What sculptures Belarusian does from scrap metal!


What sculptures Belarusian does from scrap metal!
Works by Vladimir Canonika

Master for many years trying to make Belarus more beautiful, turning unnecessary bolts into artwork. It's first, you have already met work Vladimir Kanonika But for now you do not know about it. They stand on the streets of large and small cities, at refueling and even in the Wargaming office. Master for many years trying to make Belarus more beautiful, turning unnecessary bolts into artwork.

About the artist and a terrible house of the target

We are on the outskirts of Fanipol, in the middle of the industrial zone. Couples are from the mouth, welding cracks in the workshop, sparks fly from under the grinder. Blacksmith Vaska inciterates the mountain and launches mechanical hammer.

What sculptures Belarusian does from scrap metal!

There are five people here five. Vladimir Petrovich says that it could be more, but it is not easy to find intelligent Kuznets: they drinking people.

On the territory of several impressive workshops built by the artist. To knock out this block of land was not easy, I had to fight for several years. The plot is decorated with tons of metal: a buckets with bolts, shiny sheets and rusty pieces, huge letters and tank remnants. Once everything is useful.

What sculptures Belarusian does from scrap metal!

Vladimir Petrovich leads through the territory and shows pieces of work, which will soon be united into something large, and then move to permanent residence in the predetermined location. There are, for example, "Queen of the benzokolontka" was conceived ...

What sculptures Belarusian does from scrap metal!

... grown bison ...

What sculptures Belarusian does from scrap metal!

... And other railways are created, which will not be easy to count.

Today, most of the work of Vladimir Petrovich is done for refueling.

"Belorusneft" is the main borders of the artist, who once was lucky to convince the management of the enterprise in the fact that it was time to work on the image. We ask what he was doing today. It shows complex, curly grilles.

- It is for the crossed church. We have a lot of work: we create a worship cross stainless steel, huge - about 5.5 meters high. Metal cross himself, and inside the stone, for which I traveled to Vladimir. We have no such. Already mounted, so you can soon see.

- Not boring to you with the church to work? There are limitations, canons.

- I have the name of Canonik, so it's not boring. Of course, all the creativity is limited there with clear frames, but I try to feel inside these frames as free as possible.

We literally ended on Friday to the most interesting job in Raubichi: for the first time in the history of Belarus, they made a dome from lead, and crosses from stainless steel. I don't really like the gold domes, and our priests love it.

What sculptures Belarusian does from scrap metal!

Maybe if I worked only with the church, I would be boring, but I have a discard - sculpture. Although the stylish composition before the disgrace is one step, you need to remember.

- House with turtles in a fantastic or estate in the fantasy style near Novogrudkom is what basket?

- Cool work, but brainless. I think it's just Paphos.

In general, I am good to alternative art and I love extraordinary work. Recently helped the artist Viktor Olshevsky Making the Babylonian tower. Very complicated and strong work turned out. And we, for example, worked on the interior of the 12th floor of the main office of Wargaming.

They first offered to make a poster. We came up with something strange from plywood drunk and lost the nose to all competitors. They agreed, agreed, began to cooperate and eventually did a lot of things. Even cast steel souvenirs for players came up with. We went to Boris for this, took a tank rollers, cast out the blanks and engraved.

Vladimir Petrovich shows photos of his sculptures, rejoices that against the background of his work is photographed Steven Seagal and Dolph Lundgren . We ask why the Minsk streets so rarely appear something as worthy. The artist sighs meaningfully and moves to a difficult conversation about working with the state.

About taste and beamless

The center of any more or less decent Belarusian city is necessarily pressed against the Earth with dozens of small architectural forms created to the indicative and responsible district holidays. If it is pretty kneel in the country, you can collect a good collection of gnomes, bunnies and squirrels, which for some reason were born. However, it is possible to find such beauties in Minsk. Vladimir Petrovich says he is hard and insulting for him for the appearance of this army.

What sculptures Belarusian does from scrap metal!

- These incomprehensible proteins are born due to lack of money or from the absence of taste?

- Rather, due to the lack of every desire to make beautifully. And generally do. I somehow tried to work with "Zelenstroy". There was some holiday, and they decided to order such square flowers from me almost all Minsk. Then I realized how much they had an urgent understanding.

In addition, the budget is very scant, and to do something more or less decent, you need money. And in principle, we do not pay attention to the landscape, small architectural forms. Probably, we need more agricultural workers than artists.

I try to convince people all my life that they need something besides swans from tires, and then in Mogilev, a triumphal arch appears. This is a monument to beamless.

Although I do not like to complain. I somehow wrote on me, too, I wrote a complaint: some man did not like that my bison was too big "device." What to do?

About preferential workshops

About a week ago, checking the workshops of Belarusian artists, after which they were announced a possible increase in premises for rent. What is this related and whether changes will be taken, we still do not know. Last week, we applied for comments to the Ministry of Culture and the State Control Committee, but the answer was still not received. Vladimir Petrovich says that without this minimum state support, many people will not be easy.

What sculptures Belarusian does from scrap metal!

"I once organized an exhibition of Belarusian artists in Holland and communicated with local masters." So, if their artist sells work for € 1000, he gives the state as much as much. They support art, because people more reverently belong to creativity. We have all this, all this is not so interesting.

- Today, artists survive just as hard as before?

- Some yes. But not everyone. There are masters who are sold very well - both here and in Europe. Of course, if you go along the coex of socialism, then nothing will come out, but interesting techniques are yes.

But the closure of workshops is disgrace anyway. I think this action is connected exclusively with a lack of money: still these people work in the very center of the city, and there are not cheap meters.

Vladimir Petrovich says that today many artists go to IT and are engaged, among other things, 3D modeling. Sometimes it becomes the only way to earn.

About thousands of euro and poverty

Recently, a businessman from Dortmund contacted Kanonik. His company sells American cars in Germany. The foreigner offered our artist a large and complex project, which seemed to the Creator at least curious.

What sculptures Belarusian does from scrap metal!

"This man somewhere saw a robot, which I did from the old" Zhiguli ", bought for a hundred bucks. He wanted something similar, but only on other scales. Since he is engaged in selling hefty cars, he wants to put a metal bullfin of the height of meters under twenty. In the spring, agreed to meet and discuss all the details. If we agree, we will go to it by the whole team, "our interlocutor says. - I lower the price tag very low. Any my sculpture in Europe would sell tenfold.

- Why then do not sell? Or there is enough of his craftsmen?

- To do this, you need to study more and marketing, to look for a producer, manager. I was somehow in Leipzig. He went into the workshop, there artists work. They heard Russian speakers. Our guys were - their Batki once served there. We met, I started showing the photos of my works, and when it came to Pegasus, they just grabbed the heads: they say, in Europe this work could buy thousands for 150 euros. And I sold in Belarus only thousands for 15.

- If you kissed something more useful in everyday life, for example, wickets would earn more?

- I think yes. But it is completely uninteresting.

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