You are in vain throwing silica gel!


You are in vain throwing silica gel!

Silica gel can often be found in boxes with new shoes, in handbags and even clothes. Usually people who do not pay much attention to them, without regrets, send strange bags in trash, sometimes not even knowing their true purpose. But in fact, silica gel is a very useful substance that saves things from excess moisture. And in everyday life he is able to help even one, but a whole list of problems.

1. Rzavchine give a fight!

You are in vain throwing silica gel!

In the garage or in the house there is often increased humidity, and this is a direct threat to all metallic subjects. If you put a packet of bags with silica gel in the toolbox, you can easily prevent the appearance of rust. The substance will absorb excess moisture and will help protect the tools from damage.

2. Cat will be pleased

You are in vain throwing silica gel!

Sometimes it is really difficult to keep the products with dry in apartments where there is quite increased humidity. Food for pets - no exception. It is best to keep dry food in a constant form so that it does not lose its calorie and vitial value. You can make it the most simple way to place the feed in a sealed container with several silica gel sachets. They can be put right on top of the food or gluing the cover to the bottom side.

3. Durable razors

You are in vain throwing silica gel!

It often happens that the razors quickly deteriorate and rust due to high humidity. Excess moisture in the bathroom is difficult to remove. However, the problem still has a solution - several Silica gel sachets will save the situation. You just need to put a razor machine on packing with silica gel at a time when you do not use it. The package absorbs excessive moisture and condensate than it contributes to the extension of the service life of the razor.

4. Reliable protection for electrical appliances

You are in vain throwing silica gel!

Putting a bag with a silica gel in a place where electronics with lens or screen is stored, you can avoid problems with breakdowns. The technique is especially sensitive to moisture and condensate, therefore the use of material absorbent moisture can become a similarity of cheap insurance from unwanted damage.

Silica gel is a gel dried in production. It is made of oversaturated solutions of silicon acids and is used as a solid sorbent. In the manufacture of some grades of silica gel, special color indicators of humidity can be applied - these are substances that can change their color when changing the degree of absorbity. For example, in an unchanged state of silica gel has a dark blue color, and after it absorbs a lot of moisture becomes light pink.

5. Freshness at every step

You are in vain throwing silica gel!

It is worth putting several bags with gel to the bottom of the sports bag. They will help to absorb moisture and unpleasant odor from training clothes and shoes. As a result, the bag will always be fresh, and things will always be dry and neat.

6. Phone recovery

You are in vain throwing silica gel!

If an excessive moisture hit the smartphone housing, you need to dry it as soon as possible. Pretty popular method with rice, according to which you need to put the phone in the barn at night and thus save it from breakage. Effective lifehak, but it also has a disadvantage - rice consists not only from whole granules, but also their dust, which stands out for friction, so it can score into all open holes of the phone. To avoid this, you can use an alternative tool of drying - silica gel.

7. Caring for decorations

You are in vain throwing silica gel!

If you put a couple of gel packs in a jewelry box, then you can prevent silver and gold dullness. Especially from the operation of excess moisture, silver suffers, which immediately darkens and loses its presentable view and beauty. Therefore, it is often possible with long-term storage of jewelry, when you finally want to wear them, you have to clean and wash them first, and only then use it for its intended purpose. With silica gel, such spending time can be avoided.

8. Safe Storage Tablets

You are in vain throwing silica gel!

If you store vitamins, medicines and other tablets in the bathroom, be sure to put a package with silica gel into each box so that the drugs remain dry. The bathroom is almost always increased humidity, which poorly affects the integrity of drugs, their structure and useful qualities. Even a small humidity can lead to premature sputtering tablets or their ineffectiveness.

9. Storage of paper

You are in vain throwing silica gel!

If the house has a special box, in which important documents are stored, memorable photos and postcards, it is necessary to send a pair of Silica gel bags for their safety. The substance will help maintain them dry and unchanged for many years. The same Council concerns and storing books on the shelves - Silica gel will help to avoid the yellowing of the pages and the purchase of unpleasant smell paper.

10. Windshield in perfect condition

You are in vain throwing silica gel!

Puting several packages with silica gel right on the car dashboard, you can avoid bad visibility problems. Packets will absorb part of excess moisture during bad weather, and the windshield will be less fisted.

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