Swipe for TV (Pig)


Pictures on the request of the muffler for the TV (Pig)
Sometimes it becomes necessary to make big interference for TV and radio range. For example, the wife looks "not bothering beautiful", and you need to see the Champions League. For this purpose, special devices are used - "RadiFusters" or by the People's Pig. They differ in a small radius of action (50-100 meters) and good ability to join the signal. Image and sound can fully abyss.

Below is a diagram of simple devices to join the television gear.

Swipe for TV (Pig)

R1 - 3.3K, R2 - 1.5K, R3 - 1.5K

C1 - 8 ... 30 PF (trimming capacitor)

C2 - 5.1 PF

C3 - 5-10pf (4.7 PF), C4 - 56-69 PF (27 PF)

VT1 - KT368.

L1 - coil on the frame of 6 mm, 4 turns of the wire 0.5 mm

Antenna 40 cm Strategic Wire

Food of the silencer - 3 volts. The setting is made by a trim condenser and shift-stretching of the coil's turns.

Option II.

Digger Radio-TV

Are you tired of a sick neighbor, who from morning to evening listens to the "tattoo" on the radio, forgetting about the dream and about the neighbors? Mom does not allow to watch your favorite cartoon, click the buttons on the remote in search of your favorite TV series? Are you tired of living like that, do you want to get rid of the evil neighbors and from the stupid series? Then we climb into the closet for your expensive soldering iron and carefully read this article!

Swipe for TV (Pig)

If you think that for your cherished dream, you will need a bunch of green presidents to buy a new TV, then you are very mistaken. All you need: a soldering iron and a couple of details. If you understand correctly, we will deal today by the manufacture of simple "bridge of radio and television". "Well, finally this hell will end!" - You will tell you and ... you will be completely right.

What is it?

You walk down the street accompanied by simpot girls. We notice that radio is listening in the car. Here you make a couple of movements in your pocket. Now instead of songs hear, how the car comes from the car, squeak and other labud ...

Swipe for TV (Pig)

Heh ... Girls from you delighted, especially from movements in the pants.

How it was

How did I like this scheme? All! First of all, the minimum number of parts can only be on TV. I also liked simplicity and ease to use. Of all my friends, distant from electronics, she managed to collect everything. What I'm sorry to this day. An object for testing, as before you, served, became my box.

Swipe for TV (Pig)

By the way, when you try the 198th miracle of the world, extremely beaten cars with large roof antennas! They are called "direction finders." Why are they feared? Just when you once again wander the radio 98-year-old grandmother, she, without hesitation, will call his mobile phone to the radio station. Grandma will tell them that her branded radio does not work. Operators, checking and making sure that everything perfectly plows, can send to the area where the radio signal leakage is happening, as I said, the car with "horns". And she can easily find you. You will deal with a special zeal if it is "Babushkino Radio" will be a police or fire wave.

Let's start-S.

The manufacture of this device is something similar to the "Lego" assembly. If you do not have the necessary details in your inventory (and you most likely do not have them), then the road direct you on Mitin0 Bazar. Well, or if you want to buy really high-quality thing that will muffle almost all frequencies and the budget allows you to spend $ 300-500 then you are here - www.jammer.su. All you need to buy is a microha and trimmed conder, the approximate view of which you see on one of the photos.

Swipe for TV (Pig)

Although the need for a capacitor will disappear if you have an old radio receiver under the bed. Her (item) You will remove from there (do not forget to disseminate your hands by ammonic alcohol and wear special gloves). So, the parts are replaced for two years, what's next? And then you can stick a soldering iron into the right rosette of the left corner of the top table and run calmly "on the track" so that nothing distracts you from work.

Okay, you can go back. The soldering iron will not wait for you. Take it into the right hand, to the left - this manual, and begin to thoroughly study the scheme, in order not to climb into your two-year stock of the details. Why did she burn? Yes, because it was not necessary to be distracted by physiology. You need to take a soldering iron by 40 watts, and not at 100. Chips tend to break down at high temperatures! These are simple, but the necessary words. Although, if you have a domestic microcircuit ... To burn it, a gasoline burner is needed or a welding machine. In short, do not be afraid to experiment! Only in experiments your individual model of Glushaka will be born.

I will not use the fiberglass, I will not offer you, too much excess hemorrhoids, it is best to solder suspension installation (wires to the legs). Without printed circuit board, noise and dust.


Well, finally, you approached one of the most important points of this operation. When you solder - try not to be distracted for anything, especially on the bare aunts that you stick at every millimeter of the monitor (it interferes, I know on your own experience).

Swipe for TV (Pig)

You will need 5 cm. Solder (if you still haven't learned from your 5-year-old brother, which is, - read our facer). And rosin. If there is no rosin, you can use any solder paste or soldering fluid (HC-L, for example). Only in no case do not use Gutalin, it is very much dirty. If there is no Gutalina - do not worry, you can safely solder without it. Just soldering will be less neat. On the extrusion, you can generally fasten with wires.

Separate the legs of the chips among themselves in two ways:

Running them a bit, to solder together without additional material.

Not bending them, just soldering an extra piece of wire, it is on your discretion.

To begin with, you need to put up food. The whole procedure is to submit wires from the battery. They are connected so: to the 14th leg "+", and to the 7th leg "-".

As I have already broken above, you need to run the chip extremely carefully, to keep the soldering iron more than 10 seconds on one leg undesirable (it is impossible, but if you really want it, then you can). Oh yeah, I forgot that you have already bought the details for two years - it means that it is not scary to you. As can be seen from the scheme, legs 2 and 3, 4 and 5, 1 and 6 sold out between themselves, and some of them are not involved.

The second stage of the work is reduced to the soldering of the variable capacitor to the paved legs: "3 and 5" and "1 and 6". So the time came to extract the most important component of this elixir from the old grandfather receiver "Sunrise." Your target is a small square or round item, with which the radio channel frequency is set. Found? Take a drink and screaming it with all the guts, just do not forget to turn off the receiver from the outlet before it. Here the grandfather will be happy ...

This detail has two contacts whose polarity does not matter, - you can add to any side. From the inside it consists of a pair of thin plates, with which the desired frequency of the radio signal will be configured. Sleep it better on the wires with a length of 5-7 cm. And you can and directly.

Of the 10-15 such Glushakov did not work only one. Want to know why? Just instead of the 74ls04 chip, I accidentally put K555TM2, and she simply burned out! And it was necessary to put K555LN1, it is a Russian analog 74ls04. I think the Russian brother is noise even more abruptly with American (although it's how to see). But the main thing: K555LN1 costs 2 rubles, and 74ls04 - 20 rubles.

At the next stage, the operation will need a piece of wire long meter, which will play the role of the contact antenna. It must be added to the 6th Melkoshem's 6th.


Last time look at the scheme and on the resulting salad, ask yourself a question about the assembly. If you are sure you're all collected correctly, click Yes. If I made an error - click on the No button and start reread this manual. Although it can easily get out so that your mistake will make our joy even cooler. After all, the microcircuit works in non-standard modes.

Monster housing

The easiest way to make the body is to find a suitable box of the desired dimensions. A pack of cigarettes or a box from condoms is suitable. Only after that you can safely begin to the most delicious - setting our pest.

First test

The test must be carried out in the FM range. Dreaming any radio station and with a wild cry, start twist the handle of the trimmed capacitor (definitely). About n-e-e-t, nothing works and will not be: we forgot about the battery. Run to any kiosk and buy a 9-volt kroon type battery. Everything, now it should be puffy!

If you suddenly did not have extra money on a new battery, do not worry: any variable current source is suitable. The voltage of such a source should be no more than 6-12 volts. But in any case, this way I do not advise. You yourself understand why. Well, where will you go with the extension and with the power supply?

True, in power sources, too, there are small juicy charms. Especially if the source is homemade and works bad - it will create another source of noise. Now we have two noise, and everything will be pinching. And from the source you can achieve Baalsh power.


All setting comes down to find the frequency of the radio station on its hacker devices. Scroll through a condenser slider there a couple of times, you will find that at some point the sound in the receiver disappears. After that, twist him slower. Yes, not so, so only the firefighters are cool - it is more gentle. Imagine that this is your favorite ... handle from bedside table. Hey, see Do not be keen to not miss a cherished millimeter. And finally, all receivers within a dozen meter radius are shifted, how your mouse is silent.

The same thing happens when the TV is working. True, the effect is a little worse. This is due to the fact that the TVs have become smarter. And I have a cable TV at home: I had to wind the entire antenna on a television cable, so that at least a little to deduce this miracle of technology. But still see the 38235 series "Manta Barbara" a friend failed. So think myself, where you will use Glushak. If still decided to join the radio - it is not necessary to change anything. But if your goal is TV, I would advise you to increase the length of the antenna about twice ...


Do not perceive this scheme as a standard. Just one of the options ... In fact, it is enough to solder a couple of legs of the chip loop from a wire long with a finger. Already this simple design will be noise. And if you put a few such penets, for example, between the 1st and 2nd, between the 3rd and 4th, between the 5th and 6th ... will also be very cool to noise =). So it is not worth a monkey very much more interesting to experiment. Put another battery, another condenser, change the length of the wiring between the legs, the length of the antenna. We write about your experiments to us, we will publish.

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