10 ways to use boiling water for benefits at home and in the country


Boiling water is used not only for making tea. / Photo: thoughco.com

Boiling water is used not only for making tea.

It turns out that ordinary boiling water can be used not only for the preparation of fragrant tea. There are cases where boiling water will help solve some problems. When serving a household and even with poor well-being.

1. We are struggling with weeds

Weeds can be removed boiling water, and not necessarily so. Nashgazon.com

Weeds can be removed boiling water, and not necessarily so. /

If weeds grow on your country site, it is not necessary to buy chemicals to eliminate them. There is a safe and easy way: ordinary boiling water. This method is especially effective for removing annual weeds, such as meadow grass, creeping sorrel, gerbil, cornflower blue, sofhal, winch. Some long-term weeds with long rod roots and wide leaves, such as dandelions, thistle, Malva, may need several portions of boiling water. The use of ordinary water does not harm the soil, in contrast to chemical methods.

2. Vomor is not a problem

Boiling water will help eliminate the blockage. Photo: I.Ytimg.com

Boiling water will help eliminate the blockage.

Bashes in the bathroom or toilet sometimes just a disaster. They arise, most often, at the most inopportune moment. Boiling water will help here: many small drain siblors in the bathroom and the toilet can be cleaned with a pair of boiling water saucepan.

You need to start with the removal of standing water. Here will help the familiar canto, which usually is in every home. After the bathroom or sink is slightly released from water, pour boiling water into the sewer or drain hole. This method should be used only if you have metal pipes. If they are made of PVC, it is better to use just hot water from under the tap, as boiling water can damage plastic.

3. Defrost

Lowering frozen foods in boiling water, they can quickly defrost them. / Photo: image.ForSkning.no

Lowering frozen foods in boiling water, they can quickly defrost them.

People often buy frozen food. These are sausages, and semi-finished products, and frozen vegetables - in supermarkets there are whole departments with freezers filled with goodies. When you want to quickly defrost food, you can use the microwave. In modern devices there is a special "defrost" mode. But not every frozen food can be placed in this device. For example, vegetables or fruits in the microwave can quickly turn into porridge. The best way to defrost delicate products is to lower them in boiling water for a few seconds right in the package. So you need to do several times, gently shaking the packaging to ensure uniform exhausting of food.

4. Fighting stains

Remove stains from the carpet will help boiling water. / Photo: S3-Production.Bobvila.com

Remove stains from the carpet will help boiling water.

Spots deliver mistresses a lot of trouble. Sometimes they are detected by chance, and, it happens, appear in front of the eyes. For example, with inaccurate possession of a fork or a spoon. Chemical cleaning products are not always needed, since some types of spots react well to the effects of boiling water. For example, traces that leave raspberries, blueberries, blackberries, strawberries, watermelon and grapes.

A polluted tablecloth or clothing needs to be immersed in a boiling water saucepan until the stain disappears. Lower only the evaporator part. If the carpet is taped, gently pour a little boiling water on a stain. Keep sponges and towels at hand to quickly remove the water.

5. Help with health problems

Inhalation with steam will help with a cold. : CompleteWellBeing.com

Inhalation with steam will help with a cold.

If you are allergic or cold, or simply embedded the nose after being in a dusty room, steam from a pan with just boiling water can weaken the symptoms and help you breathe freely. First boil some water, then pour the liquid into a cup or a bowl. Take a towel on your head and lean over the bowl. Gently inhale steam. Never breathe above the ferry without removing a saucepan from the plate - you can burn the mucous membrane, the skin of the face, and the worst one - the eyes. By the way, with a cold in boiling water, you can add a few drops of eucalyptus oil - it turns out a healing inhalation.

6. Clean the drainage pipes and gutters

Boiling water will help clean the drains and gutters. / Photo: nz.Toluna.com

Boiling water will help clean the drains and gutters.

Even the most diligent homeowners can come from time to time with a scoring chute or drainage pipe. Especially in the fall, when an important period comes - the preparation of the house for the winter. Surveying drains, the owners understand that without cleaning there is no need to do. Many are immediately grabbed by sticks, iron wires, other tools that can push the garbage.

Instead of picking up in a pipe with a risk of scratching or damaging it, you can remove the garbage, pouring a few large saucepan with boiling water in gutter and drainage pipes. You will be surprised, but the leaves and other unnecessary items will quickly fly out.

7. We remove oil and fat stains

Oil spots are afraid of boiling water. / Photo: vripmaster.com

Oil spots are afraid of boiling water.

Very often, motorists are faced with oil or fatty spots in their garage. These nasty small droplets from the engine can leave ugly traces in the garage. In addition, causing a car, people sometimes spill many oil-based liquids. To remove them quickly and without problems, just pour contaminated areas with boiling water. Fresh stains will go away immediately, but the old people will have to lose the rigid brush dipped in boiling water.

8. Disinfection of cutting boards

Disinfect the cutting board is better than boiling water. / Photo: thesun.co.uk

Disinfect the cutting board is better than boiling water.

Even if you follow the hygiene rules in the kitchen and use individual cutting boards for meat and vegetables, they can still become a source of cross-contamination. Clean the wooden boards with a rigid washboard with a chemical means - they will simply ruin. With plastic and glass easier, they can be washed with a suitable dishware. However, there is one way that will help disinfect the surface of the cutting board: a quick immersion in a saucepan with boiling water. Before this manipulation, they need to be cleaned from the nylby pieces of food.

9. When there is no drinking water

Boil can disinfect water. / Photo: The71Percent.org

Boil can disinfect water.

Sometimes there are cases when except raw and not too clean water anymore is nothing more for drinking. I do not want to talk about everyday problems, but in life it happens anything. Boiling water for at least three minutes can remove pathogenic microbes from water, making it safe for drinking, cooking and bathing. Before boiling dirty water, it is best to skip through several layers of cotton fabric to remove suspension and large dirt particles.

10. Possess children

Boiling water in the frost is beautiful. Photo: I.Ytimg.com

Boiling water in the frost is beautiful.

Here is a great way to please the children by a long winter day: If you live in the area where the temperature drops below zero, take a cup with boiling water into the air, throw it into the air and make your own "snow fountain". Water splits and freezes the beautiful patterns right in the air. Be careful - she should not get to the participants of the fun.

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