Embroidery satin ribbons for beginners


If you are a creative person and love to create unique things with your own hands, certainly try to master the embroidery of satin and silk ribbons.

A bit of history

For the first time, decorative embroidery with silk ribbons gained popularity in France in the 21st century, when a detailed and elegant finish of rich clothes were in fashion. Silk ribbons were usually fitted in the form of flowers and ruffles. Although it was known to be an antique era.

Recently, the embroidery with silk ribbons again became loved. And it is not surprising, because it has so many benefits! It is performed much faster than other types of embroidery, does not require high accuracy. In addition, the embroidery of silk ribbons can be called truly artistic work, as it implies complete freedom of fantasy.

Embroidery technique

Embroidery technique with ribbons is quite simple.

Method number 1.

Ribbons are inhabited in needles with a big ear and embroidered on the fabric as ordinary threads.

Method number 2.

Ribbons are placed in the form of sockets, bows and other shapes and sewed with tissue for embroidery or for sewing.


1. Silk ribbons are well combined with glittering merserized x / b or silk threads for embroidery, as well as with beads, beads, sparkles, rhinestones. Litters or beads can be embroidered not only on fabric, but also on the ribbons themselves.

2. Embroidery with silk ribbons will perfectly complement any patchwork work or help combine different fabrics in one product.

You will need:

• The cloth

• Ribbons

• Frame for embroidery or hoop

• Embroidery scissors and for cutting fabric

• Thrust

• Circul

• Simple pencil

• Markers

• Portnovsky chalk

• Rhunt

• Triangle

• Measuring tape

• Devices for translation Motive on fabric

• Threads and sewing needles

• Fabric adhesive tape

• Candle or lighter

• At the request of beads, beads or other decorative materials

Choose a fabric

For embroidery with ribbons you can take any dense fabric: Moir, velvet, silk taffet, felt, jersey, cotton, flax, canvas. For thinner and lung tapes, it is better to take a thinner fabric. Gentle transparent fabrics, such as silk, tulle or chiffon, before embroidery should be strengthened with gasket. The most important rule when choosing a fabric - it must keep the embroidery well.

Choose needles

Embroidery satin ribbons for beginners

The needle's ear must be larger: long and wide - so that it can be easily retained to ribbon. Such a needle will make a large hole in the tissue in order for the silk tape when removing it through the material is not damaged.

Choose needles from corkscale, tapestry, quilt, knitwear needles, wool embroidery needles or beads. There are also special sets of needles for embroidery with silk ribbons.

Ribbons for embroidery

Embroidery satin ribbons for beginners

Silk ribbons for embroidery can be of different widths and density. Only those ribbons are suitable for embroidery, which are easily bent and wrapped on the right form.

Ribbons can be made of silk, organza or polyester. It is interesting to embroidery from velvet tapes, from lace braid. You can also make the original embroidery from the nanent bands from different tissues, with a fantasy using their colorful prints or structure. At the same time, the sections of the fabric can not burn and do not coach, but on the contrary, to last a short bachrom. But still traditionally embroidered with silk ribbons of different widths and colors.

Main Terms of Work with Ribbons

1. Narrow ribbons that are easily inhabited in the eyelet needles, use to perform traditional embroidery stitches. Wider ribbons can also be hurried in the needle by folding them in half, three times or four times, but most often out of them are made outlets: they will sit on one edge, and then sewn to the tissue with threads to sewing suitable color.

2. Do not work with too long silk ribbons. The optimal length is 35-50 cm. Cut the embroidery ribbons with special embroidery scissors. So that the sections do not appear, slightly burn them on the flame candles or lighters.

3. On accountable tissues, such as canvas or strym, it is better to embroider with polyester satin ribbons, and it is necessary to take into account that these tapes are rather tough, do not fit soft folds and do not form petals causing the impression of tenderness and airiness

4. An interesting effect can be achieved if you add several elements embroidered with knitted ribbons in the embroidery of silk ribbons, or tape yarn. Initially, such ribbons were designed for knitting, but now they use in embroidery. The ribbon yarn is sold in the tangles, its assortment also has a melange and sectional painted yarn, including with the addition of metal threads.

Tip: For embroidery on dense materials (denim, leather or sheepskin) or very wide ribbons, you will need a seer for piercing holes. They can also be made by holes with acute ends of small scissors.

Fabric Motive Translation

Method number 1.

Translate the motive first on the floor sheet, then laying a tracing on the front of the fabric for embroidery and flash on the lines of the motive with mertic stitches, delete traction.

Method number 2.

Draw on fabric or translate the motif on the fabric with a marker with an endungeneled paint, a portno small or simple pencil.

Fastening the beginning and end of silk tape on the wrong side

Embroidery satin ribbons for beginners

In order to start the embroidery, you can make a neat nodule at the end of the silk tape. However, it is preferable to avoid nodules that can cause the appearance of ugly "tubercles" on the front side of the embroidery. The "tail" of the silk tape on the involving side of the embroidery can be held the tip of the finger until it is fixed by several initial stitches. The tape tip can also be fixed with a pair of secret stitches with threads for sewing suitable color, without piercing the needle on the front side of the embroidery.

Embroidery satin ribbons for beginners

To complete the motive, output the end of the tape on the wrong side of the embroidery and skip it in several stitches on the involving side, without piercing the tape, or neatly, without piercing the needle on the front side, make one straight stitch at the end of the silk tape or extended by the wrong side of the tape . The tape tip can also be as well as at the beginning of the embroidery of the motive, secure a pair of secret stitches with threads for sewing a suitable color, without piercing the needle on the front side of the embroidery.

Main stitches

When you can perform a few stitches with silk ribbons, you can already embroider motifs on clothes and even paintings.

Chinese nodes

This stitch is performed to fill the core of the sockets, as well as for the middle of the colors with embroidered silk ribbons with petals. In addition, with this stitch, you can create interesting pictures. The Chinese nodule resembles a stitch with a nodule with simple threads, but it turns out more rounded and volumetric.

Embroidery satin ribbons for beginners

Display the needle with a silk ribbon at a specific point. Then put the loop around the needle and enter the needle with a ribbon into the cloth in the middle of the loop next to the output point of the needle with a ribbon on the front side, output the needle with a ribbon on the wrong side and tighten the knot.

Double Chinese nodule

Embroidery satin ribbons for beginners

For several centimeters to the point of output of the ribbon on the front side of the embroidery to fold the tape several times "accordion", spend the needle with a ribbon through this "accordion" and only after that, laying a loop, as described above, enter the needle into the fabric in the middle of the loop near the output location Needles with ribbon on the front side.

Embroidery satin ribbons for beginners

In complete, tighten the nodules, but less strongly than usual. For colors with large petals, when in the middle you want to make only one nodule, this is the easiest way.

Right stitch

The rigorous stitch is most famous and most often used in embroidery with silk ribbons, especially when performing leaves and petals. Stitch is performed in several ways. His difference from other direct stitches is that the external ends of the petal are bent or repaired upwards and inside. We will show this on the example of a classic flower embroidered with rigible stitches.

Step 1

Embroidery satin ribbons for beginners

Draw on the tissue circle (oval or any other geometric shape) and put the center point - we have a circle center. In the needle to ingue the silk tape. If the height of the needle's ear needle is less than the width of the tape, fold the tape in half and make it sharply cut down in the eye, carefully pulling the entire tape completely. Do not forget to trim the end of the tape of the male!

Step 2.

Embroidery satin ribbons for beginners

Out up the needle with a ribbon with an invalid on the front side in the center of the circle. Spend a silk ribbon face up to the circumference line, spread beautifully folds at the output point of the ribbon on the front side - in this place the tape should be more or less deployed or concave. A needle with silk ribbon Connect the edges of the ribbon by about 5-10 mm further line of the circle - depending on how the convex you want to see your petal. Cut the needle with a ribbon from the wrong side to the front side of one edge and then from the front side to the wrong side of the other edge.

Step 3.

Embroidery satin ribbons for beginners

When you bring the ribbon through the edges of the tape, you will get a nodule at the end of the petal. Now wrap the end of the petal and ribbon up and on the petal. The petal itself should remain convex. Enter the needle in the ribbon on the circle line from the top of the petal on the wrong side of the embroidery.

Step 4.

Embroidery satin ribbons for beginners

Display the needle with a ribbon with a facial out of the wrong side and tighten the nodule - you have turned out to be a convex at the base and wrapped up and inward the petal.

Step 5.

Embroidery satin ribbons for beginners

We will fly with a rigible stitch in a different way: output the needle with a ribbon on the front side in the center of the circle, spend the tape to the circumference line and go beyond the circumference line by about 5 mm, twist the tape as shown in the photo. Then enter the needle with a ribbon through several layers of the twisted tape and simultaneously display the needle with a ribbon through the top side of the petal on the wrong side of the embroidery.

Embroidery satin ribbons for beginners

Carefully tighten the withdrawn tape and gently straighten the top ends of the petal. So you got a petal, convex at the base and with the edges swirling inward.


Embroidery satin ribbons for beginners

You can twist the ribbon as around the finger ...

Embroidery satin ribbons for beginners

... so around the wooden stick, pencil and other suitable items.

Step 6.

Embroidery satin ribbons for beginners

Another way to embroider the petal with a rigible stitch: Display the tape in the center point and put it face up towards the circumference. Complete the end of the tape up and then on the tape so that the fold is turned out, and enter the needle with a ribbon from the wrong side of the folding ribbon in this fold ...

Embroidery satin ribbons for beginners

... and then into the cloth embroidery. You will also get a petal embroidered with a rignery stitch.

Tambour stitch right

Embroidery satin ribbons for beginners

With this stitch, you can embroider both large and small leaves, as well as petals from narrow or wide ribbons. Its execution we will show on the example of a flower embroidered from narrow silk ribbons of two colors. Such flowers can be embroider from ribbons of different widths, and embroider with such stitch easily and quickly.

Step 1

Embroidery satin ribbons for beginners

Draw a circle, put a point in the center and divide the circle into several segments so that the flower petals are uniformly located.

Step 2.

Embroidery satin ribbons for beginners

Display the needle with a tape at the central point from the wrong side to the front, and then at the same point, enter the needle with a ribbon with the face on the wrong side, while leave on the front side of the embroidery loop, approximately equal to the circle radius.

Step 3.

Embroidery satin ribbons for beginners

Now output the needle with a ribbon with an invalid on the front side exactly on the circle line.

Step 4.

Embroidery satin ribbons for beginners

Grind the needle with ribbon inside the loop and pull the loop so that it lay down in the form of a petal from the center to the circumference line. Do not pull the loop too much, especially if you embroider with wide ribbons.

Step 5.

Embroidery satin ribbons for beginners

Now enter the needle with a ribbon with the front on the wrong side at the point of its output on the front side on the circle line - as shown in the photo. At the same time, the needle with a ribbon loop captures a loop from the ribbon, made earlier and stretched out of the center of the circle.

Step 6.

Display the needle with a ribbon on the wrong side and tighten the second, short loop on the circle line. The dragging loop will be almost not visible, but if you embroider a wider ribbon, it forms a marked nodule at the end of the resulting petal. Putting a petal tape beautifully.

Step 7.

Now print the needle with a ribbon with an invalible on the front side again at the point of the center and repeat the above tambour stitch away.

Step 8.

Embroidery satin ribbons for beginners
Embroidery 8 petals, we will change the color of the ribbon and will embroider the petals of a tambour stitch. Fruit beige ribbon over blue.

For the training pattern, we took ribbons that differ from each other in color. But if you use ribbons of close shades, then as a result you can get a beautiful flower with a brighter top, that is, to depict the transition from the shade to the light.

Tip: When executing a cam stitch, try to always put the loop ribbons so that the embroidery fabric is not visible between them.


Embroidery satin ribbons for beginners

Outlets make from gentle transparent or click ribbons any width and length. The wider and the longer there will be a tape, the more diameter and the rosette will turn out.

Step 1

Embroidery satin ribbons for beginners

Cut the tape with a radius and wet one of her long side very close to the edge of the straight stitches of the middle length threads for sewing suitable color. Tensioning the scoring thread: the stronger you pull the thread, the stringener there is a socket.

Step 2.

Excellence the bezed end of the tape and start launching the tape on the cloth along the width of the spiral, ranging from the center.

Embroidery satin ribbons for beginners

What will already be the distance between the lines of the spiral of the seamant sealing ribbon, the stringener will be the rosette. You can set a rosette in the form of a circle, that is, in one row or put on each other two sockets composed of one row, from ribbons of different colors, with some displacement relative to each other (no more than 2-3 mm). Non-straight stitches, do not worry if the threads are visible - you will close the middle of the rosette with decorative elements.

Step 3.

Embroidery satin ribbons for beginners

At the end of the stuffing of the socket on the fabric, hide the other end of the ribbon under the already squeezed ribbon by exposing it to the end.

Tape socket

Embroidery satin ribbons for beginners

A socket from a narrow tape is made in a similar way, and it often looks more elegantly and makes embroidery more elegant.

Embroidery satin ribbons for beginners

We guessed this tape very much and sewed it to the tissue on the helix in a radius of a few millimeters.

Step 4.

Embroidery satin ribbons for beginners

Now it remains only to fill in the middle of the outlet: on a scarlet rosette from a wide ribbon, we embroidered the nodules with a pale pink narrow ribbon, and an oblong black beads sewed inside the purple rosette.


1. Do not pull the ribbons too tight.

2. For embroidery on top clothes, do not use the stitches in the form of loops - they will cling to the surrounding items, embroidery will be easily damaged.

3. Tapes tend to twisted during operation, so you must ensure that they lay on the surface of the fabric face up.

Caring for embroidery

Never iron the embroidery with silk ribbons! Give it into dry cleaning. Best of all after the head of the edges, pull the embroidery into the frame with glass - so the tapes will not fade. Do not exhibit embroidery under the sun rays.

For storage, embroidery is best twisted into a roll (do not fold it - then you will not be able to smoke jammed folds).

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