Making Mobile Phone Charging Holder


Making Mobile Phone Charging Holder

Making Mobile Phone Charging Holder

The idea of ​​making a holder for charging a mobile phone arose at work when passing by a colleague cluck to the wire from charging the mobile phone and he collapsed to the floor. Running on the Internet, I found a rather original idea of ​​creating a holder do it yourself From a simple plastic bottle.

We need a plastic bottle of 1.5 liters, marker and scissors. From one plastic bottle, with the correct markup, you can immediately make 2 holder for a mobile phone.

Making Mobile Phone Charging Holder

So let's start making. To begin with, we need to post the marker to our cut slicing. This line should be like in, it should have 2 vertices and 2 depressions and it must symmetrically climb. The marker is better to take alcohol, it does not erase on a plastic bottle, and the wrong line can be removed with alcohol-containing liquid. For example, alcohol napkins for office equipment are suitable.

Making Mobile Phone Charging Holder

Now on the marked line gently cut out. It's not scary if the first resh is curved, then it can be entrusted by cutting around the entire perimeter. It still will have to do to give the product a more beautiful view. We first take the top of the bottle, the one with the neck and cut out to those until it turns out as a photo. In conclusion, cut out inside a round hole.

Making Mobile Phone Charging Holder

Similarly, we do with the second part of the plastic bottle. And after some efforts, we have 2 holders for a cell phone made with your own hands from a simple plastic bottle.

Making Mobile Phone Charging Holder

As you can see that the thing needs in the farm can be made from the fact that we usually throw out, for example, from plastic bottles. Looked on the Internet, a huge number of people turned simple plastic bottles into amazing crafts, some of them are just stunned by their beauty.

Making Mobile Phone Charging Holder

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