Slaves without seams: master class


Slaves without seams: master class

Despite the simplicity of knitting these tracks, it turned out quite difficult to fit all the information in a short article, but everything is described in detail in a free master class. All smooth loops!

Calculations are given for yarn Drops Nord and similar in the midst of (50g = 170m). In my density of knitting up to 43, it is enough for 1 meka 50 g. I knitting the track on the hints of 2.5 mm, but very tight.

My knitting density: 10 x 10 cm = 36 loops x 48 rows.

If you knit more freely, you can take smaller knitting needles or knit on a smaller number of loops.

Next, in the text knitting tracks, it is considered on the example of such sizes: 36-39 - all the numbers for these sizes are shown in pink color.40-43 - all the numbers for these sizes are shown in green. If you understand the principle of knitting tracks, it's not difficult to make calculations for the desired size in accordance with its knitting density.

We begin knitting tracks without seams from the heel.

We recruit the required number of loops on one needle (I type 30/34 loops for 36-39 / 40-43 sizes, respectively).

Heel wall. Knit the heel wall by turning rows:

Pouring rows: 1st loop removed not accused. All loops of a number, except for the last, knit posanced. The last loop of the row is facial.

Facial rows: 1st loop removed not accused. 1 facial, 1 facial removed not accused (thread at work). We repeat to the end of the row. The last loop of the row is in charge. On the edge of the heel wall, the pigtail is formed from the edge loops. The number of rows of the heel wall is equal to the number of loops in the row (I knit 30/34 rows).

Rotate your heel. Those who have never knit the horseshoe's heel, it will be easier to understand the principle of her knitting, looking at Youtube video on the request of the "heel-horseshoe".

Knitting the heel turns start from the facial row. Conditionally divided the loops on the spoke on three approximately equal parts (in the lateral parts, the number of loops should be even). For example, if on the product of 30/34 loops, we divide this: 10-10-10 / 12-10-12. Knit facial loops first side and central, without taking 3 loops from it. We make a burning with a slope to the left, and then insert the next loop face.

For example, if on the product of 30/34 loops, knit front 10/12 + 7 loops, sloping with a slope to the left, 1 facial. On the left needle 10/12 loops left.

Deploy knitting. 1 The loop is removed not accused, then knit the invalid loops until 10/12 + 3 loops remain on the left needle. We are in charge of 2 irons together, and then another wrong loop. 10/12 loops left on the left needle.

Deploy knitting. It is clearly seen that the hinges on the needle shared on 3 parts. Next, you can not count the loops. 1 loop removed non-stick, then knit facial loops, without taking 1 loop to break. We carry out a slope with a slope to the left, knit 1 facial. 8/10 loops left on the left needle.

Deploy knitting. 1 loop removed non-accumulated, knit off the hint, without taking 1 loop to break. We are in charge of 2 irons together, then 1 insoluble. 8/10 loops left on the left needle.

Deploy knitting. We continue to knit by analogy, while all the loops with the side parts do not switch to the central part. After completing the tightness of the turn of the heel on the knitting should remain 18/20 loops. At the moment we are at the end of the involvement series.

Deploy knitting. Slip 1 series of facial loops.

Raising loops from the edge of the heel of the heel of whirlpools without seams.

Raise 15/17 loops from the edge of the heel wall

Deploy knitting. One loop is removed not accused. I knit off the lifted loops and hinges turn the heel (for convenience you can distribute the loops by 2 knitting needles). We deploy knitting and raise 15/17 loops from the edge of the heel wall on the other side (see video - "). Total on the spokes of 48/54 loops.

Stop tracks without seams. After lifting the loops, knit the foot by turning rows of facial stroke. Facial rows: 1 loop removed non-stayed, all loops of a row knit facial, the last loop is an invalible. Pouring rows: 1 loop removed non-accumulated, all loops of a row knit off, the last loop is facial.

I knit 22/30 rows (I got about 5.5 / 7 cm). You can make tracks more open, thus carrying a larger number of rows. Now we need to close knitting in the circle. To obtain a rounded cutout make an increase.

Facial rows: 1 loop with not accused, we make an increase from the broach, knit the facial all loops of the row, except for the last, we make an increase from the broach, the last loop of the row knitting the invalid.

Pouring rows: 1 loop removed non-accumulated, all loops of a row knit off, the last loop is facial. Take these actions 4/5 times. On the spokes of 56/64 loops.

Circuit around. We have 1 series facial and distribution of hinges for 4 knitting needles. On the last knitting needle, they insert the last loop face, and then pick up 4/4 air loops and closer to knitting in the circle. On the spokes of 60/68 loops. We distribute the loops symmetrically for 4 spokes (15/17 loops). Next, knit a foot in a circle of facial loops before the moment you need to start up to the upbutters.

Approximate foot length for each size (at the time of the start of the subsoil):

36-37 Size = 18-19 cm

38-39 Size = 19-20 cm

40-41 size = 20-21 cm

42-43 size = 21-22 cm

Thoughts. We once again check that on all the spokes an equal number of loops.

Slaves without seams: master class

I'm starting a recess from the 2nd knitting needles. Spokes №2 and №4: 1 facial, 1 grade with a slope to the left, the remaining loops on the needle - facial. Spokes number 1 and №3: knit the facial all loops, except for the top three, rolling with inclination to the right, 1 facial. Then 2 rows knit simply facial. Then 1 row with rougops, 1 row without lifting. We repeat so 3 times. Next, we make the accumulation in each row until 5/6 loops remain on each needle.

We carry the loops from the knitting needles No. 1 on the knitting number 4; from the spokes number 3 - on the knitting number 2. Now all hinges are divided into 2 spokes (10/12 loops). We close the thoughts knitted seam (you can watch the video on YouTube).

Processing the edge of the tracks without seams.

In order for the tracks well on the legs and looked neatly, it is necessary to tie the edge. I use the look of the strapping of the crochet "Radi Step" in two threads - so the edge is well holding the form. When I bind the heel, I capture the loops through one, thereby "tightening" the edge, so that the souls are not slipped from the leg. Without the rest of the perimeter (except for the heel), we exciting each loop.

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