Wonders from yeast dough! 3 tricks that each should know


Pictures on request wonders from yeast dough! 3 tricks that everyone should know.
Three tricks for class baking from yeast dough. Simple, delicious and practical ideas! To knead the dough today is not every hostess, and why bother?! After all, the finished baking can be bought or lean the packaging of the finished dough from the store ... But nothing compares with fragrant fresh pastries from home test! And this baking is preparing much easier than many of themselves.

Today we will learn a few simple and cool tricks that will definitely help us with masters of dough and oven! For home yeast dough, we need: 1 kg flour 1 teaspoon of dry yeast 3 tablespoons of vegetable oil (the rapeseed table is very well) 1 tablespoon of sugar 1 teaspoon of salt 550 ml of warm water we mix: gently sift the flour and mix it with yeast, sugar , Salt and vegetable oil. Gradually add water, kneading the dough. Cover the dough with a clean towel and leave in a warm place for about 1 hour. When the dough rises, you can prepare baking.

1.) Flower buns We need: yeast dough (third from the cooked mass) Black sesame white sesame egg cooking: Small dough portion roll into the ball, put it on the table and press on top of the glass - its diameter should be less than the ball. To get a pellet from a dough with a flat middle and a more air edge. The edge of the test around the glass is gently cut into 12 identical "petals". We remove the glass, and the "petals" glue together two to complete the similarity of our bun with a flower. We lay the dough on the baking sheet and lubricate the egg. Sprinkle with a black sesame flower, and the edges are white. Alternatively, you can sprinkle with cheese buns. We bake them 12 minutes at 180 ° C in the mode of blowing mode.

2.) We need convertors with meat (4 pieces): yeast dough (third from the cooked mass) 4 sausages for frying (with raw minced meat) cheese in slices 1 egg cooking: roll off the dough in the circle and cut to 4 the same parts. In each part, we need to do 6 cuts to get 3 straight corners, while we do not cut them out. In the center of each piece of dough, gently squeeze the minced stuffing from sausages so that it roughly saved the form. Top on the meat put a slice of cheese and turn the dough around the filling. Close the edges so that the design does not break. We lay out the convertors on the baking sheet, lubricate the egg and bake 12 minutes at 180 ° C in the mode of blowing mode.

3.) Walnut nodules We need: yeast dough (third from the cooked mass) 100 g of melted cream oil 100 g of sugar 1 tablespoon cinnamon 2 tablespoons of crushed hazelnut 1 egg cooking: roll off the dough into rectangular pancake and thickly lubricate with melted butter. We mix sugar with cinnamon and thick sprinkle with a mixture. Then thick sprinkle with a crushed hazelnut. We fold the dough with stuffing inside, and then cut into small portions of about the same width (about 3 cm). Each portion is pulling out, twisting, and then tie into the nodule, as the video shows. We lay out the dough on the baking sheet, lubricate the egg and bake 10 minutes at 200 ° C in the mode of blowing mode. These simple and cool tricks will help us cook baking no worse than professionals do. And the bonus video will show how to cook an original snack from the test. Need (for 4 servings): 1 sheet of dough 4 tablespoons of tomato sauce 4 slices of ham 8 sheets of basil 80g grated mozzarella 1 egg 3 slice of bacon 40 g grated cheese Cheddar

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