13 unusual ways to use ordinary things


Every day we buy a lot of things that we do not need. Only we do not realize it. Also, as I do not suspect the secret properties of those things that we already have. Look around and find the use of everything around you.

13 unusual ways to use ordinary things

1. Want to eliminate the unpleasant smell in the bag, refrigerator, box, can of any product? Put the unused tea bag there.

2. Hydrogen peroxide not only heals the wounds, but also displays stains on clothes.

3. Do not hurry to buy special rags in order to wipe your favorite gadgets!

Children's wet wipes are perfectly coping with this task.

4. Do you want to get rid of ants? Matter more cinnamon in "dangerous places".

5. Metal objects are perfectly cleaned with toothpaste.

6. Whether the cutlery with the back side of the banana peel. Immediately notice how they grumble.

7. Honey can replace the antibacterial agent.

8. Grinding Tablet Aspirin, Wash water and mold the place of crew bite. All will pass!

9. Soda is ideal for cleaning teeth, and especially for their whitening.

10. Hand cream will give the brilliance of your shoes.

11. Charcoal will help refresh the air indoors.

12. Windows can be washed with paper coffee filters. It will not be any divorces.

13. Do you want to sharpen scissors? Speak in half a piece of foil and cut it.

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