How to make a self-made battery from supercapacitors type 12V / 100A


How to make a self-made battery from supercapacitors type 12V / 100A

Supercondressor or as it is also called the ionistor - this is a kind of capacitor of greater tank. Such a drive is qualitatively different from most domestic batteries. If you wish, you can make an excellent battery for 12V, which can be subsequently used in the farm with the most different devices.

It is done from such things. / Photo:

It is done from such things.

The battery of 12V supercapacitors is qualitatively different in a number of parameters from conventional batteries. Such an aggregate is not afraid of the discharge "in zero", it can carry a lot more charging cycles, and also not afraid of critical overloads with electric shock.

This is how the scheme looks like. / Photo:

This is how the scheme looks like.

In order to make such a device, you will need 8 supercapacitors, a copper wire, two nuts with bolts. From the tools, it will be mandatory to be crucial, tweezers and a soldering iron. Accordingly, it will be needed flux and solder.

You need to straighten and clean. / Photo:

You need to straighten and clean.

We make a counter-parallel battery. This means that we will have 4 pairs of two parallel batteries. These will turn on sequentially. As a similar system is arranged in general, you can see in the picture.

You need to make such things. / Photo:

You need to make such things.

At the first stage, it is necessary to take a lacquered copper wire, straighten it and clean it from varnish. You can use the operation with a knife. After that, the wire bends into the connecting elements. You just need to make two squares and two poles. A nut is necessarily welded to each pole. The corners of the squares in turn should "strike".

It is fastened in this way. / Photo:

It is fastened in this way.

At the second stage, the battery is collected by the method of welding the corners to ionistors. It is very important to do this without confusing polarity. After collecting all groups, weld to the structure of the pole. Now you can charge a current of 5 A. in five minutes the battery will be fully charged.

That's what happens. / Photo:

That's what happens.


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