32 lifhaca for home and life that will make your life easier


32 lifhaca for home and life that will make your life easier

32 lifhaca for home and life that will make your life easier

Help on households for all occasions

32 lifhaca for home and life that will make your life easier

1. Load an aromatic candle

32 lifhaca for home and life that will make your life easier

In the usual way to do it is not easy: burns fingers. Take crude spaghetty and burning. It burns perfectly, and with her help you will easily challenge any candle in the recess.

2. Remove the mark in the book

32 lifhaca for home and life that will make your life easier

Some still love to make a note in the book with the help of a marker. To remove them, use lemon juice. Apply it on your cotton swab and spend on the right place. The trail of the marker will disappear. It is better working if the marker is relatively fresh.

3. Marking keys

32 lifhaca for home and life that will make your life easier

If there is a lot of keys in the house, confusion is constantly arising: what for what. Apply a little nail polish on the key head, and everything will fall into place. Effectively paint the keys in different colors.

4. Store seeds with fresh

32 lifhaca for home and life that will make your life easier

Never throw away silica bags that are put in stores in new clothes. Silica perfectly absorbs moisture.

And when after the Spring Planting, you will remain unused until the end of the package with seeds, fold them into a sealed box and add a packet with magic colorless crystals to it.

Silica will take all moisture and will not give to develop mold or germinate seeds.

5. Mirrors without foaming

32 lifhaca for home and life that will make your life easier

In the bathroom, the mirror is constantly in the fog after a hot soul. Take off this time and forever! Apply a little car wax on the mirror, let him dry, and then polish the surface with a soft dry cloth.

6. Lego without microbes

32 lifhaca for home and life that will make your life easier

Children adore to play Lego Designer. Do not forget to periodically wash these cubes. Fold them into the grid, boot into the washing machine, add the tool and install the short wash program. But without drying! After washing, laying out the cubes on the towel and dried separately.

The recommendation is also suitable for economic brushes.

7. Remove stickers from furniture

32 lifhaca for home and life that will make your life easier

Often, teenagers sin with stickers on furniture. To get rid of them, take the spatula and say stickers, heated workplace with a hairdryer.

8. Mobile instruction

32 lifhaca for home and life that will make your life easier

When we make something to work or repair, we need information from the network: instructions, drawings, video. The problem is how to watch these materials without breaking away from the case, and how to fix the phone to be constantly before your eyes.

Use for this plastic tightening for wires: Wrap your phone with them, as shown in the photo.

And your hands will immediately become free.

9. Secret of thieves

32 lifhaca for home and life that will make your life easier

It is not always convenient to wear a wallet on vacation. For example, on the beach: you have to leave things unattended when you go to the sea. Use empty cosmetics cases for secret storage of cash. For example, from hygienic lipstick.

No Warm will not mind that there you can keep bills.

10. Carrying plywood

32 lifhaca for home and life that will make your life easier

A large sheet of plywood is not so heavy as uncomfortable for carrying. Make a loop from a long rope and stretch it from below, traveled under the corners.

In the hands there will be a comfortable handle, and the task will be much simplified.

11. From one place of storage to do two

32 lifhaca for home and life that will make your life easier

Reusable plastic bags with a fastener - a comfortable and practical thing. Sometimes there must be something smaller there. How to do it if there are few packages? Cut, as usually cut plastic bags. Heat the sharp knife on the fire and cut the package. Due to the high temperature from the metal, the side edges will firmly sprinkle.

12. Do not scratch the walls

32 lifhaca for home and life that will make your life easier

Often the rear edges of the baguette, which placed the picture, scratch the walls. To avoid this, make protective gaskets from hot glue and stick them to the back of the frame. The glue will be more reliably held the picture on the weight and protect the walls from scratches.

Alternative solution: Use furniture lining-self-keys under the feet of chairs.

13. Clean paint from carpet

32 lifhaca for home and life that will make your life easier

If the carpet accidentally fell a brush covered with paint, do not rush to buy a new carpet. Pour some technical alcohol on the rag and erase the paint.

14. Beautiful list of cases

32 lifhaca for home and life that will make your life easier

To do this, you can successfully adapt the photo frame. As a background, use a sheet of paper, better color. It should be cut in size and set the glass.

Ready! A marker in hand - and a list of cases written on the glass. The next day, wipe the dry cloth and plan on.

15. Soft carpet

32 lifhaca for home and life that will make your life easier

The method is suitable for all carpets. So that they become even softer, put the carpet of the carpet. It is soft and cheap, and the main carpet will only win. Like your legs.

16. Clean the lampshade

32 lifhaca for home and life that will make your life easier

Abuirs as a magnet attract dust and wool of pets. The washing machine for cleaning will fit hardly, and the roller for cleaning dust will cope with the case on perfectly!

17. Make the table above

32 lifhaca for home and life that will make your life easier

This will require plastic "stilts", cut from PVC pipes of the corresponding diameter. Take the foot legs in them, and you will get the desired height. To return the previous height, remove the pipes.

18. Remove the gum from the carpet

32 lifhaca for home and life that will make your life easier

Of course, it becomes elementary if you apply a little chemistry knowledge. Chewing gum becomes fragile during freezing. Put into a sealed package or plastic cubic cube of people and put over the gum for 30 minutes. When the chewing will freeze, it will easily be removed from the carpet.

19. Smooth suspension line

32 lifhaca for home and life that will make your life easier

Put a long board on the ground, it will be a kind of ruler, and start digging. As required, the board is moving.

20. Quickly cool drinks

32 lifhaca for home and life that will make your life easier

Wrap the jar or a bottle with a wet paper towel and put in the freezer. It turns out faster than without wet wrapper.

21. Proper watering colors in pots

32 lifhaca for home and life that will make your life easier

Water at the bottom of the pot can lead to the formation of root rot. Use old sponges: Cut and fold the pot inside. Sponges retain moisture and paste air. Also, moisture remains longer, and the soil does not dry.

22. Shoes will be like new

32 lifhaca for home and life that will make your life easier

Take an old toothbrush and a little toothpaste. Wrap the paste in problem areas and leave for 10 minutes, then wipe with a damp cloth. Tip: To begin with, check how effective the paste on small pollution, and only then go to the general cleaning.

23. Tricks work with emery paper

32 lifhaca for home and life that will make your life easier

So that the small stack, including the "zero," retained its properties longer, laid it back with a wide scotch. So it will be more durable to the gap, and it will be more convenient to work with it.

24. Fit dents in wooden surfaces

32 lifhaca for home and life that will make your life easier

We will need an iron and a slightly wet, but not wet rag. Put it into place of repair and walk through it as hot as possible. Under the action of heat, the water will begin to evaporate, and the particles of the couple will fall into damaged wood fibers. They will expand and under the influence of the iron will be returned in the original form.

25. Keychain and Antistepler

32 lifhaca for home and life that will make your life easier

Antistepler, otherwise, the exterior is an indispensable thing to break the rings of the keychain and remove or install a new key.

Do not break your nails, use a simple and effective way.

26. Fixer for the rod

32 lifhaca for home and life that will make your life easier

Such rods put in bathrooms for stern curtains or in a wardrobe. If the original mount failed or keeps it not secure enough, you can use a homemade from the covers for plastic bottles - the corresponding diameter.

27. Snow will not stick to the shovel

32 lifhaca for home and life that will make your life easier

There are constantly car enthusiasts with this problem, and those who live outside the city, when the snow constantly sticks to the shovel and does not believe. Try using automotive wax. Apply it with a thin layer on the work surface of the shovel, wait until it dries, and walk around with a dry cloth. Forward, on clearing!

The best recipe works with metal shovels.

28. Finding fallen

32 lifhaca for home and life that will make your life easier

Nothing annoys like that fallen on the floor or carpet very small items: a pill, paper clip, earring ...

Take the vacuum cleaner and at the weekend end of the hose. Dress a piece of old tights, securing it with a twisted rubber band.

29. Align the shaky furniture

32 lifhaca for home and life that will make your life easier

Instead of popular linings from repeatedly folded pieces of paper there is a more reliable means: minor money. Tie their glue and attach to the feet of furniture that does not want to stand smoothly.

It works fine as a temporary means!

30. Always at hand

32 lifhaca for home and life that will make your life easier

When you have to work a lot to work a screwdriver, it's inconvenient all the time to keep screws in your hands. Some are accustomed to take them in her mouth, as Masters-carpets did before. But there is a way more hygienic. With the help of glue, put a piece of magnet on the casing of the screwdriver or drill, and all the screws will always be at your hand.

31. Revive the dried felt-tip

32 lifhaca for home and life that will make your life easier

Unfortunately, markers have such a feature that their ink ends at the most inopportune moment. To return the feltster to the ability to write, remove the rear cap and pour into a few drops of alcohol: technical or medical. Vodka is also suitable.

Cognac - no! Sorry ...

32. If there is no men in the house ...

32 lifhaca for home and life that will make your life easier

... and no one sweep the knives or scissors, do it yourself. As a context, a regular ceramic cup on the reverse side will fit. A flat unlawed surface on which it costs is the perfect abrasive for sharpening.

But still it is better to have in the house and real dowders, and a real man.

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