Non-standard use of microwave


There are many myths around the damage from the effects of the microwave oven. The researchers have proven that subject to the rules of operation, no danger is threatened. However, you should not limit the functionality and use this universal household appliance only for heat heating.

We recommend to try several unusual methods of using microwaves that will simplify the life of the hostess.

Cleaning vegetables and fruits from the peel

Non-standard use of microwave

To quickly get rid of the peel, it is not necessary to handle vegetables or fruit boiling water. You can proceed much easier. First, there should be a cruciform incision on the skin. Then placing the product in the microwave for about 2 minutes at an average power. When vegetables or fruits are a little cool, the peel will begin to fall behind. Remove it is the case of technology.

Getting more citrus juice

Non-standard use of microwave

The juice of lemons, limes, oranges and grapefruits will be better squeezed if you pre-warm. Whole fruits should be placed in a microwave and leave for about 20 seconds. As a result, they softened a little. Then you need to cut them into 4 parts and squeeze well. The fruits will be more juicy, and the amount of juice will be more.

Sterilization of cans

Non-standard use of microwave

For the start, the banks are thoroughly clean. Some water is poured onto the bottom. Inside the microwave of the container should be placed so that they do not come into contact with each other. It should be heated for about 3 minutes by turning on the oven for full power. During this time, water will boil, and banks seem to succeed.

Elimination of the smell of cutting boards

Non-standard use of microwave

In addition to the board itself and the microwave will need lemon. The contaminated surface should be slipped and carefully rubbed the citrus slide. After you can send the board to the furnace for about 5 minutes. Then it is necessary to rinse it under running water. An unpleasant smell must disappear.

Cabsor leaves

Non-standard use of microwave

Microwave will help to prepare cabbage leaves for cabbage rolls. First, rinse the Kochan and remove the solid part. You can put in the furnace cabbage directly in this form, and you can additionally wrap the food film to create a larger greenhouse effect.

Cook with medium power for 10 minutes. Periodically you can turn the Kochan.

Return of fragrance spitsm

Non-standard use of microwave

When spices and herbs are stored for a long time, they may lose the fragrance. To return freshness and spice, you can slightly warm them in the microwave oven. It takes a little time - about 10-15 seconds when installing power to maximum.

Crying onion

Non-standard use of microwave

When cutting onions, you can avoid tears. To do this, clean the bulb and cut the top and bottom. Then it should be placed in a microwave for 30 seconds. After cooling, you can start shinking. This method helps to get rid of substances provoking tears, while retaining the taste and beneficial properties of the bow.

Preparation of yeast dough

Non-standard use of microwave

To the dough it rises well, it is necessary warm. If you do not fail to start the baking process, you can use a fast and efficient way. It is necessary to place the container, half filled with yeast dough, in the microwave. In order for the dough does not cross, you should put a glass with water.

Heating time - 3-4 minutes. After that, the test takes about 5-6 minutes for cooling.

Drying grass

Non-standard use of microwave

It is not necessary to wait until the collected herbs dried on their own. The microwave oven will cope with this task much faster. Greens can be dried both in solid, and in sliced. About 1 minute will be enough. Excessive moisture evaporates, and all useful properties and pleasant fragrance will be saved.

Return of soft soft bread

Non-standard use of microwave

You can use in two ways. For the first it will take a paper towel. First, it is necessary to wrap in it a stale bread, and then moisten with a small amount of water. Then everyone together put on a plate and put itze for 1 minute.

There is a way easier. For additional humidification, you can simply use a glass with water. It should be put in the microwave next to bread. In this case, it may be necessary to take a little longer.

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