10 options, how to use old things in the country, and not throw them into a trash can


Plates with sloping edges the place on the flower beds and beds. / Photo: Domnomore.com
10 options, how to use old things in the country, and not throw them into a trash can

In any house there is a couple of unnecessary things that are so asking for a garbage basket or a landfill. However, it is not worth a hurry and throw thoughtless everything. Many old things can serve a good service at the cottage, making it more comfortable, original and cozy. A total couple of simple lifehaki will help completely change their country area without any spending.

1. Funny swings

Swing is an excellent remedy for boredom and stress. Photo: St.vioolity.com

Swing is an excellent remedy for boredom and stress.

Swing always provide a lot of positive emotions, both adults and children. So why not make them yourself in the country and do not be charged with a charge of cheerfulness and joy, at least every day? And in order to organize a swing, you will not need a lot of effort: only a reliable tree on which you need to fix strong ropes or chains and an old chair. Make a home attraction is more original and cheerful will help bright paint.

2. Comfortable hammock

Cozy and rather original place, is not it? / Photo: peedelka.tv

Cozy and rather original place, is not it?

Very comfortable hammock is not necessary to buy in the store. It can be done independently by using a couple of old jeans. Such fabric is quite durable to withstand almost any weight. Jeans need to be sehered among themselves, make sticks for fixation, as well as fix on the bottom hinges for fastening Denim.

3. Brutal hanger

Excellent way to place extra things. / Photo: cztv.me

Excellent way to place extra things.

In the country or in his house there is always a lot of things that need to be placed and spend. Create an additional storage room with a notch of humor and creativity will help unnecessary valves. If they are fixed on a wooden board and hang on the wall, it turns out a great hanger. To make it not so brutal, you can paint the valves in bright colors.

4. Flower pots from shoes

Why throw away old shoes if you can make excellent epic clubs from it. / Photo: I.Pinimg.com

Why throw away old shoes if you can make excellent epic clubs from it.

Several pairs of old shoes can play the role of flower pots. If an unusual old shoe was not found, then any can be covered with acrylic paint and make a brighter and unique. In order for the plants, the king system does not deteriorate, there are several holes in the sole. So excess water will flock down.

5. Rebirth of old furniture

Unusual flowerbed will decorate any country area. / Photo: pp.vk.me

Unusual flowerbed will decorate any country area.

Eliminate furniture, even if it is old, always hard. Usually she lives with us not one decade, so it's a pity to part with her. In order not to throw out the useful things, you can come up with another appointment. Here, an unusual flower bed from any furniture with drawers will look great at the cottage. So that they will serve for a long time for their new goal, you need to use protective impregnation for wood from moisture and rot.

6. Second life saucepan

The composition of old pans can be supplemented with beautiful stones and statueries. / Photo: S2.eestatic.com

The composition of old pans can be supplemented with beautiful stones and statueries.

Even the pots that can no longer be used in the kitchen can come in handy in the country. If desired and a small fraction of fantasy, they will become part of the original decorative composition. It can be an old kettle, in which planted flowers will look especially unusual and effectively. Brutal metal dishes will emphasize tenderness and brightness of colors. Such a flowerba will have a not one dignity, the main one is durable even in the open sky.

7. Aesthetic fence

Plates with sloping edges the place on the flower beds and beds. / Photo: Domnomore.com

Plates with sloping edges the place on the flower beds and beds.

Unnecessary utensils can also be used to make a cottage. For example, plates will especially successfully look as a barrier for flowerbeds or beds. They will not only help conveniently distinguish between space, but also give the liveliness to the familiar surrounding, they will add comfort to him.

8. Flowerbed from an umbrella

The old umbrella will be very aesthetically looked as flower beds. / Photo: nengen.club

The old umbrella will be very aesthetically looked as flower beds.

Umbrellas are made of durable waterproof fabric, so they even in the battered state can become quite reliable flowerumba. If you fall asleep the revealed or half-walled umbrella of the earth, and on top to plant flowers, it turns out quite original and brightly. However, this is not one dignity of such a flower, because it is also mobile - if you wish it easily, you can easily be transferred to any other place.

9. Suitcase transformation

A roomy suitcase is suitable not only for clothing storage. / Photo: Lacoloclyon.com

A roomy suitcase is suitable not only for clothing storage.

From the old suitcase, you can make a convenient and original shelf for giving. She will even have a door that can be decorated and supplemented with a mirror. This design will be quite relevant in the bathroom or in the kitchen. All you need to do is not to throw away the old suitcase and build a horizontal shelf inside it. With this will help glue or building corners.

An interesting fact from novate.ru: The prototype of modern suitcases were wooden chests, which dripped to a wagon or carriage while traveling. They could also be folded even heavy or large-sized things. However, when cars and trains became the main means of movement, there was a need for a more practical and compact item for storing and transporting things. They became an improved chest in the form of a suitcase. The first one invented the French master Louis Witton in 1858. The flat shape of the suitcase made it possible to storing the large course of things when you can put one suitcase to another. This idea allowed Louis Witton to get rich and open their first stores.

10. Bath for flowers

Corner of silence and calm without any spending. Photo: bestlandscapeideas.com

Corner of silence and calm without any spending.

Old bath is just a necessary subject for giving. Especially if you like reservoirs. From the bathroom, it is very easy to make a real flower garden or even a mini-pond that will become a corner of harmony and joy at any summer site. The pond can be high, then the bath you just need to install anywhere, or low - then the bath will have to go in the ground. After that, it should be filled with water and plant moisture plants.

And one more option. / Photo: I.Pinimg.com

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