Decor from plugs from wine bottles


Quite often, we throw things into the garbage bucket, which at first glance seem useless. But in fact, most of them can come in handy for completely unique and amazing ideas, which are extremely easy to implement. From the plugs from wine bottles you can do different funny things for the beauty of the interior, practical additions to the rooms and the joy of children.

Decor from plugs from wine bottles

1. Letters from traffic jams

Decor from plugs from wine bottles

With the help of free work material, you can make a really incredible and beautiful decoration for the home, working office or cultural institution. To do this, you will need a considerable amount of wine plugs, but if you spend some time to spend on charges, it will not be much difficult. After that, you just need to glue the tubes in the form of a letter or word with hot glue.

Interesting information from The first plugs for the blockage of wine were obtained from soft wood manually, a strict tree. But her obvious minus was that she quickly swollen and from excess moisture and could split the neck of the vessel with wine. To this end, the plug was additionally sealed with a resin. The Phoenicians were the first to decide to use a special oak cork for the manufacture of corks, and they acquired a modern look only in the 17th century.

2. Entertainment for children

Decor from plugs from wine bottles

Armed with a stationery knife and paints, can be made from plugs from wine bottles fun stamps. Thanks to them, children will be occupied by hours, playing with paints, creating various pictures or simply imagining themselves with noble emperors.

3. bath mat

Decor from plugs from wine bottles

To make a bath mat, you will need about two hundred wine plugs. Anyone can create such a stylish decor, even a newcomer in creative affairs. To secure cork material, you need an elastic base to which you can glue the plugs with hot glue. Corks can also be sewed with a fishing line, but it will be longer.

4. Harmless legs

Decor from plugs from wine bottles

Heavy furniture items can leave scratches on the floor, which is then very difficult to disguise and almost impossible to eliminate. To avoid harm to floor covering, you can use the simple and free tool, which is found in almost every home. You just need to cut the cork from the wine bottle on thin slices and glue them under the feet of furniture.

5. New Year's decorations

Decor from plugs from wine bottles

Even an inexperienced person can easily make a pretty Christmas decoration in the form of a Christmas tree made of a small amount of traffic jams. There are several options for using them: entirely, then the decoration will be more voluminous, or cutting on thin plates, which then you need to stick on a solid basis. To make the decoration were brighter and original, traffic jams can be painted in white, green and red, covered with gold or silver paint.

Decor from plugs from wine bottles

6. Cork panel on any subject

Decor from plugs from wine bottles

A small amount of wine plugs, and on the wall of your room there will be an original decoration in the form of a heart or any other shape. If you add some paints, then the product will look simply amazing.

7. Stylish pot

Decor from plugs from wine bottles

Conventional pots can turn into an incredible eco-decor just with a small amount of corks from wine bottles and hot glue from a gun. With such a task will cope any.

8. Special kitchen charm

Decor from plugs from wine bottles

With such a task it will be not very easy to cope, since there will be a lot of traffic jams. However, the result is worth it, because only a few people in the world can boast such a working area.

9. Decorative table

Decor from plugs from wine bottles

Simple furniture can turn into a stylish piece of decor if you add it a special charm using plugs from wine bottles. When creating such a decoration, the main thing is to comply with the principles of symmetry and accuracy, and the result will exceed all expectations.

Decor from plugs from wine bottles

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