7 unusual tricks with toothpaste, which make you life easier


Pictures on request 7 unusual tricks with toothpaste, which will greatly facilitate your life!

About version number 7 I did not know at all and this is a discovery for me!

Very useful tricks! It is a pity that they did not know this before! Do you know that the toothpaste has a very large amount of applications? For example, you can use it even for cleaning.

In this article we will tell you a couple of very useful tricks with toothpaste, which we usually use to clean the teeth.

Toothpaste - One of the inventions, which produced a revolution in the oral hygiene. Specialists recommend its regular use for the prevention of problems with the oral cavity, eliminating the unpleasant smell of the mouth, which is formed by bacteria, as well as removal of the plaque.

But besides all these advantages, there are several things that will accurately surprise you:

one .

This is a very common technique: apply a little toothpaste on a small burn and you will be amazed at how quickly the pain will disappear, and the burn will be walked much faster than usual.

2. Advents the unpleasant odor.

If you need to get rid of the unpleasant smell from the hands, then you just need to apply a little toothpaste into your arms and wait until it dry, then wash your hands and everything!

3. Purchase screen.

You can also use toothpaste to clean the screens of any type: computer, television or even your mobile phone. If you do it, you will see how cleaner it becomes.

4.Besecificent ceramics.

Toilets, sinks, ceramics on the floor, as a rule, are rubbed and their natural color darkens over time. However, cleaning these things with a toothpaste will give them a new life.


If you accidentally cut, the wound is not deep, but painful, then apply a little toothpaste and pain will disappear. Do not forget, then rinse and disinfect the wound.

6. Delete a stain from the marker.

If you have a child who loves to draw, then you can use the paste to remove complex spots.

To do this, apply a few paste on the evaporated areas and swee with a toothbrush.

7. Delete stripes on the phone.

No matter how neat you are with your phone, the moment will come when you see an ugly scratch on it. But do not be upset, you can get rid of them with a toothpaste. Apply a little on the screen of the mobile phone and thoroughly clean the surface with a cloth.

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