Why store disposable shower hats in the kitchen


What useful was the usual shower cap ! Recently, my girlfriend, operating a hairdresser, dragged a pair of packages of simple polyethylene hats. You can make masks to do with castor oil, and in principle a useful thing, she assured she ... deciding to find out what can be done with an unexpected gift, I discovered something new.

For example, famous culinary art masters use hats for a shower instead of a confectionery syringe! It is only necessary to fill the cap with cream, tie a rubber band, cut off the corner, and can be taken for business. Surprisingly, some of us are inventive, dear readers ...

I hope you will get involved in these strange, but still useful ways to use transparent disposable hats!

Why store disposable shower hats in the kitchen

Disposable hats

Non-standard methods of application

    1. I love to use a tablet or phone instead of a book with culinary recipes! So as not to swap the screen splashes, you can protect it with a transparent cap.

      Why store disposable shower hats in the kitchen

    2. Having finished cleaning, it is better to remove the brush or broom in such an improvised case. Dust and dirt will not spread all over the house!

      Why store disposable shower hats in the kitchen

    3. What a stylish striped hat! Excellent solution if you have household appliances with open bowls. Nothing will be dust if you use polyethylene protection!

      Why store disposable shower hats in the kitchen

    4. Capacity for food! Why not? Conveniently…

      Why store disposable shower hats in the kitchen

    5. So need Packaging shoes in a suitcase!

      Why store disposable shower hats in the kitchen

    6. Abundantly smeather a mixer or shower nozzle with vinegar and wrapped them with a hat, fix it. You will be surprised by which glittering they become in a couple of hours!

      Why store disposable shower hats in the kitchen

    7. As few microbials in various consoles due to Universal Czech - Cap with a rubber band!

      Why store disposable shower hats in the kitchen

    8. What is the original and stylish Idea for decor ! Everything you need is plastic hats of different colors and a droplet of imagination.

      Why store disposable shower hats in the kitchen

    9. Homemade hair masks do very easy! In addition, if there is no strength to wash your head before bedtime, and the hair is not too clean, you can wear a hat and protect the pillow from pollution.

      Why store disposable shower hats in the kitchen

    10. At the picnic often come guests who did not call: ants and other livelihood. Cap for the shower conveniently apply how to protect against their invasion!

      Why store disposable shower hats in the kitchen

    11. During the rain with a plastic hat, you can cover the bike seat!

      Why store disposable shower hats in the kitchen

    12. Nading a hat on the bottom of the flower pot, you will be sure that the moisture will remain in the ground and nothing superfluous. Of course, after a while you need to remove it so that the plant is comfortable.

      Why store disposable shower hats in the kitchen

    13. Waterproof case For shooting in bad weather you can do yourself! Screshing at the camera behind a plastic transparent hat and collect her neck around the lens, tightly pressed to the lens with a rubber band. The remaining portion of polyethylene bent back and a priest of another dense rubber band. Waterproof case ready!

      Why store disposable shower hats in the kitchen

    14. Polyethylene hat Replace the food film if you need to cover the plate with food residues and put in the refrigerator.

      Why store disposable shower hats in the kitchen

    15. Beautiful replacement of covers for different containers! Nothing dust in.

      Why store disposable shower hats in the kitchen

In a hat for a soul, melted washed young potatoes, mound a large table salt, mix thoroughly. As a result, the peel from potatoes is believed without much effort! Also through a polyethylene hat, you can beat meat: it will not be damaged, everything will be perfect ...

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