Burlakovin in the original decoration of the wall: inexpensive and very simple


Burlakovin in the original decoration of the wall: inexpensive and very simple

Even with a very limited budget, you can make a beautiful and original repair, you just need to approach the question with a fantasy. For example, you can save on expensive wallpaper and make such nice textured walls that resemble burlap.

Burlakovin in the original decoration of the wall: inexpensive and very simple

The work is simple, not particularly laborious, and the materials necessary for such a cover will cost not so expensive.

You will need:


PVA glue;


brush "1000 lines";


putty knife;

Small graded sandpaper

Burlakovin in the original decoration of the wall: inexpensive and very simple

Before proceeding with the decoration of the walls, it is necessary to prepare them. For this wall, the walls are well shit, and then soil. When the primer is driving, we prepare the mass for the decorative coating. To do this, take a bucket and weeping putty in it with water. Then add to the resulting mass of PVA glue, it will give elasticity material. We put the mixture on the wall with vertical small stripes, follow the uniform of the layer. It is not necessary to cover the whole wall at once, only a small plot, as the work will be phased.

Burlakovin in the original decoration of the wall: inexpensive and very simple

Then with the help of the brush "1000 lines", we make a vertical "straw" on the material covered with the material. If necessary, add a mixture directly to the brush. We try to lead the brush exactly and as long as possible. Periodically, the brush can be clapped about the wall so that the surplus of the material went from it. I rest "straw" the whole wall, and then let it dry.

Burlakovin in the original decoration of the wall: inexpensive and very simple

When the wall dried, we applied the mass in the same way, only changing the direction to the horizontal. We try to conduct long stripes so that there are no sharp transitions in the figure. If the air indoors are dry, spray with water with water. We draw burlap over the whole wall and give the coating to completely dry.

Burlakovin in the original decoration of the wall: inexpensive and very simple

When the coating is good, we can easily pass on it fine-grained emery paper. So we beat off the coverage of unnecessary katovka and garbage.

Burlakovin in the original decoration of the wall: inexpensive and very simple

The finished wall is well drunk to remove the dust and bore the surface. When primer dries, you can start painting. In our case, this is a latex matte paint, on a shade close to the color of burlap. When the walls get angry, if you wish, they can be covered with acrylic matte varnish with a black pigment. Luck will throw in the pores and make the coating more contrast and textured. Varnish apply a roller, and then, without giving him to dry, immediately rub the sponge, filling the pores. Here such a coating will turn out in your work finals.

Burlakovin in the original decoration of the wall: inexpensive and very simple

And below you can see a detailed video about this technique.

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