Woman with a sponge managed to create an unusual effect on the wallpaper


Briton named Stesha Krchloau After moving to a new home, I decided to equip the room for my little son first. In the online store she fell wallpaper with an interesting pattern. True, their cost was dear. Then the steps began to look for something similar, but cheaper.


After a couple of days, the Briton in Facebook came across the post. It described how cheap and high quality paint walls without the use of a large number of different materials. Cricklow decided to try to make something similar. In the helpers, she took her sister.

For a children's steps, he chose a brown paint color. This in her opinion gives the room the feeling of the forest. Relative, armed with just a sponge for washing dishes, proceeded to create patterns.

Only two hours of work - and everything was ready. Cricklow spent at a minimum of funds on what was sold for big money. According to British, they and sister did them, as if on the wall there is an expensive print.


Woman published photos of repairs in social networks. Stekha received many positive comments. She was advised to decorate the room also add potted plants and use more green when choosing an interior. This will create the desired contrast and make it more cozy.

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