7 Errors that strives to make a hostess with a cast iron frying pan


7 Errors that strives to make a hostess with a cast iron frying pan

A cast iron frying pan may seem like a stop, reliable and durable workhorse in the kitchen, however, in its use there are special secrets. This dishware justifies all positive feedback about yourself and is considered an indispensable friend from many owners and professional chefs. In the cast-iron frying pan, you can make a huge amount of delicious things, but there are many mistakes that can be accomplished in the detriment of ignorance. To avoid them, it is worth listening to several useful advice from this selection.

Error number 1. Universal cast iron frying pan

A large amount of fish is better prepared not on the cast iron, but on a non-stick frying pan. Photo: I.Ytimg.com

A large amount of fish is better prepared not on the cast iron, but on a non-stick frying pan.

Who does not flow with saliva from the incredible fragrance of meat or sauce, which boils on the stove for a few hours, until garlic, wine and tomato paste add to it? However, high acidity dishes that contain tomatoes or citrus, it is better not to be prepared in a cast-iron pan, as they can acquire an unpleasant metal taste. And the coating of the frying pan from the long exposure to acids may suffer. Of course, add some lemon zeid to chicken meat will not be scary, but half a day crawling tomatoes is not worth it. It is also not recommended to prepare fish, because it can fall apart or stick, and the metal will absorb the smell that then hard to wash.

Error number 2. Leave moisture in the cast iron frying pan

The cast-iron frying pan must be able to give a pretty dry. / Photo: saraphan.top

The cast-iron frying pan must be able to give a pretty dry.

Before removing the cast-iron frying pan in the box, you need to make sure that it does not have extra moisture. If you lose this moment, you can encounter such a problem as rust stains. The best solution for long-term operation The frying pan: after washing to wipe it with a towel and put on the middle fire, leaving until complete drying. This will require 5 minutes. Then let cool and wipe again, but only then remove storage. Another good option is to prevent rust: hang cast-iron pans on the wall, where the streams of fresh air will not let them spoil.

Error number 3. New cast iron frying pan is ready to work

The food does not stick to the pan if it is pre-handled. Photo: I.Ytimg.com

The food does not stick to the pan if it is pre-handled.

After buying a new cast-iron frying pan, it may occur to immediately turn on gas and start cooking. But first, it is necessary to process a new purchase, since the cast iron pan has a natural non-stick coating. It is better not in the oven, how many lifehaki advise, and on the stove. It is necessary to apply a small amount of oil, evenly distribute the frying pan on the surface, and then remove the excess with a paper towel. Putting the frying pan on fire, you need to wait until it becomes completely dry and smoke a little, and then apply another thin layer of oil. You need to stick to this session within 10-15 minutes. After that, we can assume that the cast iron frying pan appeared a reliable non-stick coating.

Cognitive information from Novate.ru: Cast iron is a porous metal. If you send it to the microscope, then it can be noted that its surface is uneven and porous, and these "pores" after heating frying pan only expand. Timely treatment of cast-iron frying pan helps fill all irregularities and make the surface perfectly smooth.

Error number 4. Wash the pan in the dishwasher

To cook tasty, you need to wash the frying pan correctly. Images.dinamani.com

To cook tasty, you need to wash the frying pan correctly.

Under no circumstances should send a cast-iron pan wash into the dishwasher. Such an imprudent action will destroy the non-stick coating and the reason for the appearance of rust. The best option for cleansing cast iron frying pan: a combination of warm water and detergent. No aggressive friction: only a kitchen sponge. If the food has burned and disappears, you can pour some water in the pan and try to boil it on the stove so that the burnt products soften.

Error number 5. Application of cast iron frying pan

For storage of food there is a completely different dishes. / Photo: Glavcom.ua

For storage of food there is a completely different dishes.

As it happens that, after cooking, I do not want to shift food to another dishes, and we put it in the fridge right in the frying pan. However, it is not categorically recommended to do so, as it can spoil the non-stick coating and increase the likelihood that the cast-iron frying pan will rust, and the metal will become toxic.

Error number 6. Do not heat the cast-iron frying pan before use

Before you start cooking, you need to warm up the frying pan in the oven or on slow fire, gradually increasing the fire to the desired preparation temperature. / Photo: steaklovers.Menu

Before you start cooking, you need to warm up the frying pan in the oven or on slow fire, gradually increasing the fire to the desired preparation temperature.

Before frying the steak in a cast-iron frying pan or cook something else, you need to give it to warm up. If you start cooking without sufficient warm-up, food will begin to pester and burn to the frying pan surface. The cast iron is heated unevenly, so it takes a lot of time for its high-quality heating, but as soon as the metal heats up, it perfectly saves heat and you need to use it.

Error number 7. Use inappropable cooking utensils

Despite the strength of the cast-iron frying pan, it can be spoiled by improper handling. / Photo: navseruki.guru

Despite the strength of the cast-iron frying pan, it can be spoiled by improper handling.

The durability of the cast-iron frying pan is also affected by kitchen utensils, which is used for cooking. The metal blade is great for turning the soft meal, and can also even improve the state of the frying pan. This is possible due to the fact that the metal blade will reduce the irregularities that are peculiar to the natural structure of the cast iron. However, after the frying pan has recently been covered with a new non-stick coating, it is best to use soft types of materials: wood, bamboo, silicone blades.

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