Picture on the door or how to shock the whole entrance


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All people are ready without tired of decorating their own home or apartment, but the common areas, all these entrances and stairs usually remain outside our attention. Not our and all!

And if all does our? Here is an answer to this question proposed by a creative person.

Of course, you can infinitely ask questions like "why", "for whom", "who needs it" or "where the workers are looking for the housing workers," well, but still suggest to consider everything in details.

Sumumbrum master class - Picture on the door or how to shock the whole entrance

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The average staircase in the Russian new building is not the most beautiful place, it is all a well-known fact =) and it's good that most of us do not spend a lot of time =) But I, unfortunately, there is a bad habit (smoking) and I often have to go out on staircase. Agree that it is rather sad to contemplate every day:

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Of course, it would be best to quit smoking, but I still work on it =) And while I work on it, nothing bothers me at the same time to decorate the door from the stairs - where no one sees her, except for the same unfortunate smokers and Concierge, which periodically comes fitting the floor. Right? =)

As can be seen in the first picture, for a start, I cut off the knife of the folds of paint and other incomprehensible bulges on the door. In the ideal, it would be necessary to take advantage of the skirt, but I would just not have enough strength, neither patience . Therefore, I decided to go to another way - to do the door is not smooth, but shroud and textured =)

The simplest thing is that it came to my head - take the textured wallpaper.

Wide wallpapers for painting, which are now in stores a huge selection is the best option for the door. You will not have any problems with the joints, the paint can be chosen any shade and not stinking, in general, I advise. I personally suffered with a conventional paper roll. Well, it happened =)

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* unscrew the handle, glue

Bubbles initially - this is normal. Then, as wallpaper drying, bubbles disappear:

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After the wallpaper was dried, all the bubbles disappeared and I was convinced that everything was glued tightly, I stuck with a paint scotch with glass and painted all the black paint. Just in case, I left a note for the neighbors, and myself went to engage in the main thing, while the paint dries - the picture for the door!

So, as I did - never do =)) I printed a picture on the home printer parts - on four sheets A4 =)) But I personally wanted to draw on it from above (the picture is originally mine) - it disguised the joints. In addition, my picture itself was like this - the textured, so easily and pleasantly sleeping =)

But I would advise the way easier - go to the nearest photo sealing and order a color printing of any pictures you like on A2 format. I have a house next to the house within 300 rubles. Naturally, it is not a print on canvas, but printing on ordinary paper. The picture can then be covered with a transparent varnish for a tree, pre-sticking on a dense Watman - what I did:

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When the lacquer in the picture is dry, I stuck it on the door and started following the next stage - I decided to emphasize the texture of the wallpaper:

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To do this, I needed a wet rag and bronze paint. The rag in every way, so that there were many folds on it, we take a rag in such a crumpled form in your hand and gently smear paint (not thick), and then we pass on the door with light patters. It turns out as in the photo above. I intently slightly "climbed" on the picture. I then refined it a little more paints and lachdil again.

While all this dries, you can do another important decorative element - the picture needs a frame! For the door to the entrance, I bought a cheap foam such plinth:

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From the reverse side, I painted the edges of the plinth in advance, because when the "baguette" will be glued to the surface, climb the side with a brush and crossed these places is clearly not very convenient.

The greatest morok here is that it is necessary to cut the edges of each element of our "frame" exactly under 45 degrees. If at home there is no special corner, you can fold the paper sheet as shown in the photo above - here is your desired angle. Try to observe it as much as possible, otherwise, when you stick your frame, in the corners (in the joints of the joints) there will be huge slots.

I want to warn if suddenly someone knows - this material (such as foam or polyurethane foam) does not withstand any paints and adhesives - only water-based paints (acrylic) and special glue (similar to a thick white putty). On the fourth photography, it can be seen like paint from the canister of the plinth - remained "charred" corner =))

So, the foam flaps turned into a frame for the painting:

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The gaps in the corners I pushed the same special glue on which the frame was glued. Then I crushed the corners of the dark paint separately - a thin brush. And then, crushed the rest of the rest.

The final stage - to keep the frame. I did it as well as with a wet mint rag and acrylic bronze paint:

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In the picture, I also added some gold, something corrected in it and once again heard. I covered the same lacquer and the framework (this varnish does not corrode the foam). Voila:

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Here is now I have a door (overlooking the garbage chute) =)

For those who have not seen - once again show the original picture, which advocated me to make the door to artistically:

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* This is a gouache and pastel, small format - A4

Showing a photo of the door in the daylight - so it looks much more "calmer" and is already glittered less (I took the semi-wave lacquer, it is already drying and all surfaces have become such shiny):

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Who was interested in the reaction of the neighbors - just today, a neighbor from one conquer, I saw a note through the glass "Caution, painted" (which I left there on any firefighter). And in the afternoon she found me smoking there and expressed her approval =)) I was surprised how it was so I managed to artistically, it was not even noticing the door to artistically, that no one noticed anything =)) Neighbor's friend also expressed her approval and even photographed this work . Now waiting for the reaction of the concierge ...

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