How to make an elementary device for accurate sharpening drills


How to make an elementary device for accurate sharpening drills

Sooner or later, the farm is going too much smashed drills. Without a special tool, sharpening them can be quite difficult. You can fix it with a conventional hand tool, which, if desired, is done with your own hands in one evening. That's certain: Linen Engine Progress!

Creating "Sharpeners"

This is the workpiece. / Photo:

This is the workpiece.

So, in order to make a simple, but effective fixture for sharpening drills at home, you will need to get a wooden bar 100 × 50 × 30 mm, school square, a pencil, as well as an ordinary drill and eurovint (or any other such element with threads by wood). When all this is ready, you can start creating a sharpening tool.

Corners are cut. / Photo:

Corners are cut.

First of all, at the end of the bar drills through a hole. To do this, you can use a conventional drill. It should be vertical and perfectly smooth. If you do not fulfill this condition, then everything will go poch - when trying to sharpen drills with such a tool, the edges will not be attributed to the same.

That's all. / Photo:

That's all.

After that, at an angle of 120 degrees, it is necessary to cut off two corners of the bar. It is worth making markup at an angle of 30 degrees. The marked lines should intersect in the center. The reduction in turn should be strictly appendiculated by the bands. Also on top should be cut an angle of 120 degrees. That's almost everything, on the side face it is necessary to make a hole of the corresponding diameter to the connection with the central hole.

How to use "sharpener"

We use grinding machine. / Photo:

We use grinding machine.

Before starting sharpening, the drill is inserted into the hole, after which you need to set the cutting planes exactly on the edges of the bar. The tool is tightly clamped with Evrovint. After that, it takes and put on the side of the grinding machine. It is used for careful and consistent face sharpening. Sharpening stops as soon as the grinding machine enters the tree. The procedure is repeated for each side of the drill.

Note : The whole procedure for creating such a grind tool takes about 15 minutes.


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