How to effectively remove the smell of alcohol, if a business meeting is scheduled after a banquet


How to effectively remove the smell of alcohol, if a business meeting is scheduled after a banquet

Imagine such a hypothetical situation: after the anniversary of one of the parents, an extremely important meeting was appointed with a new potential business partner, which is very important to produce the most good impression. But after all, you will not explain to an unfamiliar person that it's not a quotion, but just could not not be noted the family celebration. In the material there will be really effective tips, how to completely eliminate the smell of the so-called fume in two hours.

1. White coal (White sorbent) as soon as you woke up (or before the alarm ringing)

As soon as possible, take white coal !!! / Photo:

As soon as possible, take white coal !!!

If you need to disguise the fluids of yesterday's gatherings, the so-called "white coal" can help, is still found under the name "Webssorb" or "Polysorb". It consists of several active substances, such as silicon dioxide, succinic acid and taurine. Of these substances, the most "flavors-absorbing" are the first two. Silicon dioxide is a fine dust, compressed in the form of a tablet, this means that when admitting, very small particles of the substance quickly associate all the remnants not to the end of digested food, which has such an unpleasant odor.

Amber Acid helps to recycle acetic aldehyde (a substance with a smell similar to acetone) in harmless water and carbon dioxide, thereby reducing the unpleasant "exhaust" to a minimum. In addition, white coal dosages are much more sparing, only 1 tablet for 20 kg of weight , whereas ordinary coal must be taken in the ratio of 1:10. And even a big plus - even excessive reception of white coal does not bear any problems with digestion.

2. shower with washcloth

Souls with a washcloth helps to get rid of the smell of alcohol on the outflow. / Photo:

Souls with a washcloth helps to get rid of the smell of alcohol on the outflow.

With intoxication, the body seeks to get rid of poisoning by all available methods, one of which is the withdrawal of harmful substances through the skin pores. Thus, a simple hot shower with a washcloth can help get rid of the unpleasant smell of mouth. The mechanism is the following: Hot water expands the pores of the skin and helps to more effectively use this channel of deliverance from toxins, and the urine, in addition to the obvious purification of the pore of the skin from blockage, also tones the skin to which the result of a large amount of blood adheres The glands work more efficiently.

3. Stone Coffee

The next morning after the subject - necessarily the steady espresso. / Photo:

The next morning after the subject - necessarily the steady espresso.

One way to disguise the unpleasant smell of mouth is a cup of strong freshly welded espresso. And the case is not at all in caffeine, as it would be possible to think. The exciting component of the drink here is not at all. The fact is that coffee, among other things, contains tubic substances that suppress the activity of bacteria that born not too pleasant smells. The portion of hot espresso, rolling along the oral cavity and esophagus, and then settled in the stomach along the road, as if "burns" the harmful bacteria, not giving them to multiply and spoil you communication with colleagues in an unpleasant smell.

An important detail! Coffee should be freshly brewed and high-quality, cheap soluble surrogate odor can not kill, the only result of the use of a cheap drink will be another acidic note in your exhale that, you see, it is not at all the purpose of using this saving agent.

4. Extremely satisfy fast food

Quickly and cute from Bodunya! / Photo:

Quickly and cute from Bodunya!

After the clock, the next morning should be very quickly eating a complex and satisfying food, so as not to hit the face in front of important people. Perfect: Quickly eat a couple of pieces of rye bread, drinking it with water. There is a double benefit: Water will help to wash toxins, and eat bread, drinking water, is three times more per minute. Just eat bread and drink water. And also be sure to swallow a couple of spoons of vegetable oil and cream oil of grams 20. We'll think about the diet later: after all, now you need to save a reputation !!!

5. Walk and exercise

As much physical actions as possible to remove the harness! / Photo:

As much physical actions as possible to remove the harness!

First of all, you need to take a walk in the park or the surge of the fresh air of 20-30 minutes. Easy charging does not hurt either. You can jump 10 minutes simply or through the rope. To activate the work of the lungs and remove toxins, you can perform respiratory gymnastics. There is nothing difficult in this, it is enough to do deep breaths and noisy outways for 5 minutes. Hyperventilation of the lungs contributes to their cleansing, as a result of the smell of the fume becomes not so strong.

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