Festive garland from oranges


Without which our person is impossible to submit a new year? Surely without Olivier, the "irony of fate" and the smell of juicy mandarins.

Festive garland from oranges
Festive garland from oranges

And if the first two points do not seem problematic, then citruses are insidious thing. They are allergic. Yes, and the invigorating festive fragrance is often present solely in our imagination. And the real fruit smells nothing better than plastic. But the smell is half a festive atmosphere. Therefore, we suggest to show a bit of resourcefulness and make the original and very fragrant decoration for the house - a real orange garland!

Festive garland from oranges

Garland - the same poorly replaceable attribute of winter holidays, like citrus. So why not combine them, and at the same time and pleasant with useful, making the original decoration for the house? Which of his aroma will still drive himself to Handra and remind of the festive season.

Festive garland from oranges

To make an orange garland, you will need:

1. 2-3 medium orange;

2. Beehive or fishing line;

3. Additionally and purely at will: Mandarine crusts, bumps or laurels

Step 1: Correctly prepare oranges

Festive garland from oranges
Festive garland from oranges

Oranges do large, dense rings. Take a baking sheet, check it with parchment and place pieces of orange. For example, to dry at least for the night, and better - for two or three days. After the time of drying, you return oranges into the kitchen, heals the oven to 110-120 degrees and send citrus to go for 3 hours.

Step 2: We ride

Festive garland from oranges
Festive garland from oranges

Oranges are ready for further transformation when they get a light golden brown crust. Give them cool, and in the meantime, prepare a long Mokkin of the bemp and a fishing line. Top needle or nail Do two holes next to each slicker and strip them alone in a long row.

Step 3: Additional decorations

Festive garland from oranges
Festive garland from oranges
Festive garland from oranges

Optionally, turn on its fragrant garland laurel leaves, pine cones or dried mandarin crusts to enhance the smell and sensation of the holiday. Turn on fantasy!

Festive garland from oranges

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