Why, before washing, you need to add black pepper to the machine: the advice from the experienced hostess


Why, before washing, you need to add black pepper to the machine: the advice from the experienced hostess

Folk wisdom reads: "Web live a century." With vital problems, a person must understand himself, but the advice of more experienced advice can help with everyday affairs. Mistols who tried all means in the fight for purity, use black pepper for washing and advise everyone to follow their example.

1. One of the main washing faces

Clothing, why are you so fast to become dim? Photo: CDN.popmama.com

Clothing, why are you so fast to become dim?

How often it happens that we buy new things, but they very quickly lose their color and saturation. It happens that in a month you have to buy new clothes. I would like things to be more durable, especially since their purchase costs a lot of money. Rich colors quickly become not as expressive and beautiful, and black things acquire an ugly gray shade. But there is a solution!

2. The most obvious decision

Few people like to properly divide underwear before washing. / Photo: stirkadoma.info

Few people like to properly divide underwear before washing.

Of course, the easiest way out of the situation is to properly separate things before washing. White we are often erased separately, but all other colors are much more likely to go into the car together, for the sake of water and electricity saving, as well as our precious time. Few people have due patience so that all things of different color shades to wash separately .The output: buy a tool in the supermarket that allegedly protects clothes from fading. However, it is not sufficient and has a sufficient question. For happiness, experienced hostesses offer the third and best option: use for washing black pepper.

3. Wash with black pepper

No matter how surprisingly, but the black pepper in the washing machine works. / Photo: static3.jamaran.ir

Nor amazing, but black pepper in a washing machine

Some black peppers are all that clothes look like new. It works on the principle of a soft scrub for things, removing the remnants of the detergent from the material. Few people know, but Poor rinsing clothes leads to her fading . So that the Council affects, together with the usual detergent in the machine, you need to add a total teaspoon of black pepper. Flusted clothes will remain in the past. And so that the wash becomes the most efficient, we suggest pay attention to a few more tips.

4. Washing delicate things

A bit spent time, but a stunning result. / Photo: brickunderground.com

A bit spent time, but a stunning result. /

Before you wash things, it is better to turn them inside out. This rule concerns quickly fading clothes and, of course, sweaters. Such a council helps protect the clothes of dark flowers and thin fabrics from rapid wear, as well as from the formation of hooks. Simple manipulation brings a lot of benefit, but does not affect the quality of washing - the clothes will be the same clean as always.

5. Washing machine requires care

Even soulless cars need good handling. / Photo: Planetanovosti.com

Even soulless cars need good handling.

Of course, it's nicer to download the washing machine to complete and immediately wash all things in one fell. However, in order to ensure a good result, it needs to be easily circulated and make turns at full capacity. And for this it is required that the washing machine is not overloaded. In order not to disturb the balance, you need to check with the instructions of your indispensable assistant and check what software will not cause harm by weight.

6. Dosage detergent

Before washing, you always need to measure detergent. Photo: dileidemosite.files.wordpress.com

Before washing, you always need to measure detergent.

Often we are so in a hurry that we do many things to "just do", on the eyes. However, in terms of loading the washing machine, it is not worth a hurry, although it seems that it is so great everything is folded. For efficient washing, you need to accurately comply with the proportions by weight of things and the volume of detergent. Moreover, the use of too much detergent is no better than adding too small volume. Many: Footprints will remain on clothes and can even be fastened badly. Therefore, you need to follow the instructions on the label.

7. Washing toys and fluffy things

Ordinary clothes and toys are not the same thing. Photo: I0.wp.com

Ordinary clothes and toys are not the same thing.

To provide high-quality washing of bulk items or fluffy things, you need to add special balls or tennis ball to the drum. They interfere with the indoor filler comes. Only so you can save the initial type of things.

8. No fortunes

Make the right choice will help a drop of water. Photo: bolblogsrackspace-axaxzmkc.netdna-ssl.com

Make the right choice will help a drop of water.

Can these black stripes on my shirt spoil the color of other things? What to guess if you can take and try to wash, and then accept the result. However, there is a more correct solution: to experience color for strength with a small amount of water. If the water is flushes color, then this thing is erased separately from any other clothing.

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