Popular crocheted bags

Learning to knit bag

For some reason, the opinion was that knitted things were rushed into the past. But fashion is gradually returning. And today, knitted bags, crochet or knitting needles, have become hardly the main accessory of women of all ages. Famous brands with pleasure include them in their collections, and needlewomen are reserved by schemes in the hope of creating an exclusive accessory independently. It is not so difficult to do this, but that the product is really high-quality, a number of nuances must be observed.

Advantages and disadvantages

Modern knitted hook bag can be worn anywhere: on the beach or market, to the store for products, for a walk around the city or picnic, university, theater or cinema. Depending on the purpose allocate:

  • Casual and evening models;
  • hook bags for shopping;
  • backpacks;
  • Beach options.

Among the unconditional advantages, you can note the durability and strength of accessories - with constant use, the handbag will come into disrepair only in a few years. The cost of an independently manufactured product is low. The knitted hook bag is quite simple, because any scheme, even if it is found in a Japanese or Italian magazine, reads the same. It is possible that a hit-up model with patterns suitable for the evening outfit, make it only an experienced master, but the usual beach bag, shopper or waiver will be able to connect those who saw the hook only a few times in their lives. You can more always find visual videos, Tips how to make a knitted bag with your own hands.

Such hand Made products look attractive and original, they can rightly be called fashionable. But there is a knitted model and disadvantages. The main minus lies in the difficulties of cleaning. Such a bag requires a full washing, remove dirt or stain, just rubbed the surface with a damp cloth, as it happens with leather products, it will not be possible here. In addition, the knitted product over time has the property to "sit down", slightly changing their sizes.

In bad weather with such a handcraft, it is unlikely to go to walk - the yarn will immediately get into the shape, will lose the shape and becomes incredibly severe.

Accessories do it yourself

Bright accessory

Bag design

Bright colors


Hook bags, crocheted, differ in their appearance, size, color, shape, and manufacturing material. Stripping from the type of yarn used during mating, accessories are divided into 4 main varieties: ribbon, knitted, pomponny and fantasy.


Little handbags crochet look original. The product from the tapes attracts attention and can be used as an accessory that complements the evening dress. That's just for everyday socks such a model is unlikely to suit.


  • It looks extraordinary and stylish;
  • perfectly combined with festive outfits;
  • for a long time;
  • It has a low cost.

Bags, knitting or crocheted with ribbons, require proper care. They are not erased by typewriter, do not press. Otherwise, the product will lose its attractive appearance - this is the main disadvantage.

Ribbon yarn



Knitted beach bag with crochet most often produced from knitted yarn. Threads can be bought in specialized stores, they provide for different lengths, color, texture. The accessory is tight, so the finished things do not imagine.


  • unusual appearance;
  • Ease of use;
  • big size;
  • the speed of manufacture;
  • Minimum price.

In inexperienced craftsmen, in the manufacture of knitted bags, there may be difficulties - threads are slightly stretched when used, which makes it difficult to knit handbags with a crochet. Yes, and tools 7-9 sizes are not easy to adapt.

The bottom for the handbag does not knit, but they buy separately - the simple canvas will quickly drive, and the accessory will lose the form.




The pomponic handbag looks extraordinary and attracts attention. But it is rather a children's or adolescent version of the accessory - adult women are unlikely to be able to enter it into their everyday appearance. The main plus of the pomponic handbag is its original appearance. Of the disadvantages - the complexity of execution, not every newcomer, the task will be able to force, as well as the inconvenience of washing, drying the finished product.

Pomponny yarn

Volumetric fantasy

Yarn with an unusual texture that includes additives from sequins, Lurex, glass, beads, allows you to create no less original bags. Before you knit with a bag with knitting or crochet, it is worth choosing a suitable technique. The choice is wide - from face alternate to Azhura, the only thing - weave the bag stands on the principle of broaching decorative elements from the front side, otherwise during operation the surface of the product will irritate the skin.

Pluses of a fantasy handbag:

  • exclusivity and elegacity;
  • the ability to implement the most incredible ideas during the manufacture;
  • relatively small cost of the finished product.

Of course, financial costs will depend on the selected models and schemes of bags knitted, the quality of manufacturing materials. At Hand-Maid fairs, stylish copies sell from 50-70 thousand rubles. To create such an accessory, not only the hook is used, the bag is also knitted by the knitting needles - the scheme for beginners will disassemble in the process from A to Ya.



Stylish accessory

Material options

The most practical material for knitted bags is the knitwear. Motkey or bobbins are produced, the length can reach 200 meters. Knitted tapes inexpensive, look quite simple - the associated accessory, rather, is suitable for everyday socks.

Cotton threads are different in diameter: from 0.2 to 3 centimeters. There are flat options, like a ribbon and in the form of shoelaces. The second is immersed substantially easier, the product is softer to the touch, it is slightly stretched. A small hook of cotton thread hook has a mass gain:

  • simplicity;
  • Multifunctionality;
  • The convenience of washing and drying;
  • Low cost.

The only nuance - cotton fades over time. If we have an accessory in the summer to the beach, then by the end of the season, its color will noticeably sweep.

Jute bags fit perfectly into the Kazhal style. They are unusual and original. At the same time, the crochet bag is simple, the starting craftsman can easily repeat the pattern. But the harness thread costs more knitted and cotton.

Fastille is a very bulk thread. The handbags are obtained by unique, while creating a stylish accessory in just a few hours. Deciding for the manufacture of a shell accessory, you should pay attention to the nuances of the washing of the finished product.

Cotton threads

Knitted threads

Paxtila yarn

Jute threads

Form and size

Before you start knitting, it is important to determine the size. Crochet-bound belt, suitable for a walk. Thread for her should take a thin, but durable, hook up to 3 millimeters. With the evening outfit, a knitted handbag is amazing. This option is suitable for velor thread or macrame, thin linen, hook up to 2.5 millimeters. But for the beach or picnic it is better to give preference to a massive product, which is welded clothes, bedspread, headdress. Cotton threads are used, tools 6-7 millimeters and more.

Fashion forms:

  • over the shoulder - from 30 x 40 cm;
  • Avoska - from 35 x 35 cm;
  • Shopper - from 40 x 40 cm;
  • Beach - from 40 x 45 cm;
  • Evening - up to 25 x 30 cm;
  • trapezoidal - any sizes;
  • Round - from 10 cm in diameter.

Of course, dimensions may vary. The appearance of the product is limited only by the fantasy of the needlewoman and its skills. If the knitting of the beach bag does not take much time, the manufacture of a circular model will require adhesion.

Knitted Avoska
String bag

Shopper bag

Trapezoidal bag

Bag beach

Bag round

Evening bag

Shoulder bag

Fittings and finishing

If the product is massive, much weighs, it is worth choosing a strong fitness. Handles can be raised immediately by making a whole bag. But they also sew them, glued, attached rings, which is particularly suitable for oversized models.

It is worth understanding that the bag with a crochet is a stylish accessory in itself. It will be perfectly looked and without additional decoration. But if for the beach or shopping walks this option is suitable, then with evening dress or an elegant suit will look boring and even "poor."

Additionally used:

  • Pens from transparent plastic, strengthening the product;
  • internal frames that ensure the maintenance of form;
  • Metal top, acting as a beautiful fastener for the safety of things;
  • Wooden knobs-slopes that are attached with hooks, latches, loops.

Use lightning, buttons, buckles - variations choose the needlewoman itself. Great accessories from wood, metal, beads. Accessories from ribbons can be decorated with broots, embroidery, beads, glass.

Handmade bag

Bag round shape


Idea decor

How to tie yourself

Hook bag - easy to perform an accessory that can be made independently for 1-3 days. It will be necessary to take a hook, identical to the size of the yarn if you want to get a dense product, a thicker tool is selected for the avoska and the shopper.


The beach bag of knitted yarn crochet, the knitting scheme of which is presented below, is characterized by functionality and attracts attention to its unique design. And the manufacturing process does not take much time. The width of the model will be 39.5 cm, the height is 33.5 cm.

Supports such materials and tools:

  • Hook number 5.5 mm;
  • Knitted yarn (approximately 200 g).

Scheme and description of the beach bag, knitted:

  1. To stick the chain - 21 loops, hereinafter - a fail.
  2. Add in each second row from the beginning: 1 time 4 loops, 1 time 3, 2 times 1 - to 39 loops.
  3. Take the bottom. Stretch the loop on the wrong way. Till the bottom of the rounding loops.
  4. PS to lie 45 VP.
  5. For rounding, add 1 time 1 loop from the second row, each 6 - 3 times 1 loop.
  6. The handle is made from the chain of 9 VP, closed in a ring associated with a spiral spiral.

The scheme and the description of the bag with a crochet from the motifs are freely available. Difficulty at novice craftsmen causes a knitting basis. If it is difficult to understand how to bind the bottom of the bag, you can see numerous videos.

The first number of the future product

We unscrew the bottom of the bag

Bottom bags

Knit hook bag

Bag is practically ready

Use a thread of another color

Tearing the handles

Ready product


Before tiping a handbag, beginners should be as well as necessary. You will need:

  • Hook 5 mm;
  • 2 mischievous yarn.

Knitting scheme:

  • bottom: 14, 28, 42, 56, 74, 84, 98, 112 loops, fails;
  • side: 8 VP - 44 cm;
  • Top: 112 loops.

Pens make immediately. For three or four rows to the end, 15 loops are left open. In the next step, air loops are gaining instead of them - 20 pieces for small handles, from 35 - for long.

The bag-shopper bound by a crochet must be dense, so it is necessary to do it from a burning thread. Handles are not attached, but tied immediately.

Beginning of work

Knit a bottom of the future bag

Pattern on the bag

All rows are unscrewed

Bag with pattern

String bag

How to tie a handbag - a hook - a common question. Of course, novice craftsmen can be afraid of the abundance of options. In fact, the schemes and description of the bags-Avosk crochet are repeated, and it is enough to understand the algorithm to knit.

Material and tools:

  • Hook 5 mm;
  • Yarn to choose from.

Step-by-step master class:

  1. 6 VP, close them in the ring.
  2. 11 PBN and close.
  3. Next - 2 loops of the previous row (it turns out a total of 22).
  4. 3 Circle - multiplication of 2 steps, 1 ss.
  5. By the same algorithm to close 4 row.
  6. 5 Circle - Chain 6, 1 SS in 4 PBN.
  7. Connect 8 loops, transition, repetition.
  8. The remaining rows knit until the desired size (first the volcast will be flat, but after 10-12 cm starts to collect).
  9. The handles are made by strapping loops by columns without a nakid.

It is better to take a dense yarn that is resistant to mechanical damage. Hook bags, made of high-quality material, will serve much further. In addition, they will get stronger and will withstand a large load.

Start knitting a hook bag

When knitting, loops and columns are used

Aerial loops

Revolutionage of the pattern of the crash

Length of the product

Handles bags

String bag


Schemes and patterns of hook bags It is impossible to read, not knowing conditional designations. Main:

  • p. - loop;
  • VP - air loop;
  • PP - semi-solitary;
  • SBS - a column without Nakid;
  • CH - a column with Nakud;
  • CC - connecting column.

In addition to the letter notation, pictures are often used, especially in the diagrams presented. Each needlewoman has its own, formed by experience, knitting features. Some perform the pattern of the tight, others are more free in tightening the threads. Therefore, it turns out that one bag of 45 loops horizontally is equal to 30 centimeters, and in the other - 35.

If it is fundamentally, it is worth paying attention to the indicated characteristics of knitting density. Especially this rule concerns products running from different thread textures. For example, the bottom is made by a solid burning with a seal, and the sidewalls are usual.

The mating density is checked by an experimental way: 10 loops are gaining and 10 columns are made.


Tips for care

The bags made with our own hands is undesirable to wash in a typewriter, even if there is a delicate mode. The fact is that the products will lose the form and can fad, stretch. Use a purely manual washing method. A warm water is gaining in a basin (up to 55 degrees), they make a light soap solution or use children's washing powder. The knitted product is geracted carefully, it is impossible to rub it.

To give a bag of fresh fragrance when ringed into the water, a droplet of essential oil is added.

Press the terry towel so that the thing does not lose the form. First you need to put a bag on a clean surface with a cloth - it will absorb water. When the main part of the liquid is stalking, you can get into the product with conventional towels. It is difficult to fully remove moisture, but at least 80% of water should leave.

Drying is necessarily carried out on a horizontal surface at room temperature. It is not worth putting products from knitted, linen or cotton threads dried under direct sunlight - this will not only lead to burnout, but also make a knitted thing fragile.

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