Testoplasty (mucosolka or biocheramics) - a fascinating kind of needlework


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The recipes describe the volume proportions of the ingredients. The most commonly used such a simple recipe that is used for simple models - without thin parts and complex work.

200 g = (1 cup) flour

200 g = (0.5 cup) salts (shallow, not stone).

125 ml of water

Please note that the salt is heavier flour, so by weight they are the same, and in terms of volumes, it takes about two times less.

For thin embossed figures, add to the choice:

15-20 g (tablespoon) plow adhesive or

Starch (tablespoon)

Glue for wallpaper (pre-stirred it with a small amount of water).

Strong dough for large products:

200 g of flour

400 g Soli.

125 ml of water.

Dough for thin work:

300 g of flour

200 g Sololi.

4 tbsp. Glycerin (can be purchased at the pharmacy)

2 tbsp. Adhesive for simple wallpaper + 125-150 ml of water to pre-mix.

For the knead, it is better to use a mixer - it will simplify the task, and the dough will get better.

Pictures on request Testoplasty (Mukosolka or Bioceramics)

Testoplasty (mucosolka or biocheramics) - a fascinating kind of needlework
Testoplasty (mucosolka or biocheramics) - a fascinating kind of needlework
Testoplasty (mucosolka or biocheramics) - a fascinating kind of needlework
Testoplasty (mucosolka or biocheramics) - a fascinating kind of needlework
Testoplasty (mucosolka or biocheramics) - a fascinating kind of needlework

The origins of this type of creativity are rooted deep into the history of our culture. The same kolobok is an excellent artistic example of a salt dough product.

Pictures on request Testoplasty (Mukosolka or Bioceramics)

Work with dough for everyone. Surely you at home there is a handful of flour! In addition, the dough is much plastic than gypsum and rigidly plasticine.

Pictures on request Testoplasty (Mukosolka or Bioceramics)

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