Four Couples Cooking Recipe


In this post, I propose a recipe for Culebsaki. If someone has already prepared this dish, he knows that the difference between Culebs from other pies is that a complex filling is preparing for her. And now I will say a little more about this dish.

Four Couples Cooking Recipe

Culebyaka - This is a closed pie with a sophisticated filling. It is considered a traditional Russian dish, consists of several types of minced meat, from two to four, which are stored consistently and separated with subtle fresh pancakes to prevent mixing. When the cake is cut on the portion, then in each of them there are all kinds of fillings. Another difference of Couples consists in the ratio of the filling for a common weight. It is in this cake that it is more than half of the weight, and in other pies - less than half.

Four Couples Cooking Recipe

Between themselves, Couples also differ from each other. Their difference is in the ways of laying it: tiers or "angles". Taruses are parallel layers of filling and stacked sequentially one over the other. And with the "angles" - one mince is laid out at a slam angle (slide, wedge) and shared with another diagonally. Other options are known "by two angle +," on three angle "or" for four corners ".

Cull is considered a universal dish, as depending on the type of test and the filling, it can be served not only as the main course, but also as a snack. And also as an addition to the dish, for example, instead of bread to soup. Significantly less often, Culebyak is served as dessert. And this is a touch with the fact that the dough and sweet fillings are rarely used in its preparation.

Cull with Liver (Vintage Recipe)

Ingredients: Yeast - 0.5 stack., Water - 3 stack., Cognac / rum - 40 ml, flour (sifted)

Filling : Liver (heart, liver, lungs) - 2 kg, onions - 6 pcs., Butter - 300 g, nutmeg - to taste, salt - to taste.


Rinse the Liver in cold water, cut into pieces (in the old days they prepared a dish with a lative veal or lamb). Shoot in a saucepan and boil to readiness.

Preheat oil (better use homemade) and fry crushed onions.

Twist the Liver with a bow through the meat grinder, to taste with nutmeg, salt (you can also add spices).

Preparation of the test: Take a prayer w pour a little heated water, pour good quality yeast and pour cognac (rum). Start pouring flour, kneading the dough so that it is liquid, like pancakes. Put at night in a warm place.

Now it is necessary to strain it through a sieve, add flour and knead the thick dough. Again to put in heat, now for an hour. Endress and put in heat again (so to do two more).

Now it is not very thick enough to roll in a reservoir about 1.5 cm and shifting on a baking sheet with oil, put a lubricant filling. Turn, giving the form of a rectangle (you can and another form). Absorber with a whipped egg, sprinkle with breadcrumbs.

Put the oven preheated to 180s, bake Coupleak to a pleasant ruddy crust

Four Couples Cooking Recipe

Four angle couch

Ingredients: Flour - 800 g., Elevating oil - 400 g, fresh yeast - 50 g, eggs - 4 pcs., Salt, pepper - to taste

Mushroom filling: Mushrooms for chanterelles - 600 g., Garlic - 3 teeth., Flour - 1 tbsp. l., sour cream 20% - 200 g, butter - 50 g

Cabbage filling: Cabbage - Half Kochan, Egg - 6 pcs., Butter - 150 g

Meat filling: Beef Liver - 600 g, Onions - 2 pcs., Butter - 100 g

Loop filling: Green Bow - 300 g., Egg - 7 pcs., Butter - 100 g


For mushroom filling: chanterelle cleaned, if desired, rinse and dry; Large cut. Clear garlic. In the pan melting the oil, put garlic and chanterelles, fry on medium heat, stirring, 7 min. Add to frying pan with flour fry, fry on medium heat, stirring, 2 min. Layout sour cream, mix, increase the fire, bring to a boil, salt and pepper. Remove from fire and cool.

Eggs for all types of stuffing boil craft, clean.

For cabbage filling : Cabbage is finely chop, pour a lot of boiling water (if there is an eloctal cabbage, it must be brought to a boil and peak, 2 - 3 min.) And throw back to the sieve to the glass all the water. Cabbage slightly squeeze. In the pan dissolve oil, without letting it overheat, put the cabbage, put out on a small fire, stirring, 5 minutes. Remove from fire, cool. Eggs chop, mix with cabbage. It is possible to salt the cabbage and you just need immediately before putting the filling in the cake.

For meat filling: The liver is cleansed from films and ducts, cut into cubes with a side of about 2 cm. Onions crushed. In the pan, heat the oil, put onions, fry on medium heat for 10 min. Add liver, fry on medium heat 5 min., Cool. Turn the liver with a bunch through the meat grinder. Then, stirring, add so much buygon so that the filling acquired a viscous consistency. Add salt and pepper to taste.

For onion filling : Green bunch very finely chop. In the pan dissolve oil, not letting it overheat. Put onions and warm on a small fire, stirring, so that the bow is not tolerated, 3 min. Remove from fire. Purified eggs for onion filling finely chop. Add chopped eggs to Luka, mix thoroughly, salt and pepper.

For dough: Sift flour slide, make in the center of the well. Yeast dilute in 3 tbsp. l. Warm water. Oil cut and soften, eggs slightly beat with salt. Pour the yeast, eggs and oil into the well, knead the soft elastic dough. Leave a distance of 10 minutes. Split the dough into 2 parts: 3/4 and 1/4. Cut a small piece of dough for decoration.

Roll out most of the test (3/4) into the reservoir of 5 - 6 mm thick, lay out in the form so that the edges slightly hung. To mentally divide Culebyak to 4 equal parts and decompose the filling on the "corners". Gently dissolve their surface. Roll out a smaller part of the dough into a 5 - 6 mm thick thickness. To cover the couch, carefully take the edges.

Pending a piece of dough roll out, cut or blind decorations, put them on the surface of Culebs. Slightly beat the egg, lubricate them to Culebsaku. Bake at 180s in convection mode or with the bottom and the top of the oven until the test is ready, about 30 minutes.

Four Couples Cooking Recipe

Cull with fish and rice

Ingredients: Flour - 800 g, butter - 250 g, yeast - 20 g, Vanillin - 5 g, Egg - 6 pcs., Milk - 1 stack., Water - 4 tbsp., Fixed oil - 1st. l, citric acid -1 h. l., Salo for lubrication.

Filling: Fresh fish - 500 g, egg - 4 pcs., Onions - 3 pcs., Rice - 0.5 stack.


Sift flour slight, make a deepening in the center, pour salt and citric acid into it, knock the eggs, add some water and knead the dough, knead it for 15 minutes, remove into the cold.

Softening the oil, mix with vanilla, with a large layer to roll the dough, lubricate with oil, then all the angles roll to the center, roll out again, to leave for 5 minutes, to lubricate the oil to 2 minutes, roll out 2 - 3 times, roll out, roll off the napkin, leave.

From diluted in warm water yeast, 1 cup of flour, fused oil, milk and 2 eggs prepare the dough on consistency as thick sour cream. Heat the frying pan, lubricate it with lard, prepare thin pancakes.

Boiled eggs crail, cook crumbly rice, mix it with eggs. Boil fish, remove bones, twist with a bow in a meat grinder.

Dough roll out into the reservoir, cut two long strips of 10 - 15 cm wide. Wash the sheet with water, lay out one strip, put several pancakes on it, on them - rice with eggs, cover with a few pancakes, put the fish minced meal, cover it with the remaining pancakes, to put the second strip of the dough, to take the edges, arrange the cake on the dough figures.

To deceive Coupleaka with an egg, clang for a fork in several places, bake in a preheated oven before grazing.

Four Couples Cooking Recipe

Cull with cabbage and eggs (puff pastry)

Ingredients: Puff pastry - 1 Packaging, Egg - 4 pcs., Cabbage - 1 kg, butter - 3 g, salt - to taste.


Finely cut into cabbage, 5 - 7 minutes blanches and give cool. I screw the eggs to clean, finely chop, mix with the cabbage, adding the butter, to pepper.

Dough roll out with a thin layer, put stuffing, take the edges. Share Couplek with cabbage down the seam on a sheet-shutted with a lubricated oil and to deceive a whipped egg, bake about 20 minutes in a preheated oven.

Cull with meat

Ingredients: Flour - 600 g, milk - 500 ml, beef mince - 500 g, vegetable oil - 50 g, yeast - 20 g, egg - 2 pcs., Onions - 1 pcs, sugar - 1 tbsp. l., Black pepper, salt - to taste.


From flour, 1 eggs, yeast, sugar and milk knead the yeast dough.

Onions fry on the oil, put into mince, pepper and spill, mix everything well.

Dough roll out into the reservoir 0.5 cm thick, cut on the strips of 12 - 15 width. Share one lane, put a mince on it, cover the second dough strip, take the edges.

Switch down Pleep Culebyak on a lubricated baking sheet, to deceive a whipped egg, bake 40 min in a preheated oven. Cull with meat hot.

Four Couples Cooking Recipe

Bon Appetit!

Four Couples Cooking Recipe

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