How to protect your rights in the store? 10 useful tips


Sometimes such a routine case, as a trip to the store, can turn into a conflict or even a violation of your rights. For example, you accidentally taped a stand with glass bottles and broke one or more of them. Does sellers or managers come correctly if in this case make you pay the spoiled product?

1. If you spoiled the goods

How to protect your rights in the store? 10 useful tips

Until you paid for the purchase, the products belong to the store. Employees are obliged to have goods in accordance with the adopted standards. So, the distance between the shelves should not be less than 1.4 m. Therefore, putting a pyramid from fragile bottles in the center of the hall or rubbed the floors, shops carry certain risks.

To require compensation for damage for caused damage, only if you did it intentionally. True, this store still has to prove in court.

2. If you are forced to leave a bag in the storage chamber

How to protect your rights in the store? 10 useful tips

According to the law, shops do not have the right to demand from buyers to visit trading rooms without personal belongings. And even more so to prohibit the input if you do not agree to leave the bags in the storage chamber. Explain the guard that his actions are illegal, and if the understanding cannot be achieved, invite to the dialogue manager of the trading hall.

3. If something happened to your personal items in the storage chamber

How to protect your rights in the store? 10 useful tips

If you still decided to leave things in the storage chamber, feel free to ignore the sign that the store is not responsible for them. Administration is obliged to compensate the cost of your property in the event of its loss or damage.

4. If you are not allowed from the wheelchair

How to protect your rights in the store? 10 useful tips

No one has the right to ban you entrance with a pram to any objects of social infrastructure, transportation and shops. If the guard insists on the opposite, you have the right to claim an alternative vehicle for your child, and even on the testimony of his sterility. It is unlikely that any store will become so bother. If you did not even let you, feel free to contact Rospotrebnadzor.

5. If the guard wants to inspect your things

How to protect your rights in the store? 10 useful tips

The guards of the trading point are not law enforcement officers and are not authorized to conduct inspections. Therefore, you can offer to wait for the police. If it came to this, the search is carried out only in the presence of the protocol understandable and with the preparation of the protocol.

6. If you purchased low-quality goods

How to protect your rights in the store? 10 useful tips

Do not rush to throw a check before the products brought home. If you discovered the packaging and realized that the goods were spoiled or he has expired, you have the right to exchange products or return money.

If you learned that the product was poor-quality, already after it is used, that is, they poisoned, according to the law, you must not just return the money, but also pay for the costs of treatment.

7. If at the checkout refused to take a major bill

How to protect your rights in the store? 10 useful tips

You are asked to give the amount without surrender, otherwise they are sent to exchange a large bill in the neighboring stall? It is illegal. Looking for a less dignity banknote, you can exclusively at your request. Dispose of you in the right of shopping Store staff are not right. Ensure cashiers with small bills is required by the director of the store. You can safely contact him in the event of an unpleasant situation.

8. If the price of the shelf and on the checkout differ

How to protect your rights in the store? 10 useful tips

You took the desired goods from the shelves, brought on the box office and heard from the seller: "Sorry, the cost of another, did not have time to change the price tag," and even they didn't say anything at all, they simply struck the goods at a different price - what to do in such a situation? Talk with the administrator of the trading hall and insist on the purchase at the price that is indicated in the trading room.

The fact is that by placing the figure on the price tag, the store encloses a public offer with the buyer. This obliges it to provide reliable information and sell the goods at the specified price. If you are not going to meet, take a picture of the price tag and a check with the date of purchase. After that, write a statement to Rospotrebnadzor, who will finish the store.

9. If you saw an overdue goods

How to protect your rights in the store? 10 useful tips

Choosing yogurt, did you see the product expired? Call the seller or administrator of the trading hall. Their obligations include monitoring freshness of products. However, we are all people, and some of the jars may accidentally stay on the shelf, although her time came out. In this case, require the delay to remove with you.

If employees refuse or do not want to communicate with you, you can take a photo of a stupid product, write a violation in the book of complaints and suggestions (this document is to be in each store), specifying your contact details. Or call the hot line of Rospotrebnadzor.

10. If you notice a disadvantaged price tag

How to protect your rights in the store? 10 useful tips

Sometimes store employees overlap price tags and sometimes make it so virtuoso that we find a forgery only at home. In this situation, the law is working again, which obliges to provide the consumer with reliable information. Carry the purchase back to the store and require the return of money. And contact everything in the same Rospotrebnadzor, which will punish the intruder.

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