5 useful tricks with mounting foam, which will make it easier to facilitate the labor process


5 useful tricks with mounting foam, which will make it easier to facilitate the labor process

Mounting foam in the aerosol cylinder appeared more than 50 years ago. Today it is one of the most important, integral from the labor process of materials. Despite the seeming simplicity, with a cylinder of the mounting foam you can do different interesting things that will first help make life easier.

1. Filling in hard-to-reach places

Make this design. / Photo: ya.ru.

Make this design.

Surely everyone who worked with the mounting foam at least once faced with the need to carry out isolation filling in some hard to reach place. For example, under the roof or ceiling. In fact, it is possible to solve the question very simple. It is enough with the help of a tape or the isol to fix the cartridge tube on the stick of the appropriate size. It will help come up in any place.

2. No spare tube

A shrink tube is suitable. / Photo: ya.ru.

A shrink tube is suitable.

If the original tube from the cylinder with the mounting foam was lost, then you do not need to get upset immediately. You can wear a balloon and use any other, the main thing is that its diameter makes 6-8 mm. The ideal option will be a shrink tube or a pipe from the hydraulic system. On top of it, the washer or a small bearing is dressed. Here the foam is ready to work again!

3. Size is not that

Keep the spout. Photo: Stroigid-kaluga.ru.

Keep the spout.

The base tube of the cylinder with the mounting foam is quite large. This means that some narrow slots and cracks will be difficult to close with it. It comes to the rescue, the same thermoshusadone tube comes from which a small cap is made on the tip of the standard tool.

4. Savings in space

You can insert a piece of foam. / Photo: Strangely.ru.

You can insert a piece of foam.

If you need to fill in the mounting foam some large space, that is, it makes sense to use additional materials. To do this, first makes the first mounting layer using foam. After that, the foam is placed in the insulation site. When it is, the remaining free space is filled with foam.

5. Foam Dolo

An indispensable thing in the farm. / Photo: DRIVE2.RU.

An indispensable thing in the farm.

Sometimes a foam can not get there at all where necessary. In this case, it is necessary to carry out the cleaning procedure. It will help in this difficult case of a large-scale means "Dimeksid". It is sold in almost every pharmacy. The drug can easily and quickly remove any remains of dried foam. There is much better than acetone.

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