10 Lifehakov, popular on the Internet, which do not really work


10 Lifehakov, popular on the Internet, which do not really work

In an effort to facilitate your life, we are looking for various Lifehaki in the Internet, designed to become a simple solution for household problems. However, not all of them justify the hopes assigned to them.

Lifehak 1: storage of batteries in the refrigerator

Low temperature reduces battery life. / Photo: nadoremont.com

Low temperature reduces battery life.

If there are children in the family, then the batteries have to buy quite often, because most of the toys suggest their presence. Significantly reduce the spending of parents could Lifehak, who did not appear on the Internet. However, despite the conviction of his authors, he does not work.

The essence of Lifehak was as follows: if you store batteries in a cold place, in particular in the refrigerator, then the service life increases several times. However, many people who took advantage of this advice argue the opposite: according to them, low temperatures contribute only to the fact that the battery sits even faster. In addition, the body of the battery rust and deforms under the influence of condensate.

Lifehak 2: Cook "Golden" eggs

You can not cook completely yellow eggs. / Photo: WestSharm.ru

You can not cook completely yellow eggs.

This lifhack hostess is often experienced on the eve of Easter, in the hope of getting a beautiful gold color egg. The instruction found on the Internet says: if you shake about 120 seconds, and then throw in the water and wait laid 7-10 minutes, then it becomes "golden". However, in practice, everything turns out much prosaous: the yolk is very spread, but still No problem is separated from the protein, that is, lifehak does not work.

Lifehak 3: open a bottle with a nail and hammer

Capture a tube with a nail and a hammer is impossible due to material looseness. / Photo: / adionetplus.ru

Capture a tube with a nail and a hammer is impossible due to material looseness.

Probably, many have seen a video in the Internet, in which a man opens a bottle of wine without a corkscrew, using a hammer and a nail. The essence is simple: the nail you need to score into a plug, then pull it out of the generation of the hammer (one more option - pliers). It would seem that nothing complicated. But when you start directly to perform this "mission", then encounter a significant problem: the plug is made of porous material, so the nail is very quickly included in it, but also quickly and leaves, and without traffic jams. Therefore, open a bottle of wine with this lifehak is very difficult.

Lifehak 4: Toothpaste from acne

Toothpaste strongly dries face skin. / Photo: zhenskij.mirtesen.ru

Toothpaste strongly dries face skin.

Probably, only lazy did not read Lifehak that the toothpaste effectively struggles with acne. All you need is to apply a little paste to the inflamed skin area and leave for a few hours or at night. In theory, everything is fine, but in practice it does not always work exactly as they advise the Internet users. The thing is that a component of most toothpastes is menthol. He really sues the skin, but at the same time causes irritation.

Note: If you have sensitive or dry skin, then this method of fighting acne will only worsen the situation and will lead to the fact that the face will peel. In addition, micro-coolers may appear.

Lifehak: 5: cut cherry tomatoes with two plates

To implement this life, it is necessary to comply with many conditions. / Photo: wafli.net

To implement this life, it is necessary to comply with many conditions.

If you like to prepare dishes with cherry tomatoes, then the next lifehak would significantly ease your life - if only worked. According to the "Creators", you can cut about ten tomatoes, simply by holding them between two plates, and by having spent the knife in vegetables. But in order for this method to work, a large number of conditions must be observed. For example, on the plates it is necessary to put it with the same force, the knife should be very sharp, peel vegetables - thin. At the same time, tomatoes need to pick up one size and ensure that they are equally lying. If at least one of these items will be completed, the vegetables will turn into porridge. Novate.ru believes that during this time you can cut a single dozen cherry in the usual way, so why suffer?

Lifehak 6: crust on pizza with microwave and water

Water during evaporation will make pizza very soft. / Photo: vodakanazer.ru

Water during evaporation will make pizza very soft.

The next "brilliant" lifehak is connected with all his favorite Italian dish. His author claims that if heat the pizza in the microwave with one glass of water, then as a result we get a crispy crust. But in fact, from the microwave oven, we get porridge from dough, meat and vegetables. However, such an effect should not be surprised, because the water heats up strongly, evaporates and creates a feeling of the bath in the microwave. What kind of crust can we talk about?

Lifehak 7: Cheese sandwich cooked in toaster

The toaster standing on the side is not the best idea, given its properties. Photo: Tocool2betrue.com

The toaster standing on the side is not the best idea, given its properties.

For those who are tired of cooking standard sandwiches with cheese in the microwave, "talented" chefs came up with a new recipe. More precisely, they offer not a microwave oven, but an ordinary toaster. To do this, you need to put it on the side, put in it two pieces of bread with cheese and fry in normal mode. Perhaps lifehak would have worked if the toaster did not "throw away" bread after cooking. At best, the grief-sandwich will fall on the floor, and at worst it will be in the hands of culinary, which will inevitably lead to burns.

Lifehak 8: Wooden Spoon

A wooden spoon will not stop the foam. / Photo: omvesti.ru

A wooden spoon will not stop the foam.

It makes it possible that if we put a wooden spoon or a shovel across the pan, then its contents will not definitely "run away" when boiling. Lifehak works, but there is one nuance: it acts only if the liquid just starts to throw. But when the drilling "is gaining momentum", the kitchen accessories will definitely not help. Therefore, it is best to stay during cooking in the kitchen, in order to later do not have to wash off the plate and a saucepan.

Lifehak 9: toilet cleaning cola

Cola does not have antibacterial properties. / Photo: BigcleAning.ru

Cola does not have antibacterial properties.

If you enter in the search bar "Cleaning Plumbers with Underworked Means", then Google will give thousands of results. Perhaps some of them are indeed effective, but not only with a cool. Perhaps initially you will rejoice in the result, since the carbonated drink can really eliminate the flare and rust. However, there is one "but": Coca-Cola covers the toilet with a thin film, which literally "attracts" contaminants. In addition, there is not a single antibacterial component in the composition, therefore, it is unlikely that cleaning will become effective.

Lifehak 10: Salt to secure color

Salt will not be able to fix the color on

Salt will not be able to fix the color on "ready

In the production of salt is indeed used as a sweat in the process of staining tissues. But the keyword here "in the process". After you bought a thing, fix the color is already late. Therefore, add salt at the first and subsequent washings does not make any sense. Of course, she will not harm the fabric, but also does not bring the desired result.

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