Scarecrow from Pike: What you need to know before making


scarecrow pike head

Make the scarecrow - one of the excellent ways for fisherman perpetuate your trophy. Excellent for this are suitable large types of rib, for example, pike. When the cutlets or ear from catch are eaten, you can make the manufacture of stuffed from the head of this river sanitation.

Scarecrow from Pike: What you need to know before making

Any fisherman nicely boast the evidence of his success. Long to show the fishery itself will not work - it will deteriorate. You do not need to be saddened: I boldly rush the body to eat, and put the head part to put aside to the side to make it possible to make it possible. Prepare it with a sharp knife:

    Immediately after capture, very carefully remove the wobbler from the mouth. It is important not to damage the integrity of the teeth - they have rather fragile pike.

    Gills can be removed, but it is optional. How do you like.

    Feds do not need to cut.

Council. It is appropriate to do scarecrow from the head if the fish weighs at least 5 kg. Otherwise, the head will be non-stitched. The second condition - are you going to eat pike. It is not worth killing the animal for the sake of the head part.

Materials and tools for the manufacture of stuffed from the head of the fish:

Pipe preparation

    Wooden strut sticks (toothpicks, matches, chips);

    clothespins, small cardboard;

    enameled or plastic container;

    Salt in large quantities;

    old toothbrush;

    carpentry tools;

    long self;

    moisture-resistant varnish.

In the case of a pike, it is not necessary to carry out a complex process of taxidermia, such as, for example, when creating stuffed wild land animals. The priceer is more like a saline. It is only important to work with fresh fish. Do not delay the case in a long box. Any preliminary freezing will worsen the appearance of the finished copy.

Scarecrow from the head pike: work order

If you have a blank on your hands, immediately proceed to creating the product:

    For a start, come up with a shape for a whitewashing graze. Insert the struts according to your idea. As a rule, in the chutes depict the predatory expression of the muzzle. At the time of the pike attack, the mouth and the gills are widely revealed.

    Remember fins. It is better to hold them with clothespins and cardboard, since in the process of processing the sheaf can dry and decrease in size.

    Put the future scarecrow to suitable capacity. For example, in a saucepan. Upset with salt oral cavity, gills, other elements. Do not spare saline sand - the durability of stuffed depends on the quality of the salting.

    Cover the container with a lid and put in the refrigerator or on the balcony (winter).

head pike trees salt

The drying process lasts about 2 weeks. The pike will distinguish a fat mucus, which periodically needs to be considered a toothbrush under running water. After the procedure, the fish is again placed in a saucepan and fall asleep with pure salt. It will indicate the reduction of mucous discharges.

Attention! It is important to accurately calculate the moment of stopping salting. Chatting also badly affect the chucks: scales will go and crumble.

Immediately after drying, it is necessary to open the face with varnish or impregnate with a special protective agent for wood. The task is to make scarecrow-resistant moisture. Therefore, the better than the varnish, the better. After that, it will remain correctly attaching the pike:

    Make a decorative board to your taste;

    Fix the scarecrow on the chalkboard with a self-tapping screw through the vertebral bone;

    Zhabra and the mouth can be squeezed for greater expressiveness;

    If your eyes turned out to be ugly, fasten something like buttons in their place.

Council. All final work should also be carried out extremely gently. It will be hurt to spoil the product in almost the presentation.

Tips for the manufacture of stuffed with their own hands

To avoid mistakes, consider the following useful tips before starting and during the work:

Fish head on stand

Scarecrow pike

    Instead of a dry salt, you can use a concentrated saline solution.

    The bulk of the mucus is highlighted not on the surface of the muzzle, but in the mouth, between the fangs, and in the zabr area.

    The struts do not have to be wooden. You can apply any unnecessary material from balcony bins. The main thing is that it is strong enough and did not harm the appearance of the stuffed.

    To grow gill covers, apply thin strips-circles from a plastic bottle. Simply insert the material between the cutting of the gills and the torso.

More information about the procedure will tell the video. Be prepared that at first the fish will have a characteristic smell. If working in a residential room, the specific aroma of fishing will happen in it. In the refrigerator - similarly. Therefore, it is best to carry out such work in the winter in a barn, and dry fish - on the street under a canopy. As it dry out, unpleasant amber will disappear.

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