Pretty unusual idea of ​​using old hats


Perhaps all things with time either wear out or go out of fashion, or just stop us like it. However, each thing can be given a second life, and sometimes quite unusual. It would seem that you can make from the old hat?

Pretty unusual idea of ​​using old hats

And it can be turned into a very interesting kashpo or pot.

Pretty unusual idea of ​​using old hats

You will need:

  • cap;
  • cement;
  • PVA glue;
  • paints;
  • acrylic lacquer

Choosing and preparing the caps, prepare the solution for work. For him, we take 1 l of water, 2-3 tbsp. l. PVA glue and 1 kg of cement, mix everything. In the assumed solution, we lower the cap, let her be good to soak. Then press the cap slightly and put on any form, for example, the bottom of the 5-liter bottle.

Pretty unusual idea of ​​using old hats

If the cap is a major mating, then in this case it is better to use the framework that will remain in the finished product. As a frame, you can use a plastic pot, so you can diversify the form. Also, if desired, you can increase a bit, and at the same time and decorate the future pot of Ryushami. To do this, simply also wet the fabric in a cement solution and we have a top pot.

Pretty unusual idea of ​​using old hats

All billets leave to be dried about a day. Then we prepare the solution for external strengthening of the pots: 0.5 liters of water and 2 tbsp. l. PVA glue. To strengthen the pots from the inside, use a solution of 0.5 liters of water, 2 tbsp. l. PVA glue and 2-3 tbsp. l. cement. When the strengthening dries, cover the pots of acrylic varnish, let it dry.

Pretty unusual idea of ​​using old hats

In principle, the pots are ready, now they remained only to paint, although it is not at all necessary!

Pretty unusual idea of ​​using old hats

The main color pot can be slightly toned with another, contrasting color.

Pretty unusual idea of ​​using old hats

Pretty unusual idea of ​​using old hats

And below you can see a detailed video about how to turn the old hat into a wonderful flower pot.

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