Woman turned an old departmental apartment in a paradise corner


In 1985, many dreamed of getting a new apartment in this departmental house. The apartment that will be discussed in our current article, got a wealthy family. The owners immediately made in a new house with a great repair and Even stacked parquet!

That's just something like it did not go according to plan. When in 2018 the apartment bought a future hostess, the former luxury accommodation is already more than a decade Standing empty . Only memory remained from the repair union. But the new owner of the apartment turned out to be a very decisive woman!

Woman turned an old departmental apartment in a paradise corner

At first sight Everything was fine in the house. That's just the hostess quickly discovered that the parquet was completely concerned, the walls breathed on the incense, and the wiring and pipes needed to be urgently changed!

Woman turned an old departmental apartment in a paradise corner

Woman turned an old departmental apartment in a paradise corner

Of course, the old style was supposed to go to the landfill along with the disheveled furniture. As you can see, the apartment seemed before Too gloomy And almost to the ceiling with all sorts of trash. The woman wanted to get a bright, spacious home.

Woman turned an old departmental apartment in a paradise corner

Repair turned out to be difficult. Pipe I had to change the whole and completely Having enlisted with the help of neighbors from below. Fortunately, only the attic was located above the future paradise corner, and there it turned out to deal with things quickly and troubledly. "I even can't imagine what we would do, be over we have a couple of residential floors," the owner's owner is more complicated.

Woman turned an old departmental apartment in a paradise corner

From the bathroom in the process of repairing stone on the stone was left, I had to do everything from scratch. Instead of bath They put the shower, the washing machine was placed under the sink, and in the sort there was a place for a pair-troop of the shelves with household chemicals.

Woman turned an old departmental apartment in a paradise corner

Woman turned an old departmental apartment in a paradise corner

The former close kitchenette categorically not satisfied the hostess. In the renovated apartment, the kitchen was combined with a living room. It turned out an elegant, open and bright home dining room. Note that in the directory of the kitchen part of the room, the sink was specially moved to the window in order to provide maximum access to sunlight.

Woman turned an old departmental apartment in a paradise corner

The new owner of the apartment loves Italy and in particular Venice. Above the sofa in the living room hanging a city landscape at sea, a copy of the painting of a popular British artist. Well, as a coverage for the walls, Venetian plaster with a silk effect was used.

Woman turned an old departmental apartment in a paradise corner

Parishion Also somewhat rang out in size. Now guests can be found in the spacious lobby. The cabinets are actually extremely spacious here, but due to the fact that the furniture is painted in white, they are not thrown into the eyes, and the space is not cluttered visually.

Woman turned an old departmental apartment in a paradise corner

The only room in which light tones diluted with dark wood and purple - Cabinet in which guests who have arrived for a long time are also posted. Even the sofa was chosen here with the mind: it is not necessary to put it for sleep for sleep, you just need to remove the pillows!

Woman turned an old departmental apartment in a paradise corner

As you can see, the new owner of the apartment has achieved its goal. Now she has a heavenly corner with everything necessary for the most comfortable rest!

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