Original things for home, which are easy to make with your own hands


There are many reasons not to spend mad money to garden furniture of your dreams. And the main one - all this can be done independently. Tables, shelves, puffs, benches, hangers, stools and stands - Choose everything you like!

Original things for home, which are easy to make with your own hands

Coffee table from boards

Original things for home, which are easy to make with your own hands

Ordinary boards of glued wood and bent metal legs acquire a special gloss and chic in this version. At the same time, the boards need not so much as it seems. Instead, they use small bars laid in a chess order. If all materials pre-"cut", then only a few hours will go to the creation of the table.

Hanger "Tree"

Original things for home, which are easy to make with your own hands

If you have already caught fire, drag dry wood from the forest. Remove the bark, drink the branches, treat with antiseptics from the uninvited guests, and then paint into the desired color. That's all, hanger is ready. It remains to choose a heavy base and a durable pin, to which the tree "stick". For those who cannot find a suitable tree, a picturesque log with "hooks" is suitable from individual branches. If the joints are well masked, then this innocent bearing no one will notice.

Universal "swivel" shelf

Original things for home, which are easy to make with your own hands

Do you need a wall shelf? Pay attention to this original option. Six boards demonstrate the amazing property of "bypass corners", while remaining a functional subject.

Gabion-based table

Original things for home, which are easy to make with your own hands

Habion's landscaped design (mesh structures filled with stones) in this small masterpiece play the role of the table base. It immediately gives the garden set some industrial style. At the same time, the country's rustic motifs and river stones allow him not to argue with the surrounding nature.

Stand under the sofa cup

Original things for home, which are easy to make with your own hands

This small furniture invention will not become a universal solution of all life problems, but will allow you to enjoy a cup of tea or coffee reading a book on the couch. Stand can be made from chipboard or wooden boards. Color Choose under the furniture that you already have.

Two stools - one bench

Original things for home, which are easy to make with your own hands

Two old chairs can find a new life in an unusual appearance. To do this, they put each other opposite each other and "trim" by boards. The more beautifully the back of the chairs, the more original there will be a bench handle.

Luminous launchers

Original things for home, which are easy to make with your own hands

Comfort in the garden consists of trifles. And it is possible to create it with the help of such unusual stools from the lane. Corre Remove or leave, but the upper part must be saber, then to cover the fluorescent paint. At night, these stools will turn into "fireflies", as soon as the light beam falls on them. Now friendly stories by the fire will acquire a mysterious meaning.

Plastic Bottle Puff

Original things for home, which are easy to make with your own hands

Plastic bottles hidden inside Puf will not confuse even aesthetes that do not recognize the use of this material for the manufacture of decor items. The number of bottles depends on the desired punch size. They need to be washed, dry, close the lids. After that, to put in the circle, "tying" with scotch and every row. From dense cardboard or plywood cut two identical circles. Between them, to place plastic bottles, once again fix the scotch. Cover the sides and top of the foam. And wear a pouf in a specially crosslinked case.

Simple bench without nails

Original things for home, which are easy to make with your own hands

If you do not want to spend a lot of money on the bench, make it from simple building materials - concrete slag blocks and wooden plates. Plocks to put into M-shaped sidewalls, "gluing" them with each other with liquid nails. Then "Grind" rails into the holes of the blocks, like a thread in a needle. Add pillows and enjoy a pleasant relaxing outdoors.

Cabin sink from a wine barrel

Original things for home, which are easy to make with your own hands

The old wine barrel will suit those who love Vintage and dreams of something original. For such a handy, it is not fundamentally, there are "samples" in the wooden part. She plays a decorative role. The inner space is given under functional things - eyeliner and removal of water, hoses, siphon, cranes. All this is carefully covered with the door made of carved boots.

Bench or chaise lounge for two

Original things for home, which are easy to make with your own hands

Natural materials are not the only dignity of this bench. Rounded seating areas will provide comfort that is not comparable to standard options. If the bench still seems to you tough, take some decorative pillows or a small mattress. And do not forget to cover the fane and wooden planks with water-repellent impregnations.

Flower Cachet table

Original things for home, which are easy to make with your own hands

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