Save out in a hopeless situation: put in a toilet 2 bag for garbage


Pictures on request put in toilet 2 bag for garbage. It will save in a hopeless situation!
No water? Cold? Smells bad? Drain does not work in the toilet ...

All these household trivia can turn our lives in a nightmare. But if you have several useful tips in stock, then even in the most unpleasant situation you can find a way out. And today we collected as many as 6 such Lifehakov. 1.) Homemade gas mask We need: Plastic bottle for 5 liters Fabric tape Elastic band Aluminum bank Cotton disks Activated coal (powder) Protective mask Instructions: Cut in a bottle hole in which you can insert face. The edges are covered with fabric tape and tie the gum so that the bottle is holding on the face. We cut into a bank in half, piercing in the bottom of several holes and process the cut with a tape. We put 2 cotton disc in the tank, then 2 tablespoons of coal and 2 cotton disks again. We glue half the cans to the neck of the bottle. We put on a protective mask, and then a bottle on the face. Now you can breathe even in the room with a terrible smell. 2.) Instead of the candle, the light turned off, and there are no candles in the house? Look, suddenly there are old wax crayons. After all, such a chalk is perfectly burning up to 30 minutes. We put chalk on the stand - ready! 3.) Mini-burner We need: 2 Aluminum cans Steel wool Iron stand ethanol Coin Instructions: In the bottom of one of the cans of the jokes of a few holes of the selection. A few holes picked up the edge, as video shows. Cut the lower third of both cans. In part of the aluminum can, in which there are no holes, put steel wool, and then insert 2 parts cans in each other, as video shows. We put the design on the stand - holes up, put in the upper deepening coin and pour ethanol. Now you can carefully set up ethanol. The flame will last long enough so that we can heat the water burner. 4.) Flashing to ignite fire from branches, we most often use to ignite paper. But if it is not at hand, there is another secret: we take a large branch and a sharpener for pencils or a knife. Sewing pieces will light easily and quickly. 5.) Water filter We need: Plastic bottle of fabric scarf. BACKOVA Activated coal (powder) Clean sand Small pebbles Instructions: We cut a bottle in half and twitching to the neck of the handkerchief. We put the bottle into an empty glass of the neck down and fill in a small portion of activated carbon, add sand, pebbles, again sand and pebble again. It remains only to add water into the bottle that we want to clean. Water gradually stalks into a glass, and then it can be boiled and drinking. 6.) The toilet without water turned off water or does not work drain in the toilet, and it is already simply impossible to wait ... an unpleasant situation, but not hopeless. Make the following manipulations with the toilet: We put a large bag for garbage (120 liters) in it, and insert another package less (50 liters)Package Failure for a cat toilet. Now the toilet can be used. After that, it is enough to add another portion of the filler, remove the package and throw it away. Now we are not afraid of any difficulties! Be sure to share these useful tips with friends and loved ones. And then you never know what ...

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