What to do with yellowed curtains


All women know that snow-white curtains or tulle eventually become not so white and beautiful.

It seems that the only way out is to go to the store and buy new ones. But this method requires new costs. But I want to return the old beauty to old favorite curtains. And it is worth a lot of effort.

We have prepared for you the best way, how can you whiten the curtains and make them beautiful.

The most interesting thing is that such a method - how to get rid of dirty-yellow spots - ordinary green. Yes, yes - ordinary green!

What to do with yellowed curtains

How to whiten the tulle with your own hands using the green

On the one hand, this is a very heavy process that requires a lot of time and effort. But it is worth it. Curtains and tulles will again become beautiful, white and fresh.

And so how to wipe tulle with your own hands?

Step One: We take dirty tulle and wear well. Take the tulle and soak it in warm water for 2 hours, and then push well. This can be done both with its own two and in a washing machine.

What to do with yellowed curtains

Step 2.

Dirty water from the basin merge. We recruit warm water again, add a little powder and soak again for 2 hours. After this procedure, rinse Tulle and begin to whiten the tulle with the help of greenf.

Step 3.

We recruit the water again (warm) and add 3 tbsp. Ordinary salt.

Step 4.

The most important. Take the green and dragging in such a way that there are no green spots on your favorite curtains. To do this, take a glass and drip 10-15 drops of diamond green. Spoon are well mixed, so that the greenfo does not stay at the bottom.

Leave the mixture for a few minutes and mix again.

What to do with yellowed curtains

Step 5.

If at the bottom there is no sediment of the zeal, then boldly pour the mixture into a basin with salt water, which you have prepared before.

Step 6.

Lower tulle in a basin for 2-3 minutes. Mix a little and turn the tulle with your hand. After this procedure, you need to take tulle to rinse and squeeze well. Important moment: in no case do not tweak tulle.

Then you need to raise Tulle in such a place so that the water itself is good to expire.

Voila! Now you will see that the curtains began to be again like new!

Now you know how to whiten dirty, yellow tuli with your own hands. If you liked the article - Share with friends.

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