Do not be deceived: the difference of leatherette from genuine leather


Do not be deceived: the difference of leatherette from genuine leather

Many people try to avoid leather products for only due to the fact that they are afraid not to distinguish a substitute from natural material. In fact, there is nothing complex in this. It is very useful to have knowledge and skills on this subject, because nowadays it is far from always it turns out to be believing the labels that shoe on shoes, clothes and even furniture.

What you need to know about natural skin

Here is genuine leather. | Photo:

Here is genuine leather.

The quality of the leather product can be very different depending on the raw materials used by the manufacturer. Most often use cattle, horses, ostriches, crocodiles and some other animals. In addition, the quality of the skin is very strongly affected by substances that were used in the process of its selection. Today, synthetic or combined compositions are most often used. Finally, the remission method is affected on the quality of the skin, such as a raw material or tossing. As a result, after the selection, the skin acquires a lot of qualities inherent in it: elasticity, hydrostility, high strength, low thermal conductivity.

What you need to know about synthetic skin

But synthetics. | Photo:

But synthetics.

Previously, the dermatin could be easily distinguished by the characteristic smell, but now the manufacturers have learned to do an incredibly high-quality substitute, which is strongly like a natural product. It is necessary to know about synthetic material, so this is what it is no less durable, does not cause allergic reactions, And for a number of parameters, they even exceed natural materials (with due to the quality of production). All this was achieved thanks to the addition of natural elements to the substitute. The leatherette fluctuates well and is not deformed in the cold.

How to distinguish genuine skin from leatherette

It is worth being attentive. | Photo:

It is worth being attentive.

By itself, no one will make it possible to check the naturalness of the skin "folk methods", for example, with a lighter. Nevertheless, there are a number of parameters to which increased attention should be paid to try to effectively recognize the material.

So, the artificial leather is easily stretched, reminding the synthetic tissue. It is soft and elastic. The leatherette is usually much thinner than genuine leather. It will be clearly seen in places with an unprotected cut. If there is a magnifying glass at hand, you can try to consider the skin for the presence of pores. If there are small dots, then this is a natural product.

The main thing is not to rush when choosing. | Poto:

The main thing is not to rush when choosing.

Be sure to pay attention to the color. When rubbing a natural material, it will not change the color. Another important point is heat exchange. Genuine leather quickly heats up even from human hand. Artificial leather is almost never heated.

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