8 familiar things about the hidden capabilities of which would not hurt to read in the instructions


8 familiar things about the hidden capabilities of which would not hurt to read in the instructions

Even our usual things often keep secrets about which many people do not guess. Stationery knife, paper cups, knitted hats and other everyday items can be used more efficiently and easily, which are only available to those who know special tricks.

1. Secret of the stationery knife

It turns out that in the design of the stationery knife is not all obvious.

It turns out that in the design of the stationery knife is not all obvious.

At work or at home, the stationery knife is a rather popular subject, but not everyone knows how to use it correctly. When the stationery knife refuses to cut the paper at exactly, the head immediately swears a lot of options for how it is better to break down the smoking part. But the correct option is only one - at the bottom of the knife there is a special device that helps painlessly, quickly, and most importantly securely update the blade. It turns out that all this time a slight solution was at hand.

2. Just coffee correct

Paper cups with a plastic lid need to be able to use correctly.

Paper cups with a plastic lid need to be able to use correctly.

The valve that closes the hole in the hidden coffee cover, you do not need to tear off. It must be carefully cut to the center of the lid. To fix it, there is a special deepening behind it, in which this valve is fixed so as not to interfere with drinking drink.

3. Spaghetti rate

Determine the amount of spaghetti per serving is quite difficult.

Determine the amount of spaghetti per serving is quite difficult.

When you are preparing porridge or pasta, it is enough to determine the necessary portion of the product to the exact number of people. The same problem arises from spaghetti. However, there is a solution - a special spoon for fast and easy cooking spaghetti. To calculate the amount of product to be welded, it is enough to put dry spaghetti into the hole in the middle of the spoon. How much placed, so much and it will be enough to fit alone.

4. Original lock lock

Mysterious holes that actually have a special purpose.

Mysterious holes that actually have a special purpose.

Many have noticed that at the bottom of the mounted castle there are some holes, but few people wondered that they have a special purpose. However, in fact, they are located there to increase the reliability of the castle and ensure its uninterrupted work. Rainwater leaks through them, which can be touched by the castle design. It turns out that thanks to these holes, the lock does not rust, does not freeze and does not deteriorate for a long time.

5. Pompons on the headers

Not only beautiful, but also useful.

Not only beautiful, but also useful.

In modern fashion, the pumps are considered the original decor not only children's, but also adult hats. But in fact initially they were invented not for beauty. They have practical importance - to protect your head from bruises.

An interesting fact from novate.ru: Pomponov invented French sailors. They were invented so that the fleet servants hit on the ship about low ceilings. Or, if they hit, it is not too tangible.

6. Stapler and its functionality

It turns out that the stapler has more functions than many suspect.

It turns out that the stapler has more functions than many suspect.

It often happens that it is not particularly successful to connect the paper sheets. Then you have to disconnect the brackets, applying a lot of effort and spending time. It is unpleasant. But there is a way out in this situation, if you know the secret place stapler: using the button that is located at the bottom of the plate that is responsible for bending the edges of the bracket, can be rotated in the other direction. Then the edges of the bracket will be edged not inside, as usual, and outwards are considered to be temporary bonding, which is enough to remove if necessary.

7. Press for garlic

Reveal the special purpose of everyday things.

Reveal the special purpose of everyday things.

Cherry and cherry - Favorite berries of many. They can just eat resting, as well as add to many popular dishes, such as dumplings, pies, pies, desserts, compotes, jelly and others. However, all the pleasure usually spoil the bones, which have to separate for a long time from the pulp, stinging hands and spending over time. To avoid routine lessons, you can call for help for the press for garlic. Few people know that he is designed to help not only in the grinding of acute seasoning, but also for squeezing the bone from berry. Below the bowls with cells have a special recess of the round shape right in the handle. We put the cherry there, clamp, and the bone is separated from the berry, remaining in the recess.

8. Surprise from vacuum cleaner

All the secret someday becomes clear: we reveal the mysterious purpose of the valve on the handle of the vacuum cleaner.

All the secret someday becomes clear: we reveal the mysterious purpose of the valve on the handle of the vacuum cleaner.

The vacuum cleaner is one of the main devices for fast and high-quality cleaning of the whole house. He is able to penetrate almost any remote places, collecting garbage and dust. However, with the use of such a useful item like a vacuum cleaner, unpleasant surprises may occur: when the vacuum cleaner delays a hanging outline with a sofa plaid or curtains. It would seem that there would be no need to avoid problems, but in the device of the device there is a special trick for solving such an awkwardness: withdrawing the valve on the handle of the vacuum cleaner, you can weaken the thrust and stream force. This lifehack is useful in order to easily release unwanted things that came under the action of the vacuum cleaner.

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