bonsai tree


Making a bonsai bonsai tree

Art growing small trees widely spread on needlework. Now the occupation for creating bead trees is also called "Bonsai". Correctly selecting the original material in the current color scheme, the extraordinary and peculiar miniature trees are obtained. Bonsai in this version can purchase the most original and unusual form.

We make a bonsai bonsai tree: weaving schemes

Schemes for weaving bonsai are very simple, but slightly different for each tree type separately. Consider the weaving process on the example of popular trees.

Bonsai weaving schemes, which are described below, can be used to weaving other types of trees, changing only the number of beads and wire twisting.

The amount and shape of the branches are determined individually. It is from this that the attractiveness of the finished bonsai depends.

Classic Bonsai.

Take a wire 50 cm and put on it 8 pcs. Beads, twist it 2 times in the loop. The same thing to do with the same wire before the formation of 8 kettles in one row. Form a beam of three such blanks.

Next, bundles are formed at a certain location in the branches.

Bonsai Bereza

On the wire 0.3 mm to ride 12 beads. Connect the first with the latter and twisted under the connection. Back to 1 cm and perform the second loop. As a result, it should go out the same 13 loops - 5 pieces on both sides and 3 at the top. For bonsai birch, 50 such branches are needed.

Bonsai monetary tree

We ride 5 bispers on the wire, bending it and do it back the end after 4 pcs. Next, we perform the same process with one and the second end of the wire. To form a leafle of money should be alternately riding beads ascending, and then on the contrary.

Pictures of other schemes can be viewed on the Internet.

Classic bonsai beads: essential material

Classic bonsai - a tree with an impressive barrel and green branches.

Required material:

    Green beads;

    Durable wire for twigs;

    Copper wire for the trunk;







    Tassel and acrylic paint;


For classic bonsai usually take a few shades of green, such a set is needed for mixing it on the tree. The wire for the twigs is better to take brown color, a thickness of at least 0.3 mm, and copper - 2 mm. Glue is better to take a moment, thermoclay or superchalter. Acrylic paint can be replaced with artistic. Decor can serve: Small pebbles, artificial moss or grass, shells.

Painting paint tree trunk is better than several times, applying different shades. With each layer, the bark is transformed into a natural look.

Weave the crown of beads for bonsai

The process of weaving bonsai bead starts from the crown. Step by step to do it much easier than to suffer and spend a lot of extra time.

Step-by-step ripping bonsai crown:

    Dial on whole wire 0.3 mm 8 loops, on each 8 beaded stratch;

    Twist and trim, leaving tips of 10 cm (there will be 150 pcs.);

    Twist into one bundle with three woven small (50 pcs. Total);

    Combine the top of the bonsai of 3 beams and immediately wrapped with thread;

    Bully below to attach branches of 2 bundles on one level on the sides and secure thread (first row branches);

    Go to the preparation of the branches of the second row, connecting 2 beam and wrapped with thread, then another 2 three times (you need two such branches);

    To proceed to the formation of branches of the 3rd row as the same principle, attaching 2 beam four times.

Now we collect all the branches together and form bonsai.

The crown of the tree can be weave the beads of one color or combine from several shades.

Sakura Bonsai Bead: Master Class

Sakura bonsai looks very gently and romantic. Make twigs very quickly, knowing a simpler version of a weaving scheme.

Material for Sakura Bonsai:

    Pink beads of several shades;

    Duct tape;

    Thick wire;

    Scissors and nippers;

    Wire 0.3 mm;




    PVA glue;


    Acrylic brown paint.

It is possible to paint the trunk in several colors, highlighting the bark of the cortex with a darker shade.

Sakura manufacturing lessons step by step:

    Dial on wire beads about 15 cm;

    Retreat from the edge of 10 cm and make the first shell of 7-pcs, tighten into 3 turns;

    Retreat from the first loop 1 cm and perform the second, then the following - only 17;

    Excess beads to remove and cut off the remaining wire, leaving the edge of 10 cm;

    We twist the "necklace" with each other, starting with the middle loop and bend the scheduling hinges to the head of the head (there are 20 such billets, 10 and 10 per 13.11 and 15 kettops);

    Next, from all billets we form on a branch of two 17 loops and one smaller;

    From the resulting 2-3 medium twists large branches and wind their sticky ribbon;

    Bands are divided by the thick wire on the necessary segments for the formation of the trunk, we dissolve it and twist the inner wire in the winding, leaving 5 cm from the bottom for the roots;

    We divor the plaster in the pellet and put it in the stand, placing the skeleton of the tree in the center, waiting for drying;

    We begin to attach branches to the tree skeleton from top to bottom and wind the entire trunk;

    Then to process the pneu barrel several times and on top of a tassel in 3 stages with a mixture of plaster with glue;

    Paint paint tree trunk.

In conclusion, if you wish, you can decorate the stand with pebbles or moss.

The resulting lumps in the mixture of plaster and glue can be removed unnecessary, it will add additional relief of the crust.

Azalea: Beaded Bonsai, Master Class

A set of material and tools for weaving azaleas from beads are the same as for other bonsai. Azalea woves from green leaves and flowers of pink or red shades.

Weaving leaves

    Ride a wire beads with a segment of 60 cm;

    Measure the tail of the wire 10 cm and separate one beerink, to crush it with several turns;

    On the free tail, ride 5-6 beaded stuff, and on the working measure the as much of the beads and connect both ends with a pair of turns;

    One end with beaded to crush around the free plot of one bead (the first arc will be released);

    The second arc is performed according to the same scheme by connecting the ends at the base.

It is interesting to look like a leaf with another shade of green inside.

Flower size for azaleas from beads should be a little more sheet.

Treat the amount of beads in the turns needed for weaving blanks.

Weaving flowers

    Take 15 cm wire and stripping 5 beads, it will be the central axis;

    We need separately another piece of 30 cm - working wire;

    Take a working wire, retreat 1 cm and crush the central axis under ready-made 5-biserinks below;

    Stripping on the second end of 7 beads and join several tops from above axis.

Each subsequent arc is performed in the same way, increasing each time the amount of beads for 2 things. The stamen woven very easily. It rises on a wire 15 of the beads and one edge you need to skip back bypass 3 beerins. It turns out the leg with three beads above. The number of flower petals in real life 5. They are formed around the stamens.

The color of the stamek is better to choose a tone above the flower.

Mini bonsai of beads with their own hands: Mother Class Stephago

Mini bonsai more jewelry, requiring greater attentiveness and prettiness, rather than the usual bead trees. At first glance it may seem that the tree in miniature performance requires less effort and time, but it is not. It is pretty stray and openwork beading, with which not everyone will decide to tinker. It is necessary to work absolutely the same material and tool as for those described earlier.

The bowing of the blooming bonsai is performed as follows:

    It follows from the billets of flowers of 5 beetles on the 5th loops and sheets of 7 beers on 3-peels (15 blanks will be quite enough, but it can be more);

    We form solid products in such a way that the flower is in the middle, and the petals tightly wrapped it;

    At the thick wire, we attach the blanks with legs, and on top of threads.

Blooming mini bonsai is ready, now it should be put on the foundation. We divor the plaster and water to a dense state and put our church there, not necessarily in the center. We wait until the base is dry. Now you can "deflect" the trunk of a tree in 2 receptions, and everyone should dry well. If the Krone is wishes, the paint is open.

Mini bonsai serves as a good gift as a souvenir made by hand.

Ideas for bonsai "love and wealth" from beads

The love tree is always performed in the form of one or two hearts. At the heart of the bonsai crown - a wire in the form of a heart. Love is always associated with flame and passion - it means fiery red.

Interesting ideas for bonsai "love"

    The heart can be performed in the form of two separate halves of red and white or red with blue;

    You can decorate bonsai by any flowers and bootons;

    A good combination can serve two separate hearts on a shared stand, symbolizing two souls of one whole;

    The decoration of such bonsai can be the figures of angels, fountains and swans;

    Liana - perfectly complement the romantic bonsai;

    An additional décor can serve as a bow from saturated colors satin tape.

The appropriate option for decorating bonsai love and wealth can serve the coins of Feng Shui. Options for such bonsai uyma - it can be strict performance without frills, the traditional classic or motley and luxurious with different elements of the decor.

Dilute red contrast will help silver or gold bispers.

Making a bonsai bonsai tree

Understand and feel the fascinating mood of beaded bonsai, you can see the work of famous authors. The most popular - Dmitry Beady Druid. Works in its implementation admire many professionals of this creativity. Blogs and beadwork guide contains many tips and useful information. In his work-lamps, a whole world of riddles and charming force are linked. Such products are inspired by comfort and romance.

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