How not to spoil your image: 7 invisible details that make an image more expensive


You can look at a million, even if you have not yet acquired. / Photo:

You can look at a million, even if you have not yet acquired.

Positioning in our time decides if not all, then much. Remember the folk wisdom about the fact that a person "meet on clothes"? So, surrounding really make up the first impression of us according to how and what we are dressed. The ability to properly sue helps well with the device to work and establish personal contacts. But it looks expensive and representative - does not mean dressed only in Chanel and Prada. The editors of will tell how to look a million dollars, without having lowered all the salary in boutiques.

1. Proper fabric - half of the case

Linen things are an example of how inexpensive clothes can look expensive. / Photo:

Linen things are an example of how inexpensive clothes can look expensive.

The line between the designer clothes and the mass market products is becoming less obvious. Mass Market brands often copy the podium things created by leading high fashion designers. With the only difference that they adapt them under, so let's say, normal life. Mass Market Champions Like Zara, Topshop, H & M can generally ask the Trends of the entire industry as a whole. The only problem with such clothing is in the overwhelming majority it is sewn from cheap fabrics, which gives its origin. Rarely rarely in the mass market you can find things from cashmere, silk, genuine leather, Angora and more from polyester, viscose and acrylic. Mainly it is done to reduce the cost of production and reduce the price of the goods.

To give the image of luxury and exclusivity, be picky in the choice of fabrics. If you dig, among them you can find such that look expensive, and stand a little. This is primarily cotton, flax, artificial suede, eco-tree.

2. Exquisite monochrome

See how elegantly and expensive this white Total Look looks. / Photo:

See how elegantly and expensive this white Total Look looks.

Legendary Sophie Lauren said in one of the interviews: "Simplicity - the essence of elegance." Something strange, but sometimes for greatness it is not necessary to invent anything and complicate. To look expensive, make a bet on elegance. And the best way for this is a monochrome Total Look. Choose some one color to create a complete, absolute, solid ensemble. Take an example with designers who collect Total Look by mixing various textures, prints and halftone. Then it turns out interesting, multifaceted, sophisticated and, most importantly, elegant image.

3. White shirt

White shirt is always a good idea. / Photo:

White shirt is always a good idea.

Makes any image of truly elegant (see previous item) and representative. A white shirt is not just the basis of the basic wardrobe, but also a good investment for the future. You can collect interesting kits even from those things that have long been dusting in your closet. You will be surprised by how luxurious torn jeans may seem if you wear them with a white shirt and shoes. A simple shirt never comes out of fashion and relevant at any time of the year. Strict male clock and soft lines like nothing else emphasize female sexuality, but do it very thin and delicately. In a word - suite.

4. Pure clear colors

Inexpressive shades give clothes accepted and cheap. / Photo:

Inexpressive shades give clothes accepted and cheap.

Nothing gives cheap clothes as dull, faded, inexpressive colors. Pale yellow, ocher, dust pink, olive - undoubtedly beautiful shades. But in combination with synthetic tissues, they look old and inexpressive. However, no less dangerous and other extremes are acid neon and metal shades that are great "cheap" image. Choose classic, clean and clear colors - sky blue, black, white, cobalt, graphite, red, burgundy, emerald, ivory.

5. Tell me "No" for fakes

How not to spoil your image: 7 invisible details that make an image more expensive 3464_6

Agree, the bag "Louis Witton" in public transport looks strange and ridiculous. Any fake shacks the look.

The handbag is an indispensable accessory in any image. Wherever you gather - to work, study, secular Raut, you can not do without your manual "universe." Stylish bag, especially from the famous brand, attracts attention and emphasizes the status of its owner. There is a big temptation to buy a high-quality fake, if you can't afford the original. However, by this you will achieve the opposite result: even the most skillful replica will give himself a head. On a simple girl, she looks sorry and provincial. It is better to buy inexpensive original products, even without a ring name. Take a look at the collection of novice designers or look into the nearest second-hand. Sometimes you can find a real treasure that will raise you to the top of the style.

6. Perfect landing

Clothing that is poorly sits on a figure, can't look expensive. / Photo:

Clothing that is poorly sits on a figure, can't look expensive.

What opinion can be made about a girl who wears clothes not in size? Most likely, she buys things to sell and in principle, casually refers to their appearance. Remember: You will never look expensive and presentable included, which is bad for you. Therefore, so as not to sign "cheap", always customize clothes on the figure. In any atelier, you will be able to sew or adjust the clothes purchased in the mass market for a couple of days. This habit also should also make themselves to all those who like to buy in vintage shops and sacks. Believe me, you will significantly enrich your wardrobe if "back" with a local studio.

7. The trick with buttons

Easy replacement of buttons immediately improves class things. Photo: SGFM.ELCORTEINGLES.ES

Easy replacement of buttons immediately improves class things.

Do you know that in addition to poor-quality fabrics distinguishes clothing from the mass market? Cheap plastic buttons. Fortunately, it is easy to fix. Having spent quite a bit of time and money, you can replace the inephous buttons on wooden, horny, bone, glass or metal. See what best suits fabric. You will be surprised how the thing is very transformed, and with it and your appearance, after that.

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