Why not throw out old dishes


The era of Soviet chic passed, and almost all apartments are thoroughly cleaned from things that were previously considered luxury objects.

Why not throw out old dishes

Modern designers choir shout about what should be thrown out completely all: from old door handles to expensive antique tools.

Soviet crystal

Why not throw out old dishes

In some ways they are right, because the style of modern premises is very different from Soviet ideas about comfort and comfort.

Why not throw out old dishes

We want everyone that their accommodation looks expensive and stylish, however, the concept of "high costs" has changed much over the past 20 years.

Why not throw out old dishes

Previously, friar things were very popular that any modern sober-sized designer would consider the terrible vulgar. Now most interiors are based on simplicity, naturalness and functionality. The practicality of things is of great importance.

Why not throw out old dishes

However, there is a small list of those Soviet values ​​that can well fit into the interior of a modern apartment or at home. Of course, you should not overdo it, but it will also be extremely stupid to throw them away.

Why not throw out old dishes

Soviet antiques suitable under the modern interior


Crystal Soviet times is actually very beautiful. Especially if they are not stuck all the shelves!

Why not throw out old dishes

First, boldly use that crystal dishes that you have. Do not need to keep it on a black day, as your grandmother did.

Why not throw out old dishes

Perhaps it is worth selling Soviet Crystal, more precisely, its most part. However, you can leave the most favorite things: a vase, a couple of glasses and a candy. Such a small number of antique things is elegantly fit into the exquisite modern kitchen or living room interior.


High-quality woolen carpets are still very expensive. Yes, and enter such a luxurious thing in the interior is completely simple! The most important advice here, as in the case of crystal, is moderation.

Why not throw out old dishes
Do not hide all the walls of carpets, and on the floor you do not need to sharpen too large carpet. Choose the most favorite small rug and bed under the dining table, for example. On a beautiful laminate, he will look very stylish.


We would not advise using all the dishes from the service, and most likely it will be too much for modern kitchen. However, in the sets of Soviet dishes there are very beautiful big plates for cakes, for example.

Why not throw out old dishes

And there is simply the amazing beauty of the settings, nowhere will not find anywhere now. In my kitchen there is a set of saucers and a plate for cake from transparent glass with gold-plated edges. It looks very elegant and even in modern! This is my favorite dishes. And the grandmother reminds.

Here is another small advice from the editorial board: from the old dishes you can make beautiful lamps, flooring, plafones for lamps and even hangers!

Why not throw out old dishes

With a careful handling, old dishes can greatly diversify interiors to bring a little antique chic in a modern design.

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