What can be made of old kapron tights


What can be made of old kapron tights

Each girl has several tights that are already unsuitable for use. Hurry to throw them out. Since Kapron is a durable wear-resistant canvas, it can serve as a basis for different crafts. Depending on the manufacturing material, there are several options that can be made of old tights - from household devices to decorative figures. Each hostess independently decides exactly how to use the used stockings, pushing out personal preferences.

Preparatory stage

Regardless of how old kapron tights are used, they must be pre-prepared for work. The first thing the thing needs to be wrapped, and this also applies to those tights that were just lying in the closet for a long time. This will not only help clean the product from dust and small contamination, but give the fabric a pleasant fragrance.

The second stage - it is necessary to inspect stockings for the presence of holes and tightening. Problem areas need to cut, since for most crafts you need a whole cloth. But for some options, the product is also suitable for the product that is already slapped, for example, in the manufacture of a cover for a broom. It should be borne in mind that in everyday life you can find the use of stockings of different shades, not only bodily or black, but also color.

There are no restrictions in density, tights of different thicknesses are suitable for the manufacture of useful crafts.

What can be made of old kapron tights
Before starting work, the tights must be wrapped and dried

Aromatic Sasha.

In almost every apartment, there is a specific unpleasant odor from time to time, to combat special aerosols and fresheners. Alternatively, you can make small sachets, which are laid down on the cabinets, bedside tables, shelves. Capron is the most suitable material for such pads, since it does not interfere with the circulation of air. All you want to do is sew small piles from old tights (on a typewriter or manually) and put herbs in them, the smell of which likes the most. In addition, it is possible to use a lemon or orange zest. Finished pads need to be decomposed on the shelves, and soon unpleasant odors will disappear.

With the help of such Sasha, you can make a flavored bath. The bag with crusts should be lowered into hot water, in a couple of minutes the room will be filled with an extraordinary aroma. Essential oils located in the zest, housing the skin with nutritional trace elements.

What can be made of old kapron tights

Vase decoration

Sliced ​​part of tights without holes and fumes is a great base for decorating VAZ. From them you can make an openwork case or bulk decorations that give glass elegant and unusual appearance. To work, the vase itself will be needed, old stockings, acrylic glue, scissors and double-sided tape.

    First of all, you need to cut off part of tights. In size, it should be slightly more than the vase itself.

    At the top and bottom of the subject, stick the bilateral sticky tape.

    Now pull the clipped stocking on the bowl, get the top edge inside.

    After fasten the bottom and top edge, removing the tape.

    On the inside of the vase, apply acrylic glue, press the tights to it.

After the makeup is dry, the vase can use and put flowers into it. The advantage of acrylic glue is that it is not afraid of water. By a similar algorithm you can decorate the lamp shade for a lamp, giving the product an unusual attractive look.

Capron stretched on a vase can be additionally decorated with rhinestones, sequins, beaded, paint paint, tinted with ribbons.

What can be made of old kapron tights

What can be made of old kapron tights

What can be made of old kapron tights

What can be made of old kapron tights

What can be made of old kapron tights

What can be made of old kapron tights

What can be made of old kapron tights

What can be made of old kapron tights

What can be made of old kapron tights

What can be made of old kapron tights

What can be made of old kapron tights

Artificial flowers

Flowers from kapron tights are fascinated and able to become a real decoration of the apartment. The work is quite paintaking, requires accuracy, but the final result is worth the time spent and forces. To make flowers from old headproof tights, besides the product itself, it will take wire, corrugated paper, threads, gouache, beads.

    First of all, it is required to make the basis of the leaves using a wire. Next, cover them with a trap, fix the canvas and paint green paint. In the leaves and other parts of the flower necessarily need to leave a tail from the wire.

    After a similar scheme, petals are made. They can be painted by any color: red, yellow, purple.

    Next make stamens - beads are planted at the end of a small piece of wire.

When all parts are ready, proceed to the collection of flower. To do this, you need to fix all the elements with the help of thread and transparent scotch. At the end, straighten the petals and put the flower on the stem from the wire. What to do and how to apply them further depends on the imagination of the needlewoman.

What can be made of old kapron tights

What can be made of old kapron tights

What can be made of old kapron tights

What can be made of old kapron tights

What can be made of old kapron tights

One of the non-standard options, how old tights use - make an unusual filter for pictures. All that will need to work is the stockings themselves, a photo frame without glass, tape or glue.

    On the frame it is necessary to pull tights. Try to make sure that the canvas is distributed evenly, otherwise the pictures will be obtained in inhomogeneous.

    Next, consolidate the Capron with a tape or glue. Fixation is carried out from all sides.

After the composition completely dries, the device is ready to use. During photographing in front of the lens you need to put a filter made. A snapshot made using such a device will be unusual and foggy. At the same time, the effect will change in mind that at what distance from the lens is the filter. If you experiment, you can get very unusual photos.

What can be made of old kapron tights

Practical use

The use of old tights in everyday life can be the most diverse. If the product has broken or children stopped wearing such a thing, it is not worth a hurry to send to the trash can. Here are the most popular options that can be done with old pantyhose:

    Hair rubber bands. After cutting, the dense kapron is twisted, but it does not appear. If you cut the tights with rings, there will be excellent hair gums. Since they have no metal fasteners, they will not injure hair.

    Storage of vegetables. Old tights can be filled with apples, bulbs, garlic or other products. Since the material is transparent, the hostess will immediately be visible, which lies in the grid. Thus, the product will retain its freshness for a long time.

    Cover for broom. The handle fully needs to be covered with a bypass stocking, leaving only a mess. So the adaptation will last much longer, does not touch.

    Filter for vacuum cleaner. If the beads crumble, the tube of the vacuum cleaner needs to wrap the stocking and turn it on the minimum mode. All beads will remain on the grid, after which it can be carefully gathered.

    Sucker. Make such a toy for a child from pantyhotes will not be difficult. It is necessary to sew pieces among themselves, fix the resulting cloth to the frame with a handle or wire.

    Napkin for polishing furniture. The grid carefully cleans the surface and removes the dirt, and does not spoil furniture. Such a cloth is better made from old baby pantyhose.

    Mesh for painting eggs for Easter. Eggs need to be wrapped in the Kapron and fix the thread. After cooking in the onion husk or paint, they will get an unusual openwork pattern.

From old tights you can do anything. For example, pupae or other figures. Also, they are often used in flower growing - put a pot on the bottom to prevent the soil rash.

What can be made of old kapron tights
Hair rubber bands

What can be made of old kapron tights
Mesh for painting eggs

What can be made of old kapron tights
Filter for vacuum cleaner

What can be made of old kapron tights
Storage of vegetables

What can be made of old kapron tights
Cover for broom

Yarn from old kapron tights

Stockings that are unsuitable for socks can be chopped and used for knitting. Since the thread will turn out to be volumetric, work will go quickly and will not cause difficulties. To make a full-fledged yarn, you need to do the following:

    Crop the top and socks of the product, as they do not need. The remaining canvas are cut on 2 cm wide rings.

    The first detail you just need to put on the surface and leave as it is.

    The second strip must be wrapped around the ring, it's one end to other and tighten to the other.

    As a result, the "eight" with a nodule in the center.

Thus, it is necessary to connect all the details, resulting in an incredibly durable and elastic thread. Alternatively, you can make the yarn, cutting the spiral tights. Such work is long and time-consuming, but in the end it turns out a one-piece thread without nodes. Yarn from tights most often used to create mats.

What can be made of old kapron tights

What can be made of old kapron tights

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