12 Lifehakov with salt, learning about which, want to buy a pair of packs from above


12 Lifehakov with salt, learning about which, want to buy a pair of packs from above

Salt is the most popular seasoning that is in every home. A rare dish will cost without the addition of white crystallini, emphasizing the taste of the Kushan. The fact that the salt is completely indispensable in cooking and for preservation of products know everything, but many of its properties do not recognize. Meanwhile, this mineral can also be used in everyday life. The editorial office of Novate.ru will tell about 12 tricks with salt, which will significantly simplify the life of hostesses.

1. Elimination of the smell of onion and garlic

Salt helps to save hands from the smell of onions and garlic. Photo: SmartLifetricks.com

Salt helps to save hands from the smell of onions and garlic.

Onions and garlic are part of many dishes, and after cooking in the hands there remains an unpleasant smell, literally penetrating the pores of the skin. To quickly get rid of this fragrance, mix a little liquid soap with salt or simply in pure form apply on wet hands. Carefully spend and wash the salt, and with it and the smell will go.

2. Natural body scrub

Based on salt, you can prepare a natural body scrub. / Photo: CDN.ClickPentRUFEMEI.RO

Based on salt, you can prepare a natural body scrub.

Salt is an inexpensive and efficient alternative to shop scrubs, which will make the skin soft. Mix the salt cup, better sea, with a quarter cup of olive oil. Apply the resulting mixture on the face and body and neatly scroll to get rid of dead skin cells. You can experiment, adding essential oils and other components, such as ginger having anti-inflammatory properties and helps get rid of cellulite.

3. Scaring Muravyev

Salt - Natural Muravye Repeller. / Photo: Keyassets-p2.TimeIncuk.net

Salt - Natural Muravye Repeller.

Ants in the house can be a real problem, and salt will be an assistant in the fight against uninvited guests. She is not poisonous for ants, but can spoil them life, as they do not like her. To scare insects from home, sprout salt all the places through which they penetrate the house - thresholds and window sills, as well as their permanent routes. Corners, cracks, doors and other vertical surfaces can be sprayed with saline.

4. Softeing itching from mosquito bites

Salt removes itching and swelling in the bite of insects. / Photo: eparent.com

Salt removes itching and swelling in the bite of insects.

The bites of various insects cause a lot of unpleasant sensations - redness, inflammation, swelling and itching. The place of bite swells and can be very painful. Salt is known for its antiseptic properties and will help raise unpleasant symptoms faster. Mix salt with water in such a quantity to form a thick pasty mixture. Apply Casciance with circular movements, apply in the place of bite.

5. Extension of bouquet life

Adding salt to water will extend the life of a bouquet. / Photo: almanac.com

Adding salt to water will extend the life of a bouquet.

Flower bouquets and compositions decorate the house, but the cut flowers quickly fade. Extend their life will help a simple cook salt. With each change of fluid in the vase, add a salt at the rate of 1 teaspoon per liter of water. Such a solution prevents the development of bacteria, preventing the process of rotting, and cut flowers longer retain a decorative look.

6. Cleaning Iron

With the help of salt, you can clean the sole of the iron from Nagara. / Photo: media1.s-nbcnews.com

With the help of salt, you can clean the sole of the iron from Nagara.

Purulined iron spoils clothes, leaving unweighted spots. For cleaning, pour salt on a piece of paper or foil, depending on what is in the house. Heat the iron to the maximum temperature and stroke the salt crystals until the okhod's sole is cleaned.

7. Cleaning cast iron dishes

Salt is the perfect means for cleaning the cast iron from fat. / Photo: hip2keto.com

Salt is the perfect means for cleaning the cast iron from fat.

Despite the appearance of modern frying pan with a non-stick coating, pig-iron analogues still remain popular. But few know that when washing the cast iron is extremely undesirable to use detergents. However, laundering the fatty pan is simply warm water, and salt is an excellent Fairy alternative and other similar means. Just pour out the holy salt into another warm cast-iron container and clean it along with the fat with a paper towel.

8. Care for wicker furniture

Salt water will help to return the original color of the wicker furniture. / Photo: jakidijak.info

Salt water will help to return the original color of the wicker furniture.

Wicker furniture introduces heat and coziness in the interior. But that openwork furnishings be pleased with the eye, they need to carefully care for them. If they darkened or wishes, with the help of salt, they can return the initial shade. To do this, dissolve salt in water and a rigid brush, moistened in solution, clean the furniture.

9. Fire prevention

In the kitchen, always keep the salt at hand in the event of ignition. / Photo: sheheksthat.com

In the kitchen, always keep the salt at hand in the event of ignition. /

In the kitchen, unforeseen situations can always occur, for example, a sudden ignition of fat in a frying pan or on a stove. In order to prevent fire, immediately fall asleep the fire of salt. It will come in handy and on a picnic when cooking kebabs. If the coals begin, use salt, and not water to knock down the flame. Salt, unlike fluid, knocks down fire, not stinging coals, and liquids can cool them, and then the meat is badly affected.

Interesting fact: Today, salt is available to every person, but it was not always. In ancient times, it was not easy to extract it, so the cost was very high. In those countries where there was no salt deposits, she was valued more than gold and even served as a monetary unit under trade transactions.

10. Cleaning the medium

Salt with lemon is a good remedy for cleaning copper from plaque. Photo: photo-3-baomoi.zadn.vn

Salt with lemon is a good remedy for cleaning copper from plaque.

Copper products over time fill, losing an attractive look. To return the subject of the former shine, use salt and lemon. Fruit slice dip in salt and rub the thing from copper to the complete disappearance of the plaque and pollution. Then flush the product under running water and wipe dry. Before resorting to this method, pre-test the subject's reaction in a small area in a small place.

11. Bathing curtain care

Salt is a good prophylactic remedy for the appearance of mold on the curtains in the bathroom. / Photo: billharris.info

Salt is a good prophylactic remedy for the appearance of mold on the curtains in the bathroom.

The curtains for the bathroom due to the wet environment can be covered by mold stains. Regular treatment with salt will reduce the risk of these unpleasant contaminants. After each washing, soak the curtains for 2-3 hours in a basin with water and a salt cup. Then dry the curtains, without flushing the solution. Thus-processed curtains for some time will resist the appearance of mold.

12. Cool beverages in 2 minutes

Salt will help to cool the drinks faster. / Photo: amp.businessInsider.com

Salt will help to cool the drinks faster.

Hot day, guests gathered on a picnic on your cottage, but did you forget to pre-cool drinks? Not trouble, we use the property of the salt to take heat for the implementation of the dissolution reaction. We add salt and put warm bottles in the container with cold water and ice. Drinks will become cold literally in a few minutes.

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