How to make a sweatshirt with macrame


How to make a sweatshirt with macrame

"What a luxurious sweater! Has themselves tied? " - "Yes, you! I bought it in the department store. " Such a dialogue is no longer relevant. What has been hidden for a long time is now not considered something shameful - Hand-Maid became the world trend, and many people with stamped factory things prefer things made by their own hands.

The indisputable advantage of Hand-Maid is, first of all, their uniqueness. Today, when globalization rose to a high level, it is hard to find something that is not from others. Another 20-30 years ago, our compatriots got things abroad, and were confident that no one would see anything like that. Today is a dress that hangs in a boutique in Europe, you can meet with us. But the dress stitched with her own hands, you will not see anymore anymore, as it will be an exclusive.

Another reason to love Hand-Maid is the positive energy of things made by their own hands. After all, things made with love and fantasy things are always more pleasant.

Therefore, we offer you a few new hand-maid ideas that will help you create fashionable and interesting things in our uniqueness.

1. Sweatshirt with Macrame

Sweatshirts, sweatshoes and Hoodies are the basic elements of the style of Athleisure, which in recent years in the trend. Why would not diversify the base with something original? For example, a sweatshirt, which will be Macrame.

How to make a sweatshirt with macrame

How to make a sweatshirt with macrame

How to make a sweatshirt with macrame

The author of this sweatshirt, made a cut on the back, and cut the strips from the cut out material, from which the macrame was subsequently sewed to the place of the cut. Macrame drawings are a lot, for every taste, and you can pick up the one you like.

How to make a sweatshirt with macrame

How to make a sweatshirt with macrame

How to make a sweatshirt with macrame

How to make a sweatshirt with macrame

As a result, it will turn out an exclusive thing in which you definitely will not be unnoticed.

How to make a sweatshirt with macrame

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