Jeans. How old is the usual model to make bright, fashionable and interesting


Jeans. How is the old ordinary model to make bright, fashionable and interesting? - Tips for staining jeans:

Jeans. How is the old ordinary model to make bright, fashionable and interesting?

The denim jacket has long been a classic wardrobe object of every girl. Regardless of the preferred style, the jeans can always look appropriate. If you think that your model is outdated or just want to update it, we will help you breathe new life into it and make a thing really unique

Strace jeans

If your denim jacket is too dark, and you would like to fire it, you will need a plastic container, bleach, disposable gloves and stationery, depending on exactly how you want to breathe your jeans.

Fill the capacitance with a mixture of bleach and warm water in a 1: 4 ratio, put on the gloves and fully immerse the jacket into the solution for 5 minutes. If you are satisfied with the resulting color, rinse the jeans from the residues of the bleach in clean water and place the jacket into the washing machine. If you want a lighter color, check the jacket every 5 minutes until you get the desired color.

Jeans. How is the old ordinary model to make bright, fashionable and interesting? - Strike jeans.

Jeans. How is the old ordinary model to make bright, fashionable and interesting? - Strike jeans.
Tips for staining jeans:

- In order to get the effect of embedded fabric before you mark the jeans into the water, wrap it with stationery rubber bands. After the procedure, remove the gum using scissors.

- Optionally, you can evil the sleeves or part of the jacket separately.

- After the clarification procedure, you can paint the jacket in any other color. On light fabric, paint will take much easier.

Jeans. How is the old ordinary model to make bright, fashionable and interesting? - Tips for staining jeans:

Redid old jeans: decorate

Rivets can be an excellent solution to update your denim jacket. Whatever you prefer, flat or spikes, you will need pliers, fabric marker and measuring tape.

The first thing you need to do is point to point out the location of your future decor. Then place the studs and gently push the cloth. From the reverse side, bend all the teeth to the center and inspect the result. If you are satisfied with the resulting image, start the teeth towards down.

figure class="figure" itemscope itemtype=""> Redid old jeans: decorate

Pearl beads will look more feminine and sophisticated. You can do it all over the perimeter of jeans or more locally. Use a thin thread and make sure that in the second case, make stitches close enough to each other and, at the same time, do not make them tight.

figure class="figure" itemscope itemtype=""> Redid old jeans: decorate

Redid old jeans: decorate
Redid old jeans: decorate
Redid old jeans: decorate

Redid old jeans: decorate
We change the concept

If you crave cardinal changes, why not change the sleeves? Use any nice tissue for you or even soft skin. Cut the sleeves to your jacket, fold the cloth twice and circle the sleeve with a marker for fabric. Cut on the contour and scratch the resulting sleeve on the edge. Remove the jacket inside out and earn a new sleeve. Repeat the action with another sleeve.

Jeans. How is the old ordinary model to make bright, fashionable and interesting? - Change the concept
Jeans. How is the old ordinary model to make bright, fashionable and interesting? - Change the concept
Jeans. How is the old ordinary model to make bright, fashionable and interesting? - Change the concept

And however, maybe you do not need sleeves. Denim vests too in trend!

Enter fabric, cling the brooches and badges, stick the flowers and sew the fringe! Be fashionable and let your things become your reflection.

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