Crafts with children by February 23


Crafts with children by February 23
Hello everyone! It will come very soon on February 23, and therefore today I want to share a selection of simple crafts for this holiday. Such articles are suitable for the kindergarten, and of course that our kids can congratulate their dads and grandfathers.

So, let's begin. The first thing that comes to mind is of course tanks. The simplest is a postcard made in the applique technique. You can do from colored paper, phoamyran, felt.

Crafts with children by February 23

Also, you can make a postcard using colored napkins. It is necessary to divide the napkin into small pieces, mix these pieces and glue in the right places.

Crafts with children by February 23

In the same way, you can make a postcard using plasticine instead of wipes.

Crafts with children by February 23

And in general, you can use almost anything. Here, for example, a similar postcard from rice.

Crafts with children by February 23

And of course, the postcard may not only be a tank, but also a plane, ship, rocket and much more.

Here is such an airplane.

Crafts with children by February 23

Or even the bogatyr.

Crafts with children by February 23

More interesting postcards are obtained in the form of a shirt or military uniform. On the Internet you can find many different options.

Crafts with children by February 23

Crafts with children by February 23

Crafts with children by February 23

I got this interesting postcard - a ship made from the tubes.

Crafts with children by February 23

Or here is such a boat. Of course, there is no adults without help, but it turns out very pretty.

Crafts with children by February 23

Also, you can make a postcard in the form of a number of 23. The screen can also be completely different in different ways. The same balls from napkins or plasticine.

Crafts with children by February 23

Or decorate the numbers with the use of paper strips twisting - quilling.

Crafts with children by February 23

Crafts with children by February 23

In the same technique, excellent postcards with all sorts of military equipment will turn out.

Here, for example, a small tank.

Crafts with children by February 23

In addition to postcards, you can make all sorts of volumetric crafts.

For example, these simple rockets that can be put somewhere.

Crafts with children by February 23

Or binoculars.

Crafts with children by February 23

Of course, all sorts of tanks, from the simplest, to very complex.

Here is such a simple baby.

Crafts with children by February 23

And if you have corrugated cardboard, you can make such a tank.

Crafts with children by February 23

Do crafts from such a cardboard is not really difficult. It is just a little patience. All of them are made according to one principle. Cut the strip, twist into the ring, glue the part. If you don't have color cardboard, you can just paint it.

A little patience and fantasy, and that's what happens.

Crafts with children by February 23

And the last three crafts are more for older children or adults. I just liked them very much).

Here is such an interesting photo frame. Just the cardboard of the desired shape, wrapped with threads and a little decorated. Looks like, in my opinion, very nothing.

Crafts with children by February 23

Next handicraft for knitting lovers. Airplane. Custom how to knit, of course, you can make wonderful toys for any holiday, but I did not stop in detail about it, because it's all the same more studification for adults.

Crafts with children by February 23

And the last veil is a case on a cup of felt. Such a craft, in principle, can make the child of younger school age, if his mother or grandmother helps him.

Crafts with children by February 23

Today it's all. Thank you for reading my article. I hope you were interested.

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