Budget ways of the transformation of an old apartment


What if large-scale repair is not included in the nearest plans, and I want to change the outdated interior? Thanks to several budget decisions, "Babushkin" will turn into a cozy and original home.

Budget ways of the transformation of an old apartment

1. Equality on the walls

Budget ways of the transformation of an old apartment

Loft walls are harmonized with old furniture.

In many ways, the obsolete and non-accurant species of Soviet interiors give the walls with partially lulubbling plaster, faded wallpaper. Therefore, without updating the wall space can not do. Universal way - to paint the walls in white or wake them with wallpaper. If this goes beyond the borders of the budget or it seems too complicated, then use a fashionable reception, characteristic of the Loft style - walls without decoration, for example, concrete or brick. This style allows the use of old furniture, so it is not difficult to equip a Soviet apartment in accordance with its characteristics. On the "naked" or painted in the white wall hang abstract pictures or apply graffiti.

Budget ways of the transformation of an old apartment

Shelves will hide the imperfections of the surface after its independent staining.

It is possible to transform the appearance of the room numerous open shelves on which there are books in beautiful bindings, original things. It is absolutely optionally to hang them on the walls in a row. The plated shelves look more interesting.

2. Free the space for the new

Budget ways of the transformation of an old apartment

The semi-empty space looks fresh, even it is filled with old furniture.

The problem of most old apartments is total litter. Without remorse, get rid of all items that you do not use more than half a year. Throw out things, the contemplation of which does not bring you pleasure - it's about decoration. Leave only the most necessary, and breathe in the old apartment will become much easier! The smaller it is random small items - the better. If you want to transform a removable apartment where the little things cannot be disposed of, then pack them in the boxes and hide into the sofa, on the mezzanine or under the bed. The impression of litters create and protruding wires. Hide them into special boxes, secure under the tabletops ... The original solution is to wind the wires with a twine or ribbon, but in this case it is necessary to pre-make sure that the electrical communications are working.

3. Remember and realize that the furniture is not nailed to the floor

Budget ways of the transformation of an old apartment

Massive furniture is better removed from the field of view.

The huge cabinets and sofas, on which the same thing stops the look, produce an oppressive impression. Since the change of furniture does not fit into the framework of our budget, it remains only to rearrange it correctly. Furniture should not be blown out the sun's rays penetrating the apartment from the street. Also try to place it in such a way that it does not fall into the field of view from the standpoint, where the maximum time is carried out. For example, in the living room you should not post a wardrobe next to the TV, since the massive furniture looking to his person will always be noticeable. It is not necessary to arrange furniture along the walls. If the apartment area allows you to try using it for zoning. For example, a sofa standing in the central part of the room will allow to divide the room into several functional zones. Instant to refresh the interior will turn out with the help of a screen or rack on wheels. At the first signs of fatigue from the interior, simply move them, and the feeling of novelty is guaranteed.

4. Neither step without textiles

Budget ways of the transformation of an old apartment

Covers will hide all flaws of furniture.

Speaking that the cozy apartment is impossible to imagine without textile, we do not mean multilayer curtains with lambrequins. They will have to get rid of them. But light translucent curtains or Roman curtains effectively refresh the interior. Textile covers and bedspreads will help hide the rubber upholstery of furniture, and bright pillows with a print radically change the perception of the old apartment. But if the interior is overloaded with trifles and various details, then it is better to refuse from catching textiles. On the contrary, stop the choice on monophonic colors, which will help balance the situation and make it harmonious.

5. More light and gloss

Budget ways of the transformation of an old apartment

The combination of old and new - win-win.

After the release of windows from multilayer curtains, it is time to move to an increase in the degree of artificial illumination. In most Soviet apartments you can find only one chandelier hanging in the center of the room. As a result, the room in the evening looks gloomy, and people lack light. Desktop and floor lamps, candles will solve the problem of insufficient illumination. The atmosphere will immediately become more comfortable! Also pay attention to various interior parts with glossy glitter - under gold, silver, bronze ... They are perfectly harmonized with dark wooden furniture, which is replete with apartments, and ennoble the situation. Brilliant can be photo frames, furniture accessories, lamps, lamps ...

6. New life of old furniture

Budget ways of the transformation of an old apartment

Old furniture painted in non-standard color comes to life.

The ideas for updating the old furniture are a great set. Of the simplest - replacement of old fittings on a new one. A little more labor cost will be the sistering of furniture from the layer of old varnish and staining. You can decorate the surface of the updated furniture using decoupage or stencil pattern.

7. Live interior is always relevant

Budget ways of the transformation of an old apartment

There are many colors!

So that the interior looked more dynamic, do not forget to decorate it with alive flowers. Do not forget to carefully care for plants. Semi-shy room flowers with yellowish leaves will make the opposite effect. Choose large plants with saturated color leaves.

8. Bright details create the effect of novelty and surprises.

Budget ways of the transformation of an old apartment

Standard beige-brown interior with bright details is transformed.

The problem of interiors created in the Soviet period is their monotony. As a result, the apartment looks boring and predictable. Therefore, we recommend to revive the situation through the use of several bright details. Even one piece of non-standard color is able to radically transform the Soviet interior. The more contrast is the situation - the less it will be perceived as obsolete and non-mode.

9. Say "Yes" with nontrivial combinations

Budget ways of the transformation of an old apartment

Eclectic style welcomes the use of old things.

It is not necessary to turn the Soviet interior into classic. First, it is unlikely that the result will be successful, and secondly, there are more interesting options. For example, eccleetics. This style allows a combination in the interior of things, which at first glance seems incompatible. So, the eclectic interior allows lamp in the style of High-tech surrounded by old furniture. But be careful - in order to create high-quality eclectics in the setting, you must have a great taste.

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