Mold and fungus in a washing machine: how to make the problem of gone and not returned


Mold and fungus in a washing machine: how to make the problem of gone and not returned

Sooner or later, mold and fungus may appear in any washing machine. If black dots appeared on the elastic or in the powder tank, then the worst happened. However, it is not necessary to despair in such a situation, because there are ways to solve this problem that will help get rid of the hated fungus before it causes pollution around or what is worse than an allergic reaction.

Why appears "fungus" in a washing machine

The owners themselves are always to blame. / Photo:

The owners themselves are always to blame.

The fungus in the washing machine appears exclusively by the fault of the owners themselves. There may be several reasons. The first is the "short cold" washing, an express program of operation of the machine at low temperatures. The bottom line is that if you constantly use this mode, then disinfection does not happen in the car due to water heating to 60 degrees.

Important : Get rid of mold in the car you need to prevent allergic reactions at households, prevent the imminent immunity of family members, close the road to spread in the house of dangerous infections.

About the car you need to take care. / Photo:

About the car you need to take care.

The second reason is the absence of bleaching in powder. The fact is that such substances not only give things to whiteness, but also do not give to spread the mold. The cause is the use of the rinse without additional rinsing.

Note : And the mold appears due to banal dampness. If you do not wipe the elastic band of the machine dry, as well as not to dry the tank for the powder, then the occurrence of mold is only a matter of time.

How to deal with fungus

Acids and chlorine-containing agents will help. / Photo:

Acids and chlorine-containing agents will help.

It's hard to fight mold, but not impossible. "Uninvited Guest" in the favorite washing machine does not like high temperature, and also does not tolerate contact with acids. First of all, special stores from mold can help (preparations with a high chlorine content, such as "whiteness" and "domases"), which in most cases poured into the dispenser with a washing machine in a volume of 0.5-1 liters after which the washing machine starts to the long-term mode washing. After such a "washing", the rinse should perform, then drain the water and wipe the gum and the dispenser dry. The door of the machine should be left open to ventilation and drying.

It is important to dry the machine. / Photo:

It is important to dry the machine.

In the most extreme case, you can resort to the help of "grandmother's tips". Washing with soda, citric acid or acetic acid can also solve the problem. Some hostesses are successfully used to combat mold in the car ordinary detergents intended for cleaning toilet bowls.

After disinfection, everyone also needs to dry. / Photo:

After disinfection, everyone also needs to dry.

Important : Remember that citric acid and the similar substances can cause real harm to the drum of the washing machine. Use non-specialized funds at your own risk!

When using any "grandmother's methods" should not forget about rinsing mode. Otherwise, chemistry and acids can damage the details of the favorite washing machine.

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