Original application of tissue residues


Even the smallest loskutka is easy to turn into an original bulk napkin or rug. The skills of weaving will not be needed, but I'll have to stock needle with threads. Otherwise, it all depends on the fantasy and the presence of material.

Technique is easy to limit. It is easy to master it even novice craftsmen.

Original application of tissue residues

For the base, the burlap, denim or other durable fabric. Otherwise, everything is individually. To begin with, we ask the form of the future rug. Cut 2 round blanks for the base and a wide strip of fabric for edging.

Original application of tissue residues

The selected technique allows you to do without processing the edges of the fabric. They all the time will hide inside. Bending in half the cloth for edging sew it to the base, so that it is between the items of the base. Simultaneously lay folds.

Original application of tissue residues

The basis is ready. All edges are refilled inside.

Original application of tissue residues

For billets for future petals make oval blanks.

Original application of tissue residues

Bending the workpiece twice, we make the covers in such a way that the finished petal has a double edge that does not require processing.

Original application of tissue residues

The finished petal is sewn to the base and immediately go to the creation of the following. Petals are sewn into account. Circles are formed from edging to the center. If you wish, you can change the color when moving from one circle on another. It is also eliminated by another color distribution. In the center, sew a rose formed from several petals immediately.

Original application of tissue residues

More details regarding the assembly of the original rug, in the video below:

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