How to go to the store and do not dismantle in the current uneasy times?


How to go to the store and not ruin in the current difficult times? Not an easy question, right? I do not care about the people who are going on the car in the hypermarket once a month and buy everything you need ahead, and then you don't attend such institutions from the word at all. I need to buy fresh milk, meat, bread a couple of times a week, so I still go to the store often, in these visits I will buy and other products and household chemicals in small quantities. I do not know how you have, but I have a middle check in the store, an ordinary campaign, without global rapid to a big holiday, is always in the area of ​​one and a half thousand rubles. I will tell you about some small tricks that will help save 50-100 rubles with a regular shopping hike.

Be sure to take with you bags and bags from home. Let cashiers burn you with hated views, but the presence of its own package will save you from the need to pay extra 5-20 rubles in each goal at the store and from a heap of empty packages at home. Who needs it, a notorious package with packages. Second, be sure to have a discount card of that store.

Never take a packaged product in a vegetable department, often there are fruits and vegetables in packaging, lightly or not slightly pitched, choosing yourself, you guarantee yourself from such a trick, moreover, it happens that the cost is for the packaging, it may be a small fixed Mass, for example, 500 grams, with a set of products yourself on the same money you will get more product.

In stores like tape, Auchan and others have their own line of products of each type, in terms of cost lower than similar products of other brands, and in quality and taste are not inferior to similar goods.

See price tags with promotions and discounts and not be lazy to lean towards the lower shelves, where beautiful products usually lie below. The lower, the cheaper. In general, take the rule to start choosing from the lower shelves. It will save you a bunch of money.

About the presence of a list when hiking is written a lot. It works. Write a list. It is possible, of course, something except to buy a list, but think carefully, whether you need these snacks, can you afford it.

In Auchans when setting products, where there are a penny in the cost, when self-service, a penny is not considered to be a penny, if you are straight in a strong crisis, it will also become important for you too much.

Do not take a lot of products, better if you are happy to eat one apple, than these apples will start spinning, you took 10 kg with a margin, and you will start with disgusting them to absorb or ovens unplanned cakes and jams, and so with any product. Again, any excessive product reserves provoke overeating.

In principle, you can have at home to have a strategic reserve in case of a global cataclysm: matches, a couple of canned cans, several packs of dohirak, salt and sugar, crackers. But believe me if he comes, that global cataclysm, then the last thing you think is about food

How to go to the store and do not dismantle in the current uneasy times?

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